So uh...why doesn’t God take more people directly into Heaven?
So uh...why doesn’t God take more people directly into Heaven?
He wants only people who truly love him.
Also human logic is nothing compared to gods reasoning also God looks way better than your pic related.
Better question is why God didn't just show up to everyone around the world and let them know he exists and what people should do to go to heaven.
Seems pretty dumb to play it that close to the vest that you hope some powerful empire will adopt your religion and then wait like 1500 years for it to slowly make its way to Asia and the Americas.
But he already did user. You can't expect Him to repeat Himself ecery century or so. His message has been sent down by his Son. What more could you ask?
That his son didn't go to some backwater, and maybe show up in the city of Rome, preform some tricks or whatever, get the word going, then hope over to Persia, let them know, China, and over to the Olmecs.
It's not God is too busy, he is supposed to omnipresent and omnipotent.
He only wants the creme of the crop.
Earth is a filtering ground for all the shitty humans.
We are living in a drainage pot.
>You can't expect Him to repeat Himself ecery century or so.
Why not? Nigga's omnipotent, it's not like it would be hard.
>His message has been sent down by his Son. What more could you ask?
He could have at least had Jesus write the book instead of leaving it to his followers to write a bunch of books decades after he died and decide a few hundred years later which ones are official.
>support Jews for 1000 years not the Greeks, Persians, or Chinese
>support backwards rednecks and African-tier countries now
Yeah, the elite of the elite
You think God is interfering in the lives of random ass people? That is absurd.
Just because people worship God doesn't mean they get a free ride. Its a religion of meritocracy.
Because Satan created video recording.
>So uh...why doesn’t God take more people directly into Heaven?
because so few deserve it
>Nigga's omnipotent
So most Christians have never truly loved him
Why not just make people who truly love him
God only made direct intervention before his descent as Jesus Christ
After the decent, Humanity had finally achieved the true understanding of the nature of God, and intervention was irrelevant as Humanity finally had its own path to fallow in life.
I believe Divine Intervention will return only when Humanity reaches its ultimate low and God returns again in the form of man to this earth.
He did and we killed him for it.
This is why the Cross is the ultimate symbol of Christ
Wait until we developed cameras and science to show up
Because they don't ask him to. Every Christian who has died in the past 2000 years is taken directly into heaven.
Ironically, your pic related was taken to Paradise, which is not heaven, only to wait until the resurrection to be taken "directly" into heaven.
He did. They blew it.
Because they haven’t purified themselves enough yet
Because then that removes free will, why not become a Catholic and live a good life
Missionaries appeared from the believers though, whilst virtuous pagans who never had a visit from a missionary are judged by their actions when they die
>there is no purgatory
Get this autism out of here
He will return though, hopefully you wont be alive when he does because he is only coming back when all hell breaks loose literally.
Divine intervention has occurred before, at the crusades and other great military feats, along with the defeat of the Protestant princes in the league wars
Because you have to earn it, that's the reason a religion can live that long
Show me "purgatory" in the bible.
How do you earn being adopted by God, again?
2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.
There is no purgatory.
You've been lied to.
>why not become a Catholic and live a good life
That wasn't an option for like 90% of the population until few hundred years ago. Most people never knew about Christianity much less a specific sect
>Missionaries appeared from the believers though
And took about 2000 years to fully spread the message around the world
>whilst virtuous pagans who never had a visit from a missionary are judged by their actions when they die
Then why even send Jesus? Why not just judge people by their actions?
Also that's a pretty recent concept. Historically pagans went to hell. And unbaptized babies spent eternity in purgatory. Punished because God relied on the most inefficient method possible to spread his super important message.
>Why not just judge people by their actions?
Because we all deserve to go to hell, that's why.
Do you want what you deserve, or do you want to beg God for mercy?
Because he never did and never will. Same for miracles, divine punishments or any other form of religious intervention. These are made up stories.