A she-pajeet at my job wants to fuck. Has anyone here ever put their dick in the curryhole?
A she-pajeet at my job wants to fuck. Has anyone here ever put their dick in the curryhole?
Do you like the smell of curry?
dude its great try it. pajeet women have the best vaginas
yes its stinky. Don't do.
Show her
show bob pls
stinky and hairy just like you...
life is short...just do it
They smell really bad. I guess if you can get past that. Some of them are well off financially.
Wtf dude? You don't have to get married. Pipe her immediately
Nope never will. I can't risk my son having the instinct to shit on the street.
Sho beob an vegjen pleas
yess bhabi have a good vagin
fucking disgusting
dont do it OP
just go fuck a black.
way more fun.
>Veeky Forums
>just go fuck a black.
Eww, this is a blue board, user.
show virginia plz
u scared little boy?
some of them are pretty hot
that's risky business user, I wouldn't take that chance if I where you
The interjection 'eww' is commonly used to convey disgust, not fear.
She shilling any good coins?
Bitch lasagne
it isnt "pajeet woman" she is a guupda
Bro let me ask you this...does a dog question food tossed on it's plate?
Do lions skip zebras and only go for monkeys?
I swear you guys are virigns for real...I'd fuck a pajeet without question. Real Chad's fuck beta boys jerk off to anime porn..
dont 4get vegena
Pajeet women are qt af.
Their food is great too and they're not as heavily ridden as our own sluts.
Plus their men are absolute garbage so she will adore you as long as you're not some piece of shit.
and they are extremely promiscuous
if she looks like this, go for it
The one on the left has a disgusting fat ass and nipples the size of dinner plates. Stop trying to shill your disgusting women. No one wants them.
Enjoy the herpes and child support
>Real Chad's fuck beta boys
did nazi that coming
Michael Cain is a famous curry-dipper.
every piece of pussy you turn down, is a piece you'll never get
>when you're about to fuck a pajeeta
That’s black women and Asians. Pajeet women don’t sleep around as much.
Pajeetas are either obsessive or complete sluts theres no middle ground.
Also wrong board faggot.
why the fuck did you save my screenshot?
Both of you are retards who have obviously no contact with these people.
She-pajeets are extremely sexually conservative outside the bedroom. Almost like Muslims.
W-why not?
I did. Light skinned kashmiri too. It was pretty godmode, I swear to fucking christ if I wasn't 5 years deep in /pol/ I'd have wifed it.
That maybe true in pooland. But not in the states they're not. Ive been with some pajeetas and many of them are extremely slutty.
It's an invasion of privacy. Are my browsing habits a meme to you?
fedora spotted.
Post proofs.
indian women are insane
"I was told sometime back that you are Management’s stooge. Are you? If you don’t know what that is, Management’s stooge is someone Management hires in a work place so that others lose their jobs because of the stooge, and in return they are promised better positions in the company. I am sure that legally it is not possible, however, in reality it has happened before.
I know that at this very moment you are thinking that I have no grip on reality or that I am a mental basket case but I can assure you that after suffering tremendously for the past 33 years, I have a very strong grip on reality and have never been a mental basket case nor will I ever be one.
The reason I ask the above question (besides being told you are their stooge) is because after you got the job with XX, other people were saying that you only got the job because you knew certain people and that really frightened me and that is why I tried my best not to send too many emails and kept conversation to the bare minimum at the SKA. You can imagine how nervous I am sending this one, but since I have decided to ‘seize the day’ I am not backing out now.
Furthermore, whenever I invited you for any of the Social Club events, you neither had the decency nor the respect for another human being, to say that you were busy and could not make it for those events, which made things even worse. In addition, you never helped me with my CV which got me thinking that you may neither be a friend nor a work mate. You can at times seem like a complete stranger."
more curry gold
"So, please don’t go red in the face as I am NOT accusing you of stalking me or anything, but, in addition, I would be grateful if you would stop checking the roster to see when I am in the SKA. I am so glad that you can’t hear the sound of my shoes anymore as it was disconcerting to see the way you knew when I got up from my desk and walked around the Contact Centre. And the sound of the meeting door opening when I was studying for my Contract exam!
It is all very flattering, but not really necessary as I have run out of conversation pieces whenever you come to the SKA. I have nothing to say in the SKA anymore and it has really become tedious trying to think of something nonchalant to say to you! Conversation between two people should be spontaneous, not tedious!
