Should there be an organized stoic movement in the 21st century?

Should there be an organized stoic movement in the 21st century?

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Just back the church of Rome boyo, all the best parts of pagan philosophy were taken in and enhanced by her. Those serious about the philosophy of antiquity always end up in Rome, LARPers go off on some tangent

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You mean a bunch of baggage was added on.

>rapes its children
>ivory tower bullshit that can't see anything other than power games that limits it's perspective and therefore it's modern influence
Fuck em.

Stoics believed that death should not be feared, and we should release ourselves from fears to live free lives. They didn't believe in a meaningful afterlife (your soul just returns back to the logos, but your consciousness doesn't continue).

Believing death should not be feared because you are immortal is a cop out. The Stoics have the right idea.

>ivory tower

Better than dark basement crackpots that only post their nonsense on anonymous image boards

>catholic church
>has locked up large amounts of philosophical material in its basement not allowing anyone to see them
>has historically destroyed material of opposing views
>claim to be serious about philosophy
how do you live with this level of cognitive dissonance

...there already is? There are hundreds of thousands, if not low millions, of declared stoics in the world. They have organised major events where people fly in and gather for presentations. As the years go on, their numbers will grow, as will the numbers of people in other pagan groups.

>if not low millions, of declared stoics in the world.


It already exists...

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[spoiler]Jordan Peterson's self-help advice is just slightly diluted stoicism[/spoiler]

>Jordan"muh ISRAEL" Peterson
literally another attention seeking shill faggot
definitely not a Stoic

Peterson is a mix of stoicism, Christian mythology, neitzche, and buddhism.

He's also a crypto-atheist.

god can you /pol/ fags fuck off, they have a board for you to be as anti-semitic and moronic as you like. But yet you still keep coming here

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he's a crypto-nigger is what he is

An organized movement would be disgusting, if you're a stoic, keep your philosophy for yourself, don't circle jerk and read Pierre Hadot

>keep your philosophy for yourself,

They literally taught classes on this. That's what Epictetus was doing.

Yeah in ancient Athens where you could go outside and start a philosophy school by arguing with some dude in the street.
In a modern society such thing can't exist and any "movement" on a large scale would be as disgusting as a political party.

He taught elites in Nicropolis. THese are guys who were the sons of land owners and other elites. It was just part of education back then.

Cicero's On Duties was part of Uni education in the West for millennia.

Church of Rome came after and jsut copied all the good ideas from the Greeks and Romans. So why not just go back to the originals and bypass the guys who hijacked it for their own ends and added stupid shit?

>punch a stoic

>he doesn't punch back

>cuck a stoic

>he does nothing

Stoics aren't pacifists. They'll defend themselves. Aurelius is a Stoic Saint, yet he was Emperor of Rome, and led the Roman forces in the Macromanic wars.

are you an idiot?

If you punch a stoic once then stop attacking him and walk away he has no reason to hit back? it's not defending himself since the threat is gone?

They're big on justice. They'll try talking to your or report you to the police.

They're /m/ tier UNDERSTANDING, but not pacifists. They just don't believe people should be driven by emotional outbursts.

>All the best parts of pagan philosophy
Like burning witches and fucking children. Totally enhanced.

>The philosophy of antiquity
You pagan faggots are disgusting

take out Nietzsche, buddhism and stoicism


t. Stoic

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>burning witches
Aren't pagans the witches in y'all's minds?

>Dude, do what i say or fear eternal punishment

I certainly think that there should be an organised Neo-Hellenistic religious body that includes Stoicism as part of its core philosophy.

That said, I do not think that it would be something that would be popular outside of east asian nations that already have some degree of cultural familiarity with Confucianism.
I can not really see the atomised, selfish, childish people that comprise most of modern western society readily accepting ideas of self discipline, self sacrifice, civic virtue and (non-corporate/new age) spiritual-naturalism.

Galileans belong on a cross.

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