at the times was it considered just to punish a son for a fathers sins? did god harden the pharaohs heart because his people had been enslaved for hundreds of years and the egyptians needed to suffer? was that just?
Why did God harden his heart?
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God was just jealous Ramesses II would go down as the greatest Egyptian pharaoh despite being a ginger.
He was probably a foreigner.
>During the Second Intermediate Period (1650–1550 BC), a group of Asiatic foreign chiefs known as the Hyksos (literally, "rulers of foreign lands") gained the rulership of Egypt, and ruled the Nile Delta, from Avaris. They chose Set, originally Upper Egypt's chief god, the god of foreigners and the god they found most similar to their own chief god, as their patron.
>The founder of the Nineteenth Dynasty, Ramesses I came from a military family from Avaris with strong ties to the priesthood of Set. Several of the Ramesside kings were named after the god, most notably Seti I (literally, "man of Set") and Setnakht (literally, "Set is strong"). In addition, one of the garrisons of Ramesses II held Set as its patron deity, and Ramesses II erected the so-called Four Hundred Years' Stele at Pi-Ramesses, commemorating the 400-year anniversary of the Set cult in the Delta.
It's possible that Ramesses was an Indo-European or maybe even a Jew.
>Red hair is also found amongst the Ashkenazi Jewish populations.[22] In 1903, 5.6% of Polish Jews had red hair.[23] Other studies have found that 3.69% of Jewish women overall were found to have red hair, but around 10.9% of all Jewish men have red beards.[24] In European culture, prior to the 20th century, red hair was often seen as a stereotypically Jewish trait: during the Spanish Inquisition, all those with red hair were identified as Jewish.[25] In Italy, red hair was associated with Italian Jews, and Judas was traditionally depicted as red-haired in Italian and Spanish art.[26] Writers from Shakespeare to Dickens would identify Jewish characters by giving them red hair.[27]
To display the full might of God before an evil despot.
Ramses wasn't an Hyksos
God is a dick.
I'm not saying he was, but he was a red-haired guy who worshiped Set, and he ruled after their invasion. It's possible that at least some of his ancestors were Hyksos.
God's a dick. There's nothing more to it than that.
Jews/Canaanites lived pretty close to where the Egyptians did, if red hair was common for them, its not surprising for it to show up in Egyptian populations.
Also I'm pretty sure redheaded Egyptians were supposed to have some connection to the storm god Set.
It's possible that they didn't mean that God literally reached into his emotions and hardened it using his God powers, but rather that God's actions externally caused Rameses heart to harden. If I rape my wife and she says I hardened her heart against me, you wouldn't assume that she meant I literally magically reached into her soul and caused her heart to harden, would you?
Apparently it may've been a figurative idiom like "god willing". However using figurative language about god in a book about god is bad writing.
>Originally called Pa-ra-mes-su, Ramesses I was of non-royal birth, being born into a noble military family from the Nile delta region, perhaps near the former Hyksos capital of Avaris.
Ramesses II father. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but who knows?
Its possible he had Hyksos blood. I was just triggered by you calling him a foreigner.
Pretty hard to believe he would refuse of his own volition when being threatened with plagues
Why do you guys think it was possible? The Hyksos dynasty was forced to leave Egypt two centuries before his rule
Oh okay, I agree. I'm not a retarded Nordicist.
Pssh, the Egyptians got off easy. They only lost their firstborn sons. In Joshua, Yahweh pulls this heart-hardening shit to justify wiping out entire cities (see Joshua 11:19-20)
casus belli
They probably left a genetic mark on territories they inhabited.
But that's literally what he did later on. The Bible omits the "God hardened his heart" for the last few plagues, meaning that, even assuming we're talking about God magically hardening his heart, then Pharoah still chose of his own free will to say no when God didn't harden his heart.
Yes but light hair is present also in North Africans so I don't see why the only explanation would be that he had bronze age Levantine/Hyksos blood. Not to mention that the inhabitants of Egypt mostly descended from Levantines who migrated there during the Neolithic.
That's because large chunks of the OT are nothing more than blatant jewish fapfiction
Because its not like every single person of Hyksos stock was expelled.They entered Egypt in like 1900 BC. The 17th dynasty lasted from 1650 - 1540 BC. That's a long time for people in that region to be mixing. And Ramseses II was born up north.
I mean its not conclusive. But its possible that he had some Hyksos blood.
Yes but where's the evidence of him being Hyksos or part Hyksos? North Africans can have light hair too, such as the isolated Guanches people who surely didn't have any foreign influx
Like I said, it could be a coincidence, but still...
>non-Royal founder of the dynasty born near the former Hyksos capital
>Set was the main God of the Hyksos
>apparently he was described as having red hair
>Set was also Ramesses patron deity, his father's name was Seti
>Ramesses II mummy shows that he had red hair
>I mean its not conclusive. But its possible that he had some Hyksos blood.