If you have something left to say, you are most welcome to come and speak to me in the SKA only on condition that you are NOT Management’s stooge and I will not lose my job in the process. (I can’t reiterate enough that I DO have a very strong grip on reality!) And, it happened to be a coincidence that we were both there at the same time. Or we could send an email to each other to coincide our breaks, with no hidden agendas behind them. We are two civil adults and we can have a normal, basic, down to earth conversation over a cuppa if you wanted to i.e. if you have a few minutes to spare from your very busy job! Nevertheless, if you continue to be painfully shy, very secretive, private and mysterious, it just boils down to the fact that you don’t trust me, which brings me back to the conclusion that we are strangers and you a stooge of Management."
Yes actually I do
I am aryan without much body hair
I'm married, but women always want me to fuck them
The bad smell is bad in a dirty good way
I am married already
I am married to a Chinese so that is probably gonna happen anyway
I've gone black before. It was ok. I went back. Never fucked a pajeet before
She told me to go all in on link
Would do pajeet instead of black any day
Is this a pajeeta anime?
nice b8
You're trash for wanting to cheat on your Asian waifu.
Go ahead and do it though.
just the thoughts of some indian bitch that i made the mistake of interacting with
Lmao unless your fucking gutter trash indian women yes you will get aids and HIV from Indian women lmao.
Please don't fuck indian women. Run runaway. Hide with your tentacle porn
I have fucked over 30 women of all different races.
She is about this cute
Quads of truth. I have missed out on so much pussy since getting married
This she pajeet is note cute
>wrong board
Veeky Forumsnessmen need to know how to deal with women
what city do I have to go to to find a pajeeta who looks like this?
Wait you do realize indians aren't black right
muh dik
Go for it. Don't impregnate
All I'm saying anonymous..at the end of the day were random internet people...
Don't pass up an opportunity to be with a chick cause some dude on the internet said so..
>mfw pajeet (Amerifag version) but don't interact w/ other pajeets
>lonely and isolated
>wish I could have been some Korean or Chinese chad instead
>it's probably better I don't interact since they're all well... you guys already know...
my fucking dick. who is this?
A celebrity you'll never get to fuck. What, did you think the average curryfag looked like this?
they are hairy af
they have hairy, awful tits. if you can get past that then go for it bro
The awful tits is a fact. I look at r/indiansgonewild and it's all sloppy pancake titties
My wife doesn't have as high of a sex drive as me. I can fuck 3 times a day and still masturbate later
I need some she-pajeet sex slaves to take on the extra work
u n d e r r a t e d
It's a proud British tradition
She cannot, Papa will kill she
she jokes on you
I really enjoy white girls, especially blondes.
But damn sometimes I really like to fuck a brown hairy pussy, it's like eating a good old mcdonald's from time to time.
No one asked the question: what does this have to do with business?
Shouldn't be on this board
relationships at work are an acceptable topic
you've had bad experiences my friend
brown girls have great breasts, this is a fact
a bang a sri lankan on the reg she hot af
curvy and tasty and smells nice
im a black girl virgin and proud of it. you're all degenerates imo
Women can't crypto.
I was never into she-pajeets until I went to Nepal.
Hoooollyy fuck, are those women hot. Blows asians and white girls out of the water in exotic beauty.
It converted me to a middle eastern/indian women lover.
Do you have snapchat or kik?
Show milk
Wtf did you do tho? Maybe you just look like a weirdo, user
I meant I'm a dude who has only fucked white girls. christ you guys are dumb.
You realize Indians are aryan?
Depends, can I buy 100k of it?
honestly, they got to have something wrong in their genetics that enables them to live like this
just dont comment on the hairy nips and its all good bah.. karma sutra much?
Not the darkie dravidians.
t. prathinder pajeet
At least find out how stinky it is, then dump her so she doesnt use the "relationship" to fuck over your income.
Glad to see the mods are doing their job.
im canadian and there's lots of them in the area i live. i actually started finding them more and more attractive over the last few years, lots of them have that sort of westernized Mia Khalifa look going on with the straight long hair and cute face. I fucked two different ones awhile back, both were a good time, no complaints. Wouldn't say there were any upsides either tho compared to any white women I've fucked, but still if you're curious about it (as I was) it's worth going for it.
Ignore the dipshits talking about them being stinky, they smelled completely average/normal.
>fucking sheprajeet
really gross mate, braging about pussy is cool until you are a married, then its just disgusting really.
another good thread, Veeky Forums. good job!
>married to a Chinese
lol here I thought you were alpha or something