What happened to Hip Hop?

I need to understand.

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chemicals in the water

Dunno but I would totally fuck the cute guy with the flower

I'm still waiting for black rock to come back. Some random poor (ghetto) black dude said I was listening to wypipo music. As a black guy, I felt pretty annoyed

God I hate this world, I hope there something after death

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It's a slippery downhill slope. Everything in "My Era" is part of the problem.

>Violent pseudo intellectual niggers vs druggie gay niggers
Who cares

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Boomers never raised their kids and those kids grew up and raised a generation of kids even though they had no clue what they were doing. Basically it's all boomers fault.

>He thinks Rock was ever a black only thing
Rock and Roll was a black *and* white phenomena as a combination between country and blues. Black Rock died a long time ago my dude

>be my era
>get shot to death

Looks like an improvement to me. Rappers back in the day were actually legit murderers and psychopaths, now it's just people having fun.

Complete bullshit, the top rappers back then were frauds and LARPers. Tupac was a solidly middle class suburban kid who did ballet in high school and started LARPing as a gangster after moving to California. Same goes for Dr. Dre, another fake tough guy. All in all they were mostly products of some really good promotion and marketing.
If anything some of these meme rappers of today like Chief Keef are more authentic murderous criminals than the frauds back then.

Didn't say it was only a black thing bud. Just wished "blackpipo music" went back to jazz, blues, funk, soul, and rock. Though Kendrick, old Kanye, and Logic are bretty gud I guess.

You're selecting the most outrageous of the current compared to the most conservative looking of the past

Completely biased picture that disencourages any real discussion

>music and the arts are full of faggots
a whole bunch of those OG nigga gangsta rappers were secretly gay too, they just didn't show it.

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Still druggies though. How is my race ever gonna pull ourselves from our hole of helplessness and self pity.

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You didn't say druggies, you said murderers and psychopaths, and they were nothing of the sort. Entire gangsta rap scene was on par with WWE promotion except in wrestling even retards realize it's actually fake.

End the slave mentality. Preach brother, we need to empower blacks to not be such winy little bitches and better ourselves as individuals.

>(to a lesser extent) Jay-Z




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Bruh I'd love to sit down with a fellow based 4channer and smoke some good shit and listen to some Jazz. Fuck stormniggers man, race is nothing, it's just us against the normies.

WWE was the shit. Also, not same poster


Get with the times grandpa

Also take off the nostalgia goggles

Can disgusting faggots and trannies please leave my board

Veeky Forums is unironically one of the most tolerant boards.


now THAT'S what I call exaggeration

I would rather get intolerant people off of this board.

Pac is overrated but Biggies flow is untouchable.