Is this accurate Veeky Forums?
Is this accurate Veeky Forums?
What am I looking at?
The forgotten man
FDR not in a wheelchair
Otherwise spot on
>teddy roosevelt clapping
>W. Bush disdaining Obama
Literal "good goy Republican" tier.
I thought that guy on the bench was JFK and I was very confused. I still am.
Delete this
Jon McNaughton is the greatest artist of our time Andy probably any time
I imagine this guy watches Fox News 24/7, goes to Evangelical church on Sundays, and wishes he could send all his taxes right to Israel.
*and probably any time
Fuck mobile posting is truly a cancer
Anyway, here’s more discussion fuel
White man feeling sorry for himself even though there's money all over the ground for him to pick and all the presidents of ages past going "What the fuck is your problem self victimizing white man look at the nigger over there he's fucking president of the United mother fucking States and you're too lazy to pick up money right in front of you" up, and successful black man standing on a newspaper.
But wait
His symbolism rivals that of the great Poe himself
>man picks up money literally lying on the ground
>"about fucking time guy"
>full clapistani
>whips out pocket constitution
>"whoa what the fuck this nigga doin"
here we see the artist deftly navigate the conflicting beliefs of a middle-aged neoconservative turned new right
A drawing of the great anti-imperialist shepherd himself
> See Lucy, when you're all grown up this tree will be as big as you are! You'll be able to hang at least 3 illegals from its branches.
This bench sure has been through a lot.
not funny and poor attempt at emulating blacks
He says this is his favorite
For about three months after 911 any crying eagle or other patriotic schlock would make me slightly emotional. But I was like 13. Boggles the mind to think that full grown adults have that kind of reverence at all times for two decades straight. ;-;
I know a female veteran who looks similar to this, and she's a massive liberal, lol.
Jeez, that painter should sent to a asylum, is vision of the world is pure madness....
The greatest in my opinion, many things happening, it’s both Veeky Forums and /hum/
For instance, marx has repented, lenin is having none of it, and stalin appears amused at the whole thing
What did he mean by this?
Since when did boomercons embrace Socialist Realism?
Dude has some amount of artistic ability, pity he's some sort of insane christian conservative.
Lenin and Marx locking eyes like they're about to start the revolution right then and there
>Marx: This nigga is what a REAL commie looks like
>Lenin: Fuck you Marx and fuck your mother and fuck you bastard Jesus I was the one that fucked your mother
>Stalin: If I had my way he'd already be in a gulag
>Napoleon: Shut up Stalin no one likes you, you only won because of Russian winters
>Hitler: Goddamn kike, got what you deserved
>Henry: Fucking monogamy
>Fidel: FYI I was a Catholic the entire time just saying
It's a metaphor for Trump beating Gary "A lebbo?" Johnson
Bush is ON the Obama side. He looks hesitant like he doesn't know where to go.
I think he's a Mormon.
>"I wanted the viewer to have a sense of what it would be like had they witnessed such a place. It is a room, filled with ancient records illuminated by candlelight. Mormon, a great general of the Nephites, is surrounded by sacred relics, as well as the swords and armor of the great ones."
that’s how he always looks
More Gods, your grace?
This one is baffling. I have no clue what he's getting at here.
Why doesn't that guy pick up some of that cash?
I like the crusader
>tfw your lord comes back
The Nazi
>uh... we're going to need a bigger oven.
too good for handouts
Why is Aragorn wearing sandals?
this is even better than Kelly's Onion comics!
>fdr, teddy and clinton americlapping
>woodrow wilson slyly looking directly into the camera
>john adams looking depressed in the back
Spot on desu