Ok. I guess this shitcoin is done too.
What's the next one Veeky Forums will be shilling constantly?
Ok. I guess this shitcoin is done too.
What's the next one Veeky Forums will be shilling constantly?
Why do people invest in these high circulation coins like LINK and REQ? Not worth the damn risk.
This coin is dead, link is kill... i miss the good ol days when alts actually went up
both have yet to moon to the value of their idea considering what they're both aiming to do. ripple used to be 30M marketcap too and it has 100x the total supply of either.
>high circulation coins
>who was supply*price=market cap
t. brainlet
fuck u bitch nigger i just spent 2 hours shilling ZCG only for pajeets to call it a PnD
like no shit u dumb nigger why cant u just buy so were all happy in the end?
go along to your next coin so you can start a new pink wojack thread. LINK, REQ, MOD are all extremely quality. These are the ones you accumulate and throw in cold storage... but why am i even wasting my time telling you this. another user thats about to lose instead of gain... the true purpose of /biz
shill me on MOD
Mother fucker it hasn't even started yet.
Explain to me why the circulating supply makes any difference?
>every single alt is down, except jihancoin
This is why you tards fail. Long term hold is not 30minutes you fucking idiots.
He can't because it doesn't.
be around during the moon mission. I wanna see your face. fucker.
i guess it does in a psychological sense. low coin supply means individual coin price will increase at a much faster rate, which could fuel fomo....
>a $1 token needs to increase only $1 for 100% profit
There, I just twisted your argument around, so that you can see how stupid it was.
You are right. Keep hodling your bags. Chances that one of them will moon aren't in your favour. Very nice investment strategy Mr. Pajeet.
Stop being emotionally LINKed to your investments. This is clearly the only way to get REQt.
All you should be worried about is % gained. It makes no difference what an individual coin costs.
I knew when I bought REQ it was a lottery ticket. It's not like I'm all in. That's retarded. But I like the idea, the team and the progress they've made so I'll check back end of Q1 next year.
pnd is over
buy back at .0001
Thanks got it tanked a bit. Didn't have time to accumulate enough
How dare you doubt your lord and saviour.
Lord and seviour of shitcoins full of pajeet family Leaders.