Just FOMO'd into BCH

Just FOMO'd into BCH


now it's going down

the sell off begins right before 1k. you made a big mistake

Bitcoin is going down though. If it breaks support then you can expect BCH to sky it


nice, now it can crash. thanks op

(dont buy things at ath)

Are you serious? You must be new. sorry you sold BTC at a loss and FOMO'd into BCH. Things are gonna get rough for you.

give me more of your corecuck tears

oh deary me..

op can you start a twitter and post your moves so I can inverse them? thanks

no tears needed cause i'm not holding BTC nor BCH. I'll let you faggots play hot potato with that. I got my gains elsewhere

You're about to get JUST'd like you've never been before. I hope your asshole is prepared.

>no tears needed cause i'm not holding BTC nor BCH. I'll let you faggots play hot potato with that. I got my gains elsewhere

Don't sell mate. Close the charts and wait until tomorrow. You'll be surprised.

oh he will be surprised alright

Thats fucking terrible advice bro its up like 80% today




this guy gets it

JUSTed twice in a day
You could have unironically bought the LINK

even if it is hot potato (i fucking hate this bullshit i hope it stops after this) i dont wanna miss out on the alt dip like last month. finally broke even and now this shit happens NOT AGAIN NOT THIS TIME MARKET IVE SEEN THIS SHIT BEFORE

>China is waking up soon