Can you go full neet by trading? All I really need to earn is 705$ per month. Is that hard?
Can you go full neet by trading? All I really need to earn is 705$ per month. Is that hard?
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It isn't hard if you have money already
Its easy if you're really smart but then if you're that smart you realize how much easier and less risky it is to make a fortune with traditional business ventures.
What is business ventures?
Depends on your starting capital, smats and cojones.
Pretty easy to make if you have like 5k to day trade ethereum.
If you cant figure that out by yourself, yes.
Like people here already said, the safest way is to day trade ETH. Roughly speaking, it goes between $289 and $309 almost every day. But usually it moves between $293 and $300 and that's almost a guarantee on a daily level. You can even write a incredibly simple bot to do this for you if you don't like checking the price every minute. So if you have $1000 capital and do these trades properly you could be making (300/293)*1000 = 23 buckos a day. So that's already 690 bucks a month. It compounds though, so in reality you'd likely be making closer to $900. So you'd do that monthly and take out your $705 and you'd have $1200 capital for the next month which would net you $1373 profit for the second month. And so on. Figure it out brainlet.
what do you use to day trade? What app?
He tells you in the last sentence.
easiest board to troll
I'll be helpful unlike the other anons: blockfolio.
how did you find this place
You're not going to make it.
Sorry to break this up to you, but you don't belong in crypto, friendo.
Well you still can invest. Buy and hold for months. But daytrade? Not for you.
Affiliate marketing, website building, CPA marketing, drop shipping, social media management, social media marketing,Website SEO the list goes on. Damn nigga dont tell me you were trying to use crypto as the save all be all, you need MULTIPLE streams of income
>hard work & blissful relaxation
>24/7 bland zombie neet life
Have fun with that
you know we're trying to retire early, right?
Dude, this shit is stuff you do pre-march of 2017. Maybe if you needed starting capital. Why do this pajeet shit when you can make way more trading and hoddling.
I'm having trouble believing this day trading could be this simple and consistent
You're fucking lazy then. 1 year of hustling, you outsource once you get everything running and then its residual income. Fucking lazy
I invested $270 a couple days ago and now have $456.85 value
is any of these actually possible anymore?
I thought these are all super oversatured
Okay then, genius, how do you get started on making a small fortune in a year just by doing internet shit?
Except this breaks down the more you're trying to move right? I can't imagine trying to day trade 100k to 1mil wouldn't affect the market
wow that all sounds gay as fuck looking back
no lie before crypto i was in that shitty affiliate marketing, drop shipping state of mind.
Don't day trade, hodl is the only sure path to profit. It's a scientific fact that coins only moon once you stop giving a shit.
Its super saturated with retards that don't know what they're doing. It's all about your team & the execution. Definitely not get rich quick, you have to work hard to build everything up & then finding someone reliable to out source is another headache in itself. Depends what your goals are too, me I could live comfortably on 3k month so its fine for me
2% a day on $4000 original investment is over a million dollars after a year
This. .... this is actually a really great thread.
I'll add : Do put some of your gains into BTC & long term holds, and compound the rest.
Do you trade ETH to dollar or ETH/BTC?
if you have to ask you don't have it in you
Muh super secret knowledge
Good coordinated PnD group if you guys want some easy gains, I've made a decent amount from it so far. You can reliably make 30% a pump. Just remember to sell at the peaks and hold for too long.
y-yeah it was all a joke g-guys...
>It's a scientific fact that coins only moon once you stop giving a shit.
this is true
But what about capital gains tax? Wouldn't that really hinder it?
it's actually really easy to make money in crypto and go full NEET. You're not going to become an instant millionaire but you also won't anywhere else. I'm actually "really smart" so I figured it out mostly myself and the rest on the internet but I could explain it to someone else that isn't a total retard easily. I seriously can't figure out how doesn't everyone do it given it's so easy
unless you already have significant capital you're going to stress so much trying to make your $705 living expense per month
what I mean is if you go into it as your "job" and you rely on these earnings, you're going to be very emotional if things take a turn for the worst and you start thinking "Oh my god I'm not going to make my required profits this month!" and start making mistakes as a result.
If you want to try living off crypto and require $705 profit per month I would make sure to have like ~$20-50k in the bank already so you have a cushion and zero emotional stress/investment. You're going to have months where you make several times $705 and you'll have months where you either make very little, or lose money.
Tell me your secrets senpai.
It is, trade eth to tether, we wales r doing this but once the new year is here this strat wont work we will change the price of eth
I trade with ~250k and it's very easy to make 1-2k per day "safely" doing that. Obviously some days I make almost nothing (or lose a bit) but then you have days with 10k profit that makes up for it, my avg is $1400 per day.
Yes. Consistentcy and volatility are antnonyms.
