Bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin

>bitcoin cash is the real bitcoin

>satoshi's vision

>flippening imminent

I refuse to buy into this pump

the bulls charging no amount of selling is stopping it

Korea has decided. Bitcoin war is over now.

>lower fees

It's happening

>peer to peer cash

i, for one, welcome our new korean overlords

Fast transactions

>muh whitepaper

>the oracle problem

the future of bitcoin is bitcoin cash

wasnt segwit2x supposed to be the real bitcoin? why did bcc become the real thing all of a sudden

>no scaling solution for 2 years

>Sell Bitcoin for bitcoin cash now or you will be left behind

pump and careful and stay safe user

can someone post a better version of this

it isn't.

>satoshis version

>scaling bitcoin

Just hodl Bitcoin the future currency

>decentralized oracles


Finally i got the gig. Use both Btc and Bch to create both hype and the means to fully cash out. Generally a Pump and dump can at best get you 50% of a matket. But by using 2 currencies that will be bougth as an alt you can clean out up to 80%. Hat is off.


> SWIFT partnership

>Hodl BTC and BCH

he's a fucking gook so he's probably myopic

>eth is the future

what exchange do you fuckers use for bch? i might get in a bit on this, although I'm still hesitant

>work of proof


so after hitting $8K, btc is going to retrace downward and fuck itself in its own arse.

dumbfuck buying after something pops...where were you yesterday or 2 weeks ago.

bch is on bittrex bucko
go toss some digital shekels on it
see if it keeps going vertical
best of luck to you

nigga the reason i even ask is because I'm considering, not because i have high hopes

Segwit was never real bitcoin

>solves the Oreo problem

Bitcoin is mooning, BCH is dipping.

what is even the meaning of these frogs.

tfw I can wire transfer from my bank to coinbase faster than a BTC transfer
>such great technology
>muh digital currency

drops $700 in a few hours
>muh moon

>going to make it frogs

>whales are accumulating



Daily reminder that Craig Wright is Satoshi and if you were stupid enough to believe shills/states discrediting him then you deserve to miss out on real Bitcoin.

Psstttt - shills don't like you mentioning this.

>they dont just have a solid dev team, they have multiple solid dev teams

lmao, BTC fees are so bad that a fork is going to overtake it. Buy Bitcoin Cash while its under $10K


also reading around that will actually drop "cash" from Bitcoin Cash if the Segwit2x fails.... which it will and already has once.

Holy fuck so much shillig my sides


Lmao shill sliding this nugget of truth