>We require more vespan gas, send 10 drones to get it
>but comrade Zhukov there is a minefield!
>Send 20 then
We require more vespan gas, send 10 drones to get it
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>inb4 redaboos start screeching about deep battle being complex
I never understood why is this supposed to be a bad thing, viewing his troops as expendable cannon fodder makes him more badass if anything. Compare this to Americans who go to autistic lengths to rescue a single soldier, a Russian wouldn't give a shit.
Ivan you are not meant to kill your own soldiers in a war.
I'm not Ivan. I just think accomplishing your objective is paramount and things like the well being of your soldiers should be disregarded.
because you're an edgy teenager who played Warhammer too much
>accomplishing your objective is paramount and things like the well being of your soldiers should be disregarded
Ivan, you need soldiers to accomplish your objectives. Ammunition is expendable, men are not.
>I’m not a wehraboo I swear, DAE le Slavic asiatic hordes?
t. ivan ivanovich
>Ammunition is expendable, men are not.
tell that to the Nips, Chinese and British colonial forces
Still won :^)
Why do you keep calling me Ivan? Liking a Russian general does automatically make me Russian?
>you need soldiers to accomplish your objectives
And Zhukov accomplished his objectives.
Who's the one who failed to accomplish their objectives again? Certainly not the Soviets.
>Liking a Russian general does automatically make me Russian?
No, that make you a redbooo
I laughed
>liking anything makes you an xboo
Americans sacrificed soldiers too through decoys to minimize losses overall. It's just that it was encouraged less than soviets who didn't pretend that the state wasn't the be all end all.
> Comrade Zhukov ! The comrade soldiers refuse to fight ! They don't want to die !
> Tell them to do it to defend their mother back in Russia.
> Their mother died of starvation during comrade Lenine agricultural reforms.
> For their father then.
> Their fathers got sent to the goulag by comrade Staline.
> Their little sisters ?
> Comrade Beria...
> Ok just fire at them if they flee.
>commies know they have a generally less robust officer corps,less trained men and inferiority in certain sectors compared to Germany
>decide to sacrifice more men to plug this weakness
>and develop a battleplan which would enhance this manpower advantage
>and sufficiently pump up their other advantages such as field artillery and shock troops
i dont get whats so wrong with using this,in the end nazi g*rmany was left in ashes while soviets became the next big power
Why do Germans never get flak for human wave tactics they used in the later parts of the war? Americans certainly could consider Germany's usage of manpower and lack of firepower in Western front just as barbaric and wasteful as the Germans regarded that of the Soviets.
25-star general Georgy "Leave the Russians to me" Zhukov
What a retarded complaint.
Pretty much everyone attacked across the minefields. Because when they are in front of fortifications and within artillery's reach, you can do nothing with them, and if you want to win at all, you have to walk across.
Zhukov, overall, was quite brilliant commander.
t. Georgy
Wasn't Zhukov nicknamed the Butcher of something
no, he was nicnkamed the ''Hero of the Third Reich''
He was very confusing. I just read.
During the push in 1945 to Berlin, he urged his troops to pay back the Germans for the atrocities during the war, encouraging murder,pillaging, and rape.
Then after the war he put a tremendous amount of effort making sure the Germans where taken care of with basic living standards.
Like does he hate them or not I cant fucking tell
>> Their little sisters ?
>> Comrade Beria...
keking sadly
>Pretty much everyone attacked across the minefields. Because when they are in front of fortifications and within artillery's reach, you can do nothing with them, and if you want to win at all, you have to walk across.
No, only retards with no understanding of modern warfare walk across minefields (READ: bongs in North Africa and subhuman slavs everywhere). Proper counter battery fire negates the effectiveness of a minefield, as the proper engineering efforts can then be made to defeat it. But if you're a retard, unable to locate and return fire on enemy artillery, and have your own artillery lined up hub-to-hub and firing zerg volleys wildly, the enemy artillery will dominate the area and your forces will be chopped up in the minefield.
>stop to defuse minefield, whole offensive grinds to a halt, get fucked by artillery and machineguns and give the enemy time to send in reserves and adjust to your attack
Welcome to WW1
>stop to defuse minefield, enemy artillery batteries open fire and are targeted and destroyed in return by competent counter battery fire, enemy reserves climb out of their holes to move and expose themselves, and are also destroyed by competent counter battery fire
>competent counter battery fire is not to be construed as anything associated with subhuman commies
That's why the directive was to RUN across those fields, not walk slowly while enemy picks you with machineguns and artillery. Is it so hard to believe those principles had actual reason to be put in use? Do you believe they had one rifle per ten men too or something? Eh, why do I even waste my time on base pleb such as yourself.
>if you kill yourself you win
>That's why the directive was to RUN across those fields
a zerg rush, yes, the subhuman slav preferred tactic, since they were incapable of engaging in modern warfare and simply threw blood at their incompetence.
What do you think "modern warfare" is?
shit that ruined COD
>infantry aren't expendable by their very nature
Should have signed up for the Navy faggots.
>Sailor boy calling others faggots
Not a hint of irony, innit.
>implying I'm dumb enough to volunteer for military service
>not volunteering to get some boipucci
Are you literally a fag?
Russians fought like true soldiers of the Emperor
He wanted the children of his soldiers to have a nice life
>Ammunition is expendable, men are not.
You're viewing war through the lens of a successful industrialized country, and not a repressive regime that values memes more than human life.
Wasn't Zhukov one of the people who tried to minimize the loss of life against Stavka's directives?
Ivan Korvechenko was one of these great 20 men who went out and got the gas. Here is his story.
>all these plebs watched the movie and cant stop talking about zhokov
because typical a good commander is regarded as such because he was able to out maneuver, out think, and out class the opposing general. most generals that won by simply having more conscripts than the enemy has ammunition are not considered the greats of their time
autism in it's purest form
>when your maskirovska works too well
>because typical a good commander is regarded as such because he was able to out maneuver, out think, and out class the opposing general. most generals that won by simply having more conscripts than the enemy has ammunition are not considered the greats of their time
And this is what the Red Army did to the Wehrmacht. They had deficiencies in certain areas but also great advantages apart from numbers, logistics and industrial output.
Their way of war was perfectly suited to their circumstances and in many ways more sophisticated and developed than the German one. For instance the Germans were never capable of mass deception and coordinated one-two punches to draw away the reserve.
Furthemore while incredibly decentralized and flexible on the tactical and operational levels, the Wehrmacht couldn't replicate the Soviet flexibility on the strategic level, which stemmed from complete centralization of command.
Two different ways of conducting war, one isn't better then the other.
>Zhukov, overall, was quite brilliant commander.
He was mediocre as hell.He was just on the good side of Stalin so he could do whatever the fuck he wanted
>Who's the one who failed to accomplish their objectives again? Certainly not the Soviets.
Losing the American Civil War broke their brains.
>But that has nothing to do with the Germans losing WW2!
That's just how badly their brains got broken.
T-45 is the best looking armor IMO. More industrial what with the lift holes in the shoulders. Gives it more of an authentic heavy equipment feel.
>implying the red army didn’t kill the vast majority of german soldiers in ww2
but drones don't trigger mines
drones can't trigger mines
a literal god, tasteless!
Ultimate brainlets
And Grant
Seeing how more soldiers were stationed at the Eastern front, it would make more sense more soldiers died at the eastern front. Are you stupid?
>What do you think "modern warfare" is?
It's what the Sovs were ignorant of.
like winning?