He is burning in hell

Funny, his final thoughts were that he was going to enter eternal blackness. But when he woke up, he found himself before the Lord, his soul judged by him to be tortured for all eternity in the realm of Satan.

I ponder now, was the judgement quick and was he sent to hell right away? Or is he being judged at the gates as we speak? Either way, he will rot in hell for blasphemy against the Lord, as that, without repentance, is an unforgivable sin.

What does Veeky Forums think?

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Veeky Forums thinks you are a sad little person

Fuck off /pol/shit

>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.
Go cry on Veeky Forums or /news/, nigger.

The only sad men in this world are those who do not have a relationship with the Lord.

/pol/ is atheist/pagan, in fact i bet they're crying over the sinner's death as we speak.

I'm wondering what type of shit life you must have to seriously get on your computer and type this shit up.

Anyway this isn't Veeky Forums related. Fuck off.

You know what they say, there’s no atheists in foxholes.

>be american
>shit post on his
just go back to pol and leave his alone

>And humanities

Religion falls under humanities my fedora wearing friends.

Your language is so foul, it lets me see into the state of your lost soul. But you can still be saved.

/pol/ is an atheist/pagan board. It goes against everything the Lord stands for. We are all children of God from Asia, to Europe and to Africa. And we are growing faster than atheists.

And humanities doesn't negate the 25 year rule.

Yes, it does.

>"For the purpose of determining what is HISTORY"
It only applies to history, not humanities

Hell is eternal, there is no "25 year rule" in the afterlife.

Science is a religion and therefore falls under humanities

He was talking about Veeky Forums rules

You're referencing the death of an individual who died today, cuck. This goes against the rules of the board.
>For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago.

Religion is humanities. God bless your soul.

Burning Hell is a myth. People are simply separated by how much bad they're willing to do. Hell is only bad because everyone in it is bad. True Heaven is for those few pure of heart who would never do bad. He's probably somewhere in the better tiers.
That's what I like to believe, anyway.

>Religion is humanities. God bless your soul
Not when it directly references a modern event, user.

What value, following Veeky Forums's rules, if it costs you your immortal soul?

Hell is merely the absence of God. Heaven is oneness with God. They are not physical places in the way that Paris or Tokyo are.

>Burning Hell is a myth.
>Jesus' own words are a myth
I will pray for you.

The lowest levels might be burning, but not because God put them so. Only because they're full of arsonists.
Again, just what I like to imagine.

I'm sorry pastas plz forgave me

>tfw you are more scared of life and death than a cripple so you have to believe in a sky daddy to take care of you forever

If you rely on what you imagine, and not the word of God, then you will end up where hawking is tonight.

Stop believing in fairy tales, retard.