I not the guy saying he was. I just said it was possible because his ancestors came from the Hyksos capital.
if Trump finally deported all the Mexicans, and there was some dude born in Texas with jet black hair, it wouldn't make him Hispanic, or even probably Hispanic. But it could make him possible Hispanic.
Was Set the main god of the Hyksos because he was a storm god and the Caananites main god was the storm god Baal?
Why did Pharaoh enslave the Jews if the Jews are physically weak?
It says it in Exodus. Just to prove the Hebrew that he was their G-d and that he was almighty
Genesis 47. All people living in the land of Canaan became property of the pharaoph thanks to Joseph. Once Joseph died the jews felt out of favor
Because that made sense for the people who wrote the old testament at the time. Their concept of punishment was different.
Not to mention that he was the god of the jews, so he only favored the “chosen people” and didn’t give a shit about the lives of egyptians, babylonians, etc.. it was all about “my god is better than yours”.
Friendly reminder that there is zero (count it, ZERO) archaeological evidence for the Exodus, a large Jewish population in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs, and even less of a record of the Pharoah's best chariots and all of the other chariots being fucking lost in the Red Sea.
Christcucks are delusional as always
>a large Jewish population in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs
Devil's Advocate here, the was the Habiru, a sort of generic term for rebel, bandit, mercenary from the Levant and Syria, who entered Egypt around the time. They could have been hired as mercenaries then ultimately striped of their weapons like the Hebrews of the Bible. There's also the Hyksos an Asiatic people who could have formed the basis for the Hebrews.
>and even less of a record of the Pharoah's best chariots and all of the other chariots being fucking lost in the Red Sea.
A somewhat valid argument made by Christians and Jews is that the Egyptians didn't always record accurate history because of the magical power associated with writing. We assumed Battle of Kedesh went alright for the Egyptians. It wasn't until we read the Hittite account and then the peace treaty that it was clear Ramsesses may not have done so well.
But probably the biggest problem is that recent archaeological evidence shows the Hebrew take over of Canaan was not as a foreign force, but a native revolution. While there may be some truth of an exodus, that group had a lot of native support, and chose a native Canaanite god, and a Canaanite language.
no user, Ramases was a white Anglo Saxon, and a true Aryan.
>God will force you to hate him and then punish you for you unbelief.
Christfaggotry, ladies and gents.
Because God loved them musical numbers
Ver. 3. I shall harden, &c.; not by being the efficient cause of his hardness of heart, but by permitting it; and by withdrawing grace from him, in punishment of his malice; which alone was the proper cause of his being hardened.
you do realise Egyptians shaved their hair constantly and glued wigs on their corpses
>look, i can make this puppet dance on strings, look how mighty i am!
don't they use henna?
Are you suggesting Ramesses didn't have red hair?
>Microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair originally was red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads
Also the hair on this mummy isn't a wig, but the hair is dyed. In fact the Egyptians had a few techniques for dying hair, which sort of hurts the myth that all Egyptians shaved their head and wore wigs. Many mummies have their own hair.
Don’t try to rationalise the morals of Jews from 2000+ years ago with that of a modern western man.
When the story of Exodus was written, the prevailing dogma amongst the Israelites was that NOTHING happened without God. Literally nothing, nothing ever. Therefore, saying Free Will exists is a SIN. Rameses did what he did BECAUSE GOD.
When the story of Exodus was written, the Israelites weren't even monotheistic.
No, he displayed his might by the plagues (which are referred to in the Bible as "signs and wonders").
As a child taking Bible lessons, this was the story that terrified me more than anything.
>believing literal Jewish propaganda
>god hardened his heart
His heart was hardened because of God, he was committed to be a shit and everybody paid for it. It's a little bit like Drumpf and how all Americans are paying for his retardedness despite that FEWER THAN HALF OF AMERICAN ELECTED HIM
It's always been just to punish people for their ancestors' sins. God's laws don't change, you know.
Maybe he just covered his hair with his hat
big if true
>was warned several times
>all he had to do was let the Israelites go
>was to pridefull and though himself a god
>got BTFO
why aren't the jews being punished then?
no point if ur enemy isnt strong
Electoral College nigga
>Why did this 'thing that never happened' happen?
Really makes you think.
Ramses wasn't an Hyksos
Jews/Canaanites lived pretty close to where the Egyptians did, if red hair was common for them, its not surprising for it to show up in Egyptian populations.
Friendly reminder that there is zero (count it, ZERO) archaeological evidence for the Exodus, a large Jewish population in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs, and even less of a record of the Pharoah's best chariots and all of the other chariots being fucking lost in the Red Sea.
no user, Ramases was a white Anglo Saxon, and a true Aryan.
you do realise Egyptians shaved their hair constantly and glued wigs on their corpses
Oy vey
None of that shit happened between Egyptians and Hebrews
The story is fiction.
>Friendly reminder that there is zero (count it, ZERO) archaeological evidence for the Exodus
>Why is there no evidence of temporary mud and straw huts after thousands of years of rain and wind.
>chariots being fucking lost in the Red Sea.
>Why