why didn't the romans conquer the rest of africa? they had camels.
Why didn't the romans conquer the rest of africa? they had camels
Because it wasn't worth the effort.
Because there was nothing there worth conquering.
ok... did they already know that. why did they tried conquering the germans when it was the same?
>hey guise let's cross this gigantic desert to rule over a bunch of naked savages living in mud-huts
For the same reason they didn't conquer Germany
Overland cargo transport was extremely expensive compared to sea transport. Like twenty times more expensive per ton-mile.
This is why the Roman empire mostly hugs the Mediterranean.
Also, who wants to own the Sahara?
Logistically speaking, any supply line to anywhere that was worth conquering would be too long to be feasible. Also, the Romans were already spread thin for hundreds of years so any invasion into Africa would leave the Romans even more spread thin.
They tried conquering Germania for better borders
They feared the African warriors
It's not exactly that there was nothing of worth there, it's a case of do they know if there's anything of worth there? I mean think about it, you've already got wars with barbarians on multiple fronts but say you try go through a desert and do find good shit then thats all good but there's bound to be tribes or other kingdoms who will fight. Then you gotta pull a legion to defend your even bigger border.
Because the Germanics were prone to invading or raiding the Empire. The Sahara protected the Empire. The Romans lead expeditions in to sub-saharan Africa so they had an idea of what was there, adding it to the empire would have only made holding it more difficult and costly.
Can't make roads in the desert
If they can't make roads they can't move troops and taxes quickly and efficiently.
Anything worth having in africa back then was all on the Mediterranean coast anyways. No Suez canal, so you can't project naval power without going the long way around or carting a fleet over land.
They wanted a buffer zone between them and hostile tribes. Also Marching from Roman Gaul to Germania is pretty easy.
There's this huge desert between Roman north Africa and the black sub-Saharan Africans. Not only did it make getting there hard, but it kept those tribes out of the empire.
And the border between Roman Egypt and the Nubian kingdoms was stable, and only really accessible by a river. Had Nubians constantly sailed up the Nile and raided Roman grain stocks, the Romans would have marched down to Nubia and conquered them too.
camels are wholly insufficient to supply an army across the Saharra, also there wasn't much wealth to be had on the other side, it was not cost effective from the perspective of someone sitting in Rome
to be clear, it is not because they feared the black warrior
Of course not, haven't you seen a BBC documentary half the legion was black.
1. Nothing was "the same" between Germania and sub-Saharan Africa.
2. The Romans didn't try to conquer Germania.
>No Suez canal
Actually, there was:
>Canal of the Pharaohs - en.wikipedia.org
At the time the Romans didn't know the world is as big as we know today. They should the Sahara Desert was the end of the world. Even if they sent scouts south into the Sahara they'd have to march for a year before they found anything and no man is going to march south into a desert they think is the end of the world for more than a week.
There wasn't much worth in Germania like SSA.
>The Romans didn't try to conquer Germania
because there was a large stretch of worthless land that wasn't worth the effort of holding or administering it south of their domains
I wonder why.
>Ayy why didn't they conquer literal nothingness lmao?
Cuz all they knew that was south of them was endless desert so they didn't give a fuck. Same reason no one has conquered Antarctica.
The Romans did attempt to explore africa, but ran into to impenetrable sudd marsh and the Axum empire. They also made it south of the desert in West Africa, but couldn't have or keep any sustained presence because the desert was a huge deterrent
>At the time the Romans didn't know the world is as big as we know today.
the fucking greeks knew how big the world was.
Roman artifact were found as far south as niger
There was massive amounts of gold and ivory also the pheonicians made to west africa
For Romans at that time Africa meant a tiny sliver of Libya
Any sources? Don't doubt you but just genuinely curious cuz Romans in SSA sounds cool af.
>hey guise lets cross this massive ocean to rule over a bunch of naked savages in fucking wigwams
This is the only legitimate answer
Doesn't go north to south
...yes, and...?
Africans had clothing
You clearly misunderstand how big Africa really.
They lost to the Nubians like the Rashidun caliphate.
Those in this thread telling you it wasn't worth it are retarded the Romans desperately wanted to get in on the Indian ocean trade, they also knew that most of the gold and ivory came from the African east coast.
you type like a fucking faggot dude
You're not doing much better.
ya know what else is the mark of the faggot? someone who uses proper punctuation on a fucking anime imageboard
Fuck off, LARPer.
On what part
Giant desert, almost no civilization
>After the Roman conquest of the Nabataean Empire and the Roman naval presence at Aden to curb pillaging, Somali and Gulf Arab merchants by agreement barred Indian ships from trading in the free port cities of the Arabian peninsula[27] to protect the interests of Somali and Arab merchants in the extremely lucrative ancient Red Sea–Mediterranean Sea commerce.[28] However, Indian merchants continued to trade in the port cities of the Somali peninsula, which was free from Roman interference.
I've got to go and wage slave but I will find the rest later
>After the initial victories of Kandake (or "Candace") Amanirenas against Roman Egypt, the Kushites of northern Nubia were defeated and Napata sacked
While Rome never destroyed the Nubians they might have become a client state.
Also why would the Nubians be in a better position in the Indian trade? They had no coastal settlements. The Egyptians could sail from Egypt or the Sinai to get to India.
Rome were garbage at the whole navy thing they would rather subjagate port cities by land and tax or monopolize their trade. Nubia would give them a land route to the established ports on the coast and the gold mine that was the east coast.
Just build a port in the red sea lmao
Why didn't they just sail down the Suez Canal?
because the romans were lazy faggots, the territories they had were conquered by the first emperors and consuls, who were all of african/ethiopian blood.
Once the empire became ruled by swarthy meds, they shat their pants and never conquered anything because they feared the GERMANIC and BLACK bulls.
its a walk in the desert for like 500km
>greeks knew
Greeks thought they are in the center of the world. So no, they didn't know how big the world is.
because trying to establish a supply line across 3,000 miles of desert for an ancient civilization is extremely hard.
Its not even worth colonizing the other side, just a bunch of lazy niggers, mosquitoes, blistering heat, shit soil, dense jungle, and monstrous predators.
The Gaul and Britannia where 10x more appealing as it was easier to colonize and farm and establish a supply line.
The thought the Germans would be easy to conquer like the Gauls but they didn't know about German autism
People seem to be forgetting that the Sahara is pretty much the same size as the continental united states
The logistics of trying to conquer and consolidate such a territory would've been beyond them.
Just because they had the (purely technical) means of crossing the desert doesn't make it a profitable or sustainable venture. The Mediterranean Sea made traveling from Europe to North Africa a simple matter, and the sea itself was a source of resources, but they'd really need to go around the Sahara rather than through it, and those are some long, spindly, nasty supply lines to have to maintain. Then they'd get down there and the geography, terrain, etc., would all be strange and foreign, complete with dangerous diseases they weren't accustomed to.
A sub-Saharan Roman Empire would be more trouble than it was worth for a long, long time.
It's not convenient to anyone living outside the Nile
It was also never finished
it was for better borders. more defensible borders. Romans only conquered civilizations that had wealth.
They feared the nigger warrior.
you fool we're talking about the real roman empire