Why exactly christians and muslim hate each other? they are both abrahamic religions and worship the same God. Muslims even acknowledge Jesus as a second most important prophet. Why christians don't acknowledge muhammad as prophet? Why muslims want to kill every christian? Why don't they just merge?
Why exactly christians and muslim hate each other? they are both abrahamic religions and worship the same God...
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Jesus is a false prophet.
Muhammad is the REAL prophet.
Jesus said that many false prophets will come after him and claim they're the son of God.
No idea why muslims are so militant towards other religions but /pol/ told me Islam is a political doctrine and Muhammad was a child rapist and I'm inclined to believe them.
Muslims spent centuries invading the Christian world and they still want for Christianity to disappear and be replaced by Islam.
>Muslims even acknowledge Jesus as a second most important prophet
Muslims deny the divinity of Christ and ascribe falsehoods to him which is serious heresy.
>Why christians don't acknowledge muhammad as prophet?
Because Muhammad is not a prophet, but an antichrist. Why would we recognise him as a prophet?
t.falseflagging /pol/nigger
Abrahamics are all trash
I think it is mostly historic
We don’t like being blown up
They don’t like our degeneracy and liberalism
Every prophet says every other prophet is a false prophet.
There can be no peace with a religion that encourages violence.
Christianity at least preaches love and forgiveness even if christians have not obeyed it to the word. There is nothing good in the Quran spiritually.
>/pol/ told me
Go back
Muslim attitudes to Christians have ranged from accepting them as people of the book to condemning them as polytheists. Christians originally viewed Islam as a Christian heresy but in modern times many Christians accept Muslims as fellow monotheists. Whether they can accept each other really depends on their attitude to religious pluralism, which is somewhat less accepted in Islam than in modern Christianity.
>Jesus said that many false prophets will come after him and claim they're the son of God.
brainlet detected
Jesus said that there will be people who come after him that will change what he taught, he was referring to Paul.
>Why do Christians and Muslims hate each other?
There are many reasons throughout history, but barring secular excuses, the two religions view one another as blasphemies in different senses. Christianity sees Islam as a plagarism with added innovation, and Islam sees Christianity as what was a true religion, again, ruined by innovation.
>They both worship the same God
Easier to say comparing Muslims and Jews, but with Christians, it's more complex. The common Christian believes in a trinitarian God, that is to say, a God made up of three components; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thus, it could be said that the Christians worship a somewhat different God than their predecessor and successor.
>Why don't Christians acknowledge Muhammed as a prophet?
Because Islam preaches that Jesus was not the Son but merely a man, so to believe in Muhammed's word is to deny Jesus' divinity, thus contradicting Christianity itself. Therefore, a person who believes Muhammed cannot be a Christian.
>Why do Muslims want to kill Christians?
They don't. Well, if they do, it's for a more secular reason, as it would be in Islam's best interests to convert Christians or keep them under Islamic rule.
>Why don't they just merge?
The two religions have fundamental differences that make it impossible for them to merge, nor is it in their best interests to do so.
>5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
You're free to interpret it however you want I guess.
Muslim and I consider Christians my brothers
speak for yourself
theres nothing worse than someone who does the same thing but differently. It triggers reeeee universally.
>Why exactly christians and muslim hate each other?
Because they are both abrahamic religions who proclaim to be the one truth. Christianity's worst enemy has always been other christian sects and islam isn't that far off.
In fact Julian the Apostate's primary plan for weakening christianity within the roman realm was to allow heretic sects.
>Why christians don't acknowledge muhammad as prophet?
Because what he preached went against christianity. Read your fucking bible.
>Why muslims want to kill every christian?
They don't. Read your fucking Quran.
>Why don't they just merge?
Because they are mutually exclusive.
>worship the same God.
Christians believe in a God who is also the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Shit-eating heretical Muslims don't believe this.
Jesus believed in god. Muslims believe in god.
Christians believe in jesus as god, even though jesus said there's nothing greater than the father (god).
