My mom lent me $10,000 to go to college with. I didn't tell her but I put it all into coins. I am now down to $2,000. Fuck you all, why the fuck did I think some autists on the internet knew what they were talking about when it came to investing?
My mom lent me $10,000 to go to college with. I didn't tell her but I put it all into coins. I am now down to $2,000...
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never invest money you can't afford to lose. first rule of investing. you deserve this you stupid motherfucker.
But BCH is up 3x, you should have made 20k
The glory days are over. You are now a normie
if you suck 8000 dicks for $1 each you'll be back to even in no time champ
No, that's a first rule of gambling, idiot. You are supposed to have most of your net worth invested, that doesn't mean you should be prepared to lose it.
literally how are you down right now? Aren't you all in on BCH user?
Go to -> Daily Discussion for real advice.
in all fairness the """""investing""""" happening on Veeky Forums is little more than gambling at this stage
there is NO WAY IN FUCk you could take 20K and loose it all on coins unless you have been playing for over a year
you simply put 20K on a low coin and sit on it.
Eventually you will break even or make money
wow, it's almost like its complete bullshit like 99% of the trading stories
>he thinks "investing" in monopoly money isnt gambling
No arguing here.
Take it as an early lesson not to trust any investment advice. Come to your own conclusions. This isn't that's so raven, no one here has any clue what the future holds, just like you.
Someday your coworkers will shill you whatever bullshit stock they're in... remember this moment.
>investing in shitcoins
What's the difference
why would you make up stories? Like what kind of loser would bother to tell make believe on an anonymous board.
No one even knows who you are!
what kind of utter moronic loser would do that?
He said
>first rule of investing
>first rule of investing in shitcoins
Literal brainlets. Are you from /pol/ by any chance?
literally nothing wrong with being from /pol/
>First mistake people do
Trust others.
You are on your own
>Second mistake
You're splitting hairs, the context is obvious.
If it's so important to you then sure you can invest funds you can't lose. But if you do, someday you can be in OP's position.
nice larp nigger
>You are supposed to have most of your net worth invested
In safe investments maybe, not volatile meme coins
I'd kms if I'd lost 80% of my investments. That won't happen, because I diversify.
Stocks = store of value
Crypto = my one-way ticket to richdom
The only autist here is the one that puts money that isn't even theirs into something as volatile as crypto.
Dumbass no-coiner..
No one would invest if they didn't have to, and you learn after missing moon missions that you better be all in if you want a chance at escaping wage-cuckery
Lets hope your stocks will drop 80% soon
Let's do! I would retire in my 20's.