When eth was new . Was the hype around it same like LINK hype ?
When eth was new . Was the hype around it same like LINK hype ?
Yes but the fudding was even worse.
No, it was very different. I think the best comparison to LINK would be DGB desu senpai
the amount was the same except it was decent quality hype with good arguments not so much
>hurr pink lambo
>hurr marines
>hurr for me it's the mcchicken
and general shitposting
this. DGB was all over the fucking place with deluded lamboposting.
DGB didnt have good arguments. There are LINK posts full of good information about its fundamentals and partnerships so its closer to ETH. I mean its understandable, after all how the fuck will you be able to defend DGB? Its just like bitcoin but a little bit faster.
It was awful and with zero dank memes. Main arguments were :
2.literal skeleton
3.too young
4.not currency but decentralized computer
5.bitcoin will implement smart contracts
6.overvalued (at the time 30 mils were too much for ico)
Later fud were:
1.sold 1/5 of his ether at 8 dollars crashing ether to 5 dollars
2.dao attack and hard fork
Bitcoin is like $7000 per coin. If DGB is like Bitcoin but faster, then it would make sense for it to go up a little.
Now compare that to LINK, where no one can actually explain what it does, or if they can, can't explain why it would make the price go up.
>muh swift
>muh partnerships
Yeah, so what? Those were all announced already, but nobody's buying because nobody cares.
omg, hahahahahaha, thanks for sharing desu, buying more LINK
You do realise that lack of demand does not make it invaluable . Chain link is utility token, unlike bitcoin or digibite. Link is used to fuel network while digi and bitcoin is used for transactions and both are shit because bitcoin has high fees and digi no exposure.
I should charge retards like you for course on economics 101
Maybe practice reading comprehension? It's clearly laid out in the white paper. If you need help with any big words I will be here to help.
What? there are tons of crypto that are supposed to be a faster Bitcoin like DGB. DGB is a literal shitcoin that reached 500m in marketcap on the possibility of winning a Citibank hackathon lmao. I'm not going to defend LINK and convince you to buy here but you have to be deluded to think its a shitcoin. It really does feel like dejavu when we saw ETH shilled here before.
>first mover
>corporate interest
>general use-case (any project can use it like Confido and Request Network)
>meme hype
Give me another crypto that satisfies the following aside from ETH and LINK. Go on, name one. ETH and LINK are the only crypto that satisfies the following criteria.
Your welcome, most people in here are opinionated new fags who can't even check archives to see state of Veeky Forums in late 2015
>muh utility token
>muh huwyte paypah
Nobody fucking cares, that's why volume is dead. Shitcoin
You care deep enough to respond. You better invest in kneepads, because you soon be using them
you care deep enough to respond also, that must mean you agree with me. thanks! LINK is a total shitcoin
hahahahaah cant even fucking refute what i just said. go invest in ark then faggot.
refute the fucking price and volume, you retard. LINK is already overvalued and sinking.
ahahaha thats your reason for not investing in LINK? i bet you love to buy ETH at $400 instead of $5.
I bet you enjoyed buying LINK at $0.30
>I-it's gonna go back up!
I do care deep because I have 1 mil of it. I just want that people would see link potential before mainstream adoption.
You should look into how much node operators actually receive. The chainlink network was designed to be cheap and self sustaining.
Of course the tokens have a value because of their use. But it isnt much...
oh its definitely going back up and you will be kicking yourself in a year for bitching about the shilling like an autist instead of doing your own research
Here's one of the memes I made regarding this laughable coping technique by the Linkies.
It's all about demand. Just look at iota. People buy if they see demand and prospects of prosperity. If chain link will be able provide sufficient dividends, institutional money will flow as reliable income source
Unlike linkies, I actually did my research on this token. And guess what? There's no fucking reason for it to go up. See There is only one thing that would make it go up, and that's hype. To do what ETH did, it would need a lot of fucking hype. But the problem with that is this: crypto isn't a new, novel idea anymore. People aren't just going to throw their money at random coins because "MUH CRYPTO IS DUH FUTURE"
There's crypto that's already established with name recognition, and then there are the shitcoins that people like you buy because you missed out on Bitcoin and Ethereum. Unfortunately for you, that dream is over. There's no demand for LINK. Nobody cares about a fucking oracle, most people don't even know what that is, much less why they should invest in it.