What the hell is wrong with you people.
please start trading so I can take your money
its mostly just pattern recognition and finding a niche opportunity to daytrade or arbitrage
they dont' last forever though but sometimes you get a few good months out of one opportunity and then move on to the next
it ends up feeling like some rainman shit where you find this "easy money" situation and think "oh man why isn't everyone doing this!" but like I said, it's pattern recognition, noticing the opportunity, and taking advantage of it. About a month ago I found one such and made about ~4 BTC doing straight arbitrage over the course of a week, but eventually more people discovered it on their own and the margins became more and more narrow to where I was making like 1/100th the amount of profit and abandoned it for another opportunity.
just study the charts of several pumped shitcoins and in some (about 50%?) you'll easily tell when someone buys before a pump.
For another type of reliable pattern watch quickfingersluc on youtube which also results from manipulation.
The trick is going for big pergentages in sure trades. You basically spend the time looking for the best opportunities on volatile coins who can easily go up on bull runs or random pumps
Okay I'll bite. How do I go about making a bot to automate my trades like this?
So using some stock website with a demo mode I have brought some and set it to automatically sell when profit and but when low, but when I put the money in and the amount of money immediately came into minus even if the worth haven't gone down. Is it taxes or what?
You cant day trade more than 4 times a week LOL, the idiots on this board. You need $25,000 capital to do more than 4 a week by law.
You could just do the long slow method
>buy bitcoin in the bear market
>sell in the bull market
This would net you a guaranteed 40% per trade just by following the macd. This is boring though, no excitement, basically no trading
That doesn't mean jackshir unless you margin trade for 10k+ gains per trade.
ETHClassic back when it came out was amazing. It kept trading between 17-30k sats HOURLY for about a week before it went to 70k and crashed.
Good. Altcoin trading sucks.
I'm trying to get rich with faucets and referrals. Will I ever make it?
hello retard
>All I really need to earn is 705$ per month. Is that hard?
extremely hard for someone with no savings
you need at least 20 grand and at least 4 months of intensive market research
your first month will include just opening accounts,wallets and getting information. the rest will just be exchanging and tracking.
regardless of this. im sure you can make 700$ a month by just being a smart trader (starting capital doesn't matter) and catch the good ico's when they drop
>roughly speaking
No. Unless you own the faucets and you have over 1 million people using your referral. It's as bad as hoping someone donates 1 BTC on yobit's free coins section.
For us poorfags we have few options.
Margin trading with 70-100x on Bitmex
Or trading with highly volatile, but very low market caps on Yobit, Cryptopia, Etherdelta and some other exchange.
If OP wants to be a suicidefag he should start margin trading 100x.
so how much money did your parents give you rich boi
Reduced trading fees for 6 months by using this link! Imagine if you had shorted futures at $10,000!
not hard at all. Just open a margin account and play options. Buy calls on dips on FANG and enjoy the gains in this bull market. Far easier to play than any crypto or pennyshit
im up 5 grand since last night
where can you even do that?
Poloniex (2x)
Bitmex (up to 100x, no USA allowed) (3x)
Kraken (5x)
How do you not know this? Every exchange has this feature. Are you exlusively on binance and bittrex or some shit?
Buy as much ark as you can and stake it.
Ark's price will go up and up and up, and eventually you'll be getting $700/month.
leave and never come back
plz share blockfolio
You only pay capital gains tax on withdrawals in USD, why the fuck would you pay tax on cryptocurrency-cryptocurrency wash trades?
Im guessing he is all in Confido
well how are you going to pay your bills with crypto? you have to withdraw to USD sometime.
Is lending and earning interest in Poloniex a good idea?
join this PnD group, work up the ranks, easy 40% each pump
>9.14 BTC input to gain 0.0008 BTC in two days
I'm gonna have to say no.
What platform are you using to make this viable? These margins are so low that its pretty much eaten up by fees. My current platform takes about 0.6% per trade. Buying and then selling its 1.2%. If I were to do this id lose half my gains.
You must be stupid but you said something smart.
I'm quite sure professional traders don't trade more that 4 time a week, they place an order and wait.
Retards buy and sell 5-6 coins per day, always at a loss hoping to find a moon mission at early stage while they always buy ATH.
What the fuck are you on? Even Bittrex is only like 0.25%. Gdax is free, but it's fucking terrible to use. The few boomers that are in this shit only know about Gdax
Please don't listen to this fucking idiot. You could be the most qualified and talented person going into ANY of these fields and you would not find any form employment.
He's a larping faggot.
1.2% 0.6% àre you a fucking idiot those fees will eat up your money like a high end escort.
Use a chinks exchanges like kucoin and binance for day trading or hodl and etherdelta to get early into new shitcoins , kraken to cash out using anything is stupid
Liqui and a hitbtc looks like a scamy as fuck
Bitfinex will tempt you to use levwrage and you WILL lose your money