Tfw bought BCH yesterday and already doubled my money. Why is life so easy?
BCH ez money
Fuck yeah senpai
I literally only listen to Veeky Forums shills that sound smart and like they know what they're talking about, like the BCH shills recently, and I've always made money
FUDcucks BTFO again
Bought at 315, pretty compfy. Every time i read a FUD trhread about BCH going down i cronge and laugh at the same time :DD. Those retards sitting in front of their comuter knowing nothign about it HAHAHA omg i really started laughting typging this out again :D
You idiots are going to get dumped on so hard. I can't believe short your memories are.
So much jealousy.
It's obvious BCH and BTC are going to par.
Just like August. Were you not around back then?
Were you not around when Bitcoin dumped it's one viable scaling option?
downnnn it goes back into that hole from wence it came from
fuckin pump and DUMP!!!!!!
but it's not over, it could turn into a three day GRS run
GRS pumped this hard on the first day too
why the FUCK does it come down RIGHT FUCKING AFTER I buy???
I bought earlyer today at 2.68, went down, and got up again to 2.74 when I sold, had a mini heart attack, now I got home, bought again at 3.25, and it's going down to 3.1 FML!!
i just made a shit ton of cash dumping on this shit coin lol
When did u buy again?
tfw sold my 10 bch yesterday and bought back 5.5 bch today
had been holding for weeks
fuck me right?
>Buy high. Sell low.
the volume started out flooding through SK
this is China miners pumping and dumping
on your dumb asses LOL
Because you're not guesstimating support well.
Buy at what looks like the bottom of a dip (right when it starts getting support again, but less than a 1% or so gain), sell as soon as the following rise tapers or catch the beginning of the crash.
The thing about very short term crypto is that you have to glue your eyes to the order book and last/bid/ask values, occasionally checking the 1-min timeline to assist in your guesses. You can probably make minimum wage off of that sort of strat though with pretty minimal investment if you don't mind literally staring at a chart or two all day when pairs are fighting.
yeah I thought it was going down from 3.31, then it just kept lowering ahahah
yo i sold my bch yesterday too
can this shit break 1k again or should i cut losses now
i just cut them, so it will moon in minutes
Sun $700 by tonight... the dump is happening now!!