You realize it doesn't matter right? There are people that will never invest in something unless they can understand it or it's big enough to be a safe investment.
Fud was completely understandable
dao hack unforgivable
Developer didnt grow pubes yet
This shit has been discussed again and again and you fags keep posting the same shitty FUD. Whatever dont buy LINK, just dont an hero yourself in a year or so when it skyrockets.
>Nobody cares about a fucking oracle
nobody cares about decentralized applications build on a generic blockchain either
>There's no fucking reason for it to go up
Vitalik himself said something like ETH's price should be a lot lower
But that didn't stop ETH reaching $400 and it will probably reach new ATHs in the near future
>that reading comprehension
As I said, ETH is already established, and it got there because of hype when crypto was still a relatively new and novel idea. Now though, people would rather just buy bitcoin or ethereum. The demand just isn't there. It needs a lot of hype for the demand to be there. So answer me this, what event could possibly happen that would hype this coin up, if news from Swift, as well as several partnerships with big names, couldn't make it go up?
>can't even refute it
>"m-muh FUD"
You can't just call reality "FUD" just because you don't like it lol
>what event could possibly happen that would hype this coin up, if news from Swift, as well as several partnerships with big names, couldn't make it go up?
more partners
getting listed on a big exchange
swift themselves playing up the partnership
delivering a working product which is actually used and thus the token is in demand
I'm not saying it's a certain thing but use your imagination. There are plenty of things that could cause this coin to moon, same is true of many coins
>more partners
Not gonna lie, those were some pretty big fucking partners. I was impressed. Being part of Swift itself is probably the most impressive part, too. If that couldn't make it go up, then what partnerships can?
>getting listed on a big exchange
If people wanted LINK they would just make a binance account, it's not hard at all and takes less than a minute. The demand just isn't there.
>delivering a working product
yeah maybe
>playing up the partnership
Not sure what you meant by this
>get a response
>don't get a (You), pic related
fuck this bullshit
>If people wanted LINK they would just make a binance account
Maybe they just haven't heard about it yet? We know how terrible they are at communicating
>Being part of Swift itself is probably the most impressive part, too. If that couldn't make it go up, then what partnerships can?
I agree. Perhaps it's just awareness though, that's what I meant about swift playing up the partnership. If swift mentioned implementing it themselves and how they're a part of this exciting new blockchain future it might cause the price to rise
It's only been a couple of months since ICO and it's still relatively unknown
I still remember not buying after the DAO hack, when it was $8. End me.
>It's all about demand
And there is none. Everyone kept too quiet during the ico, only talking about it on Veeky Forums and in private telegrams/discords. The shilling wasnt hard enough after the token distribution, and was targeted at the wrong people (shilling biz and reddit instead of bitcointalk, seriously).
Remember that the crypto market isnt logical. Money doesnt target good projects. Money targets well marketed projects.
How is there not a decent argument behind LINK? Yes there is a fuck ton of shit posting but also a lot of people who write well put together arguments on which LINK has insane potential
I rather invest in project with good fundamentals than a project which have photo shoots every week with partners, but does not make meaningfuls achievements (OMG case)
Maybe because it's not reddit and chain link doesn't have its defence force to spoon feed retards like you every bit of info.
Do your own research.
>no coin will moon anymore cuz crypto is no longer new
Great arguments from the FUD brigade, as always
haha thats nothing i sold all of my ico bought eth @ around 12-14 :DDD
Are you fucking retarded? You cannot figure out what LINK does? Have you even LOOKED at SmartContracts.com? Do you understand that it is a fully functioning platform that is LINKING big business to blockchain tech?
My lord you guys get fucking dumber and dumber each day.
>explains nothing about what it does
>still defends a piece of shit token
SHut the tuck up
he explained what he did and even pointed you to an external resource to learn more. you're just willfully ignorant. and that's fine if that's what you want. but stop spreading the lie that "nobody even knows what LINK does" because people who aren't brainlets get it quite well.