I lost my apartment money. I dont have nothing!
Wait for periscope URL this gonna be fast...
Venezuelan live suicide shooting 9mm soom
don't do it
lets go op im bored at work
what did u buy OP
just lost all my status network token
Fuck this, stop acting like a pussy
You could at least hero as capitalist rebel. I mean is it difference to die by yourself or soldiers bullet ?
Cmon man that shit is not worth it tell your landlord to fuck off
>I dont have nothing!
So you have something?
no lo hagas chamo
Did someone from biz actually an hero himself before? Or were they all larping?
haha faggot you can't even live like wtf just breathe
I would rob a bank as a last resort waaaayyyyy before suicide.
holy shit you think just like me, and i thought i was a fucking freak
>born in Venezuela
That's tough. Might as well re-roll.
don't do it
Don't do it man. I'll get you into the States. Reply to this post if interested.
BTC will recover, Jihan is just playing with you
At least try to rob a bank or something first
pretty sure a good number of people on 4chin have an hero'd by now
buy espers on yobit
Doesn't your country have dictators? Wouldn't your suicide be better used if you made a run at them and tried to shoot them?
at least take some commie skum with you pussy
cash is worthless in venezuela. Nothing to rob in a bank
only weak and pussies would suicide. man up, there are hundres of ppl in worse sits atm
nah we're full
living in venezuela is truly harrowing. One of the most desperate situations anyone could think of. I can't even comprehend what you and some of my family are going through OP, but there's no reason to forfeit the chance of proving yourself better than the circumstances
I've never understood suicide. Just go somewhere else and do something else. Literally just restart like in a videogame or something, you goddamn retard.
Just hold your shit and go live in a cave or something for a year, then you can leave that god forsaken land in a lambo.
Hurry up with that URL, Julio.
Chamo no lo hagas. hay otras soluciones
It's called a suicidal gesture, OP.
Don't kill yourself bro
Come to Colombia my man. There's lots of Venezuelans here starting from scratch.
I need someone to practice spanish with don't do it
also don't you have free power? why aren't you mining?
It's literally amazing how many insensitive pussies can sit behind their computer and endorse this shit. Regardless if you go to lamboland or not, you are still going to be a fucking loser.
The B2X suicide wave begins
Being a rich fucking loser still beats just being a fucking loser.
Here's your (you)
(you) for you
I'm an American facing eviction tomorrow and I'm probably gonna go out like OP :..(
OP How much do you need? I know you didn't ask, but post a BTC address before you do this. People will help. I will help.
I have reasons to kill myself too
just sayin'
ganbarou, op-san
You got me there.
I am trying to help OP but I can't help everyone. I have helped people on here before and then later I find out that they gambled what I sent on shitcoins.
However, a life is worth more than one months rent in Venezuala and I am willing to try to help this person.
Don't do it brah
Where did your money go?
If you really mean it serious user, you reignited some of my hope for humanity
I dont gonna killmyself, this is a social experiment to see how much susceptible is the people on this shit and now you see the fucking results FUCKING MANIPULABLE FAGGOTS EAT MY DICK! BCH TO THE MOON!
>the amount of reddit in this thread
op is a larp
90% of this thread should consider self harm
ha ha nice try. we all know guns are banned in venezuela.
(you) son of a bitch
Stfu faggot
>it was just a prank bro
I will help OP. I have helped others on here. This person lives in a place that it is almost impossible to survive. He lives there because of circumstances that he did not choose.
(You) for edgy kahntent
Don't do it OP
People love you
You can't miss out on the cool future
you must
lol, you shoulda taken the free money someone was offering
guess I call my friends and and dump all those bitcoins cash (anger emojej)
you're playing with fire
It turns out OP was conducting a social experiment. I am done helping anyone.
How the fuck did you let that happen? Are you lazy?
Dumb Veneco, I was giving you my helping hand and this is how you pay me? Wanna see your face when chinks pump and dump BCH in favor of cheap BTC
>Just go somewhere else and do something else. Literally just restart like in a videogame or something, you goddamn retard.
FUCK OFF you stupid fucking insentient normie he lives in venezuela which is an absolute struggle right now. one cannot simply 'restart' where he is currently living. this chinese carton board has been ruined by stupid fucking normies.
This is retarded. You'll probably be caught and then have to spend years in prison with the dregs of society. I'd rather die than do that.
Here's a solution. Put everything you have in a nice shitcoin like LINK or REQ, live the bum life for a few months while you wait for thoes coins to take off.
At least he's into crypto, which is a strong hedge against the bolivar. For god's sake, I only hope he doesn't end up blindly following Veeky Forums shills and losing his crypto gainz
t. TTNSk
Mátate maldito TTN.
I just haven't been able to get a job for 3 months, savings are gone and just cashed out my last two ETH to pay off part of what I owe... Still owe $790 and its due by 5pm today. To top it off I got diagnosed with testicular torsion yesterday... Probably gonna just dive off a tall building and try to land in place that doesn't leave a mess
No. I've been applying to 7-10 jobs a day, every day for the past 90 days. Str8 white male without glasses or tattoos unsuitable for hire in my town
Srsly. Apply in a third world country. Many will be willing to accept you and cost of living is significantly lower. i.e. you can get a room for 40 bucks a month.
Since you're white and from a western country, they'll likely give you a salary above average from the locals which would be higher than the living cost.
It's never too late. There are always solutions to everything unless you're literally chained and about to be sentenced to death.