FURTHERMORE, As explained by John of Damascus, a Christian Arab who lived during the Muslim conquest of Syria, Muhammad is a fucking liar.
When God gave the ten commandments to Moses, the Israelites witnessed this occur on top of the mountain. NO ONE WITNESSED MUHAMMAD RECEIVING HIS "MESSAGE." In addition, the Old Testament, the scriptures, which foretold the coming of Jesus Christ, made no mention of Muhammad's coming.
In conclusion,
1. There was none to witness God's supposed revelation to Muhammad.
2. Muhammad's coming was not prophecized in the Scriptures.
Therefore, he made it all up to serve his pedophile desires.
To read more about why Islam is bullshit look up the "Heresies" section of John of Damascus' "Fount of Knowledge."
Muslims follow the cult of a child rapist and are going to Hell.
Christians believe in a different God than Muslims. The Christian God is many things but also one, this is called the Holy Trinity.
The Muslim Allah is one being.
These are different entities.
These are not the same God.
Muslims and Christians DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE SAME GOD.
Jesus believed in the same god as muslims.
>and worship the same God.
No. Just no.
Islam says Jesus is a prophet.
Now what.
Except for actual prophets.
We're not.
Jesus is God. Muslims believe the devil is god.
Add that Mohammad knew it was the devil in the cave and almost committed suicide over it.
>Jesus is God.
if you knew anything about early christianity and what jesus preached and what we know of what jesus preached you would disagree too
Jesus knew the devil existed, sure. The God of the Jews is not the god of the Arabs, never has been, never will be.
The Arabs have always, and will always, worship Ba'al.
Jesus preached the Law of Moses. Christianity did not come into being until Jesus, the Son of God, died on the cross and rose again from the dead.
Islam says that Jesus is not the Son of God, not divine, did not die on the cross, and did not rise from the dead.
The two are completely and mutually exclusive.
>Islam says that Jesus is not the Son of God, not divine, did not die on the cross, and did not rise from the dead.
This would be 600 years after the fact, and on the word from an angel.
Daily reminder the devil is an angel, and can appear as an angel of light.
wrong. allah is the moon god so arabs worship hubal.
Muslims worship Yahweh, the wargod of the Israelites.
Christcucks worship some deluded kike who lived with his mom and who thought he was actually a god but ended up getting nailed to a stick instead.
Their theology is very similar as Abrahamic religions but their ethics are not.
Islam is an alpha masculine warrior creed that emphasizes being aggressive and assertive in life.
Christianity is a beta cuck "turn the other cheek and let the other guy fuck you in the ass" religion for sissies and wimps.
It's the difference between master and slave morality as Nietzsche would put it.
>worship the same God
In a general sense, although Muslims deny God by denying that Christ is God
>Muslims even acknowledge Jesus as a second most important prophet.
But they don't acknowledge him as God.
>Why christians don't acknowledge muhammad as prophet?
Because he wasn't
>Why muslims want to kill every christian?
They usually don't
>Why don't they just merge?
They're incompatible
Christian here I will try to answer the best I can
>Why exactly christians and muslim hate each other
Some do some don't but it would be fair to say that most do, why? Because they are opposite tribes competing for the same thing claiming to ownership over the same things.
>they are both abrahamic religions and worship the same God. Both Abrahamic yes worship same GOD no.
>Muslims even acknowledge Jesus as a second most important prophet.
Yes they also acknowledge him as the Messiah
>Why christians don't acknowledge muhammad as prophet?
Muhamed is not mentioned in any Christian text Islam was created after Christianity, the quran is a fantasy work of literature by one person in a written in a short period of time the Bible has multiple authors and spans a long period of time, the quran is kinda like a fanfiction written using the bible, torah and other previous texts as the basis.
>Why muslims want to kill every christian?
It's part of their religion
>Why don't they just merge?
