Lots of future millionaires here don't know what its like to be rich. Want me to tell you? Its sucks. Everyone starts using you. All the friendships you get are fake as fuck. They will all leave you when its convenient. Your own family starts to hate you. Partially you get douchbag confidence. My gf left me cause of it. You can buy whatever you want but you dont want anything anymore. You just sit there festering wanting more more more. You rot. There is no bigger curse than it . That said, I hope you experience it so you learn with your own eyes how shitty it is on every level to get rich.
Lots of future millionaires here don't know what its like to be rich. Want me to tell you? Its sucks...
Yeah, but why do you have a picture of that shitcoin there?
That's more a problem with you. Stop projecting your own failures onto others. A lot of people are bad with money and can't handle having power or wealth because it amplifies all the existing flaws by allowing more freedom.
You are the problem not the money.
Proof you're rich OP and not just role-playing and shilling LINK? Though I hold some LINK myself
You guys are really shilling this coin today
>Everyone starts using you
That's because you dont have the self discipline to control your ego, so you let everyone know how rich you are because that's all you measured your self worth by. You were never going to make it anyway.
the magic box erc20 pajeet shill token.
I just want to be rich so my ex-girlfriends will lose sleep over what they could have had
>give it all to charity/family members
Problem solved?
Tonight we dine in heaven
>Stop being autistic
>Don't tell anybody but your closest family that you are rich
>While you're at it, don't be an asshole and buy your parents a house and pay for their debts (depending on how rich you are)
>Don't buy useless expensive shit just to show you are rich, people hate when others are showing off
>Don't be autistic
Now that isn't so hard, is it?
Still sounds better than the rut I'm stuck in.
You could give away your money at any time, and then your problem of being rich is solved.
Give it all to random people on this autistic board.
>hold all your wealth and draw enough to live on only
>live frugally and enjoy the time you spend not wageslaving to explore new hobbies, music, art, whatever
>everyone around you perceives you to be poor even though you are spiritually rich
>if anyone asks how you get by without working, just tell them you do some freelancing from time to time and it's enough to get by
Nobody will think of you as a target and all the friends you make will be genuine. No, you can't buy a lambo. Lambos are incompatible with friendship.
My aunt lives in a $2M house in CA a short drive from the ocean and she seems pretty happy and no one resents her for it. The only way it makes me feel is extra critical of myself and I feel pressured to somehow make everyone think I made it in my own modest way and am not a complete and total failure.
>stop being autistic
why not give some advice Veeky Forums can actually follow next time?
only if you're not strong enough to not let it change you. for example, telling people in your life about it or buying luxury goods inexplicably. if anything, you dont tell these people at all and only the close ones to some extent but always underselling it. having the money but them having the same perception of you as always would allow yourself to go above and beyond relative to their expectations. you should always underplay people's expectations in regard to your financial success when you are strong financially (and you see a pattern of people who are not strong financially needing to flaunt an exaggerated sense of wealth). those type of people NEED OTHERS in real life as marks in some regard. if you have wealth and do not need that... underplay it as much as possible or what you say is probably true it makes a lot of sense.
true this is the most important part. dont tell anyone. not a soul. be vague as possible if they ask.
Lol make me rich if it's so bad
Sounds like a personal problem.
What you do is mostly keep your normal lifestyle, just with nicer food, more time on hobbies, maybe a nice car you only drive alone or to special events or track days. Don't let your family know you're rich if you can help it. The only person who should know you're rich without seriously digging for it would be a girlfriend, and they should only find out after the relationship has actually become stable (which means keeping an average affordable car outside, not advertising your richness with too many nice things in your home, and hiding the lambo in your garage)
Is it like the dragon sickness from the hobbit?
>be poor
>no friends, no gf
>parents think less of me than all my other siblings and have told me so to my face
Either your fuding getting rich which is most asinine thing to do on a business board or you have never actually not been well off. Being poor and lonely is hell.
Better fake friends than no friends
The future millionaires will be made from buying ZCG at this current moment
I don't plan on letting anyone know I made it.
I'll get a new car but it's gonna be a completely average ~20k car.
I'll probably still live with my parents, I'll still be cheap as hell, and my friends will still think I'm a stingy loser.
But I'll have made it and no one will be the wiser, until they start questioning how I'm affording all my vacations.
Life is shit at this point, nothing to lose, can't wait to swim in money to fill all the holes
>All the friendships you get are fake as fuck.
Implying I want that, I'm retiring me and my parents, getting a girl and moving the fuck away from civilization
what's the point then?
>living with your parents
Pic unrelated
>Letting people know you have money
How else are you supposed to rub it in their faces?
haha jokes on you i have neither friends nor good family relations
You rich depressed people would help some young poor cryptofans ? I want to be depressed too if I can be richer. BTC pleaaase :)
Thanks anons
I love this thread
That's why low IQ people like you shouldn't get rich.
I don't have any friends and my family hates me, anyway. Being rich will be an improvement.
Nice just bought 10k more link
i am poor in a third world country hell hole, you call that problems? i have all those same problems plus hunger
I have $10 million lawl right now I'm
50 % ethereum
25 % link
10 % golem
10 % bat
5 % shitcoins
fuck off you subhuman
go dance around a fire or whatever you savages like to do
Literally any proof.
> Being this weak willed.
Just because you MAKE a ton of money, doesn't mean you SPEND a ton of money on petty materialistic things. Lambos are a meme you dummkopf. You really think you're going to buy shots of Remy XIII for the whole club and expect fake people not to flock to you in expectation of another round?
You buy the glass of Remy XIII for yourself, and enjoy it for the quality, by yourself, NOT to be a face. You maintain discipline in life and use your money to augment your virtues and passions, not to replace them, retard.
You fell into the pop-culture trap that money was an ends unto itself, instead of understanding money is always, ALWAYS a means to an end, and that end should be a reflection of your values, your passions and your inner light.
Being this gay in 2017.
It's the " I only want to get rich so all the people would feel bad for not loving me" all over again..
If someone has it post the OC
Lol unironically this. I don't understand people who want to hide their wealth. If I were a multimillionaire, I'd probably spend at least the first year rubbing it in people's faces. I'd have the best time of my life dangling that carrot just out of tinder sluts' reach (play your cards right baby, and all of this could be yours one day...)
>Everyone starts using you.
People can only use you if you allow yourself to be used. Stop being a fucking weak faggot, or donate that money to charity already. You don't deserve to be rich.
You should probably go see a psychiatrist.
hope to see you when link is 50 bucks user.
>t. poorfag
anyone wants to help out a poorfag? :) 1LhBDB4AxaMnxUR17YUzF4yYh8Pns68YB thx!
there is a little bit of that, but once you see their reaction, they just hate you and hate themselves. no one is genuinely happy for you.
it literally keeps dropping and going nowhere
Pls send me all your money, I'm a virgin and need a gf.
I have some nice advices for you.
Never, under any circumstances, tell anybody that you are rich. Say no to beggars. And start thinking positive.
>you told your friends a year ago about crypto and how your gonna start fucking around with it
>year and some months go by and they patronizingly ask "user goes your crypto trading going?"
> tell them you gained some nice amount of money from the trades.
> they get jealous because they thought you were stupid
>now all your friends are super cool and want you to help them
>tell them the basics and to do their own research
>am azzhole