Because they are two opposite concepts
This nigga spreading blatant misinformation
>vie for absolute control and dominance socially and politically
>in comes another occupying the same niche
Tribalism spurred by realpolitik.
Christians and Christians hate each other and over dumb shit like sola fide. Religion is really absurdly divisive.
Monotheist religions that claim to have a monopoly on the truth are, yes.
For a long while, they didn't hate each other as much. Until around the 15th century I think both Christian and Muslim theologians cared much more about debating and denouncing Jewish theology than each other. When ranking each other in legal rights and treatment, the Jews were usually treated worse. There were a couple of friendly overtures between Christian and Muslim powers as well in this period, even by the Pope.
Eventually though the political conflicts between them turned into matters of doctrinal hate, and both sides came to consider each other as the enemy par excellence. The Reformation and upheavals of the Mongol invasions however turned their attentions away from each other again.
>upheavals of the Mongol invasions however turned their attentions away from each other again.
No it didn't. On the contrary, it pulled China into the conflict. The Ming dynasty immediately favored Islam and persecuted Christianity as the latter were strongly favored by the early Mongols. The same thing happened everywhere else, and also set the precedent of retaliating against Christians' supposed foreign allegiance in Asia until pretty much right now.
You forgot the reconquista.
Jesus did not exist. Muhammad rides on that jesus mythology to give himself recognition. Don't believe what pol says tho Muhammad really was a child rapist.
This desu
>complains how muslims invade and shit
>look at world map at year 0
>look at world map at year 300
>look at world map at year 600
>look at world map at year 1000
>look at world map at year 1600
>look at world map at year 2000
No christian(or muslim) can complain about people invading and forcing their religion on other people using their fairy tales that are rip offs from previous mythologies. Christians were forcing pagans and indigenous people to convert before and after “““golden age””” (aka islamic conquests) of islam.
Both of you are from the same shit hole.
Abrahamic religions are a black hole that destroys cultures.
Taking sides and subjectivity not welcome. Go back to pol.
Christians believe Jesus was God incarnate, Muslims believe they are wrong and that he was just a prophet, what's more they don't even believe he was crucified or even died which is the central theme of Christianity. And they believe the Old Testament was wrong and have their own version which basically boils down to Arabs.
They have two entirely different books
Thy have two entirely different set of rules
They are pretty different.
Wow so much misinformation in this thread. /pol/ is out hard on this.
>Why exactly christians and muslim hate each other?
They don't, most get along well enough. There are many nations that are partially Christian, partially Muslim and most of the time there is no religious violence. The ones who commit violence are a small percentage of the total religion, and are seen as a fringe, outcast, or heretical group. They also tend to congregate in certain geographical areas. This is true of both Christians and Muslims.
>Why christians don't acknowledge muhammad as prophet?
Because then they'd be Muslim. It's mostly based on prejudice, thinking you're the only one who knows "the truth". Christians believe you have to be personally saved by Jesus in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Also Christianity had a head start of about 500 years so it already has people deeply brainwashed by the time Islam finally appeared.
>Why muslims want to kill every christian?
They simply don't. Have you ever met an actual Muslim?
>Why don't they just merge?
Humans are tribal. We thrive off the conflict. Though there are ebbs and flows to thought, or memes. Religion is a meme. Someday one ideology might replace another. People change, populations change.
The key difference is that Christianity is a polytheistic religion, and Islam is monotheism.
T. Muhammad Bin Postin
Jesus being just a prophet would directly go against some of the most basic principles of Christianity, wouldn't it
>Most of the time there is no religious violence
See how you can make out a more or less clear line through sub Saharan Africa? Those are the borders of Islam and Christianity. Look near the Caspian, look at the India-Pakistan border and look at the SEA borders between Thailand and it's Muslim neighbours. Eastern India has Marxist terror groups and Iraq had a conflict raging on but other than that all the hotbeds of terrorist activity are the borders between Islam and another religion.
>It's mostly based on prejudice
or maybe because muhamed isn't a character in any christian text or tradition top kek what an ignorant faggot
>why don't Buddhists acknowledge John the Baptist
>because of prejudice
no point in going threw the rest of your nonsense but I just thought this part was hilarious
Muslims only "get along" with Jews or Christians when they are on top and everyone else is a dhimmi in their place.
When the roles are reversed Muslims are blowing everything up.
Probably has something to do with a near millennium of warfare and strife, and that itself has something to do with the younger religion making military expansions at the cost of the older one.
False flag.
Islam recognize Jesus as a prophet.
How can you claim that they are falsehoods?
>Muslims believe the devil is god
I don't remember seeing any muslim worshipping the sheitan.
Also muslims and christians ARE worshipping the same god. They just don't share the exact image of that god.
He literally said that religion is a meme.
>When the roles are reversed Muslims are blowing everything up.
Except in Russia
And China
>Jesus did not exist
China yeah.
Russia, no so much. Although a lot of the tension can be seen as ethnic/national rather than religions.
I assume ISIS doesn't start shit with China or Russia because they know those countries don't fuck around and give zero shits about being PC.
Why do Muslims hate Christians?
Because western civilization wants to drag them into the 21st century, sell them Levis, Rock and Roll, and make it legal for a woman to go outside without a leash.
Christians hate Muslims because they're secretly jealous that Muslims still don't let their women go outside without a leash.
>literally no evidence but “muh holy book” that was written 400 years later
Your emotions and your family brainwashing you doesnt change history retard.
Wikipedia claims that "Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed historically". But everyone they cite stating this is a Christian, and one is a even a priest.
Go figure. Human nature is just divisive i guess. They are extremely similar to each other. On a grand neutral perspective, they probably look like the same thing. Honestly you could argue that they are two different sects of the same religion.
Why would Jesus be fake? You think its not probable that some peasant lived in Judea named Yeshua who got killed for blasphemy?
If the Christians were going to make shit up, they wouldn't have:
>Had the guy die defeated at the end and then try to spin it as a victory
>Have to create a story about some Roman census that took place 10 years after he was actually born to get him in Bethlehem even though he was from Nazareth
>Make him a great warrior king like the Messiah was supposed to be
I think the fact that we have four accounts (based on probably 2 or 3 older sources) written a generation after his death makes it likely that he lived. Its pretty hard to just make up a guy then hope different people write down his account. I mean, its possible. Not even I'm fedora enough to push for Jesus not existing.
That's like asking why Abraham would be fake.
If the account of Abraham was written 40 to 70 years after he died, I'd assume he probably existed, even if I didn't believe in all his adventures with god.
Being written a few 100 years later to describe the origin of a tribe, less so, but open to the possibility.
This is what he meant.
"Ye are gods". Jesus never held himself up over anyone. This is what the church did. They put him on the pedestal to derive what he meant with "i am the father".
Look the logic is simple. God is ALL, the absolute.
What contains the absolute? Everything, including you. What excludes you from the absolute? Words, mere words. Everyone is God.
Literally taking aways passports for all males in Xinjiang to stop terrorism and making maulvis dance in the street singing praises of the CPC.
Chechen terrorism don't real? Russian Empire stamped out a lot of the Islamic tendencies, followed by USSR, but you can see that the Russian Islamic hinterlands are again becoming Islamist, with many terrorists in Afghanistan/Syria/Balkans being from there.
They take passport under the pretense of stopping them from going to Syria when actually it's to keep the region in check because of the independance movement there.
Claiming the Ming could have any influence on Muslim-Christian relations is absurd. The Mongols during their most active years in the Islamic world favored Christians because of their experience with Nestorians.
this habibi
Nestorianism did lose a lot of converts during the Ming Dynasty.
Not because o the Government, but the fact that Christfaggotry became associated with Steppeniggers.
Oh please, I guess that vast majority of Christians with the same Scripture have gotten it wrong then, huh?
Read the Church Fathers you plebeian.
fuck this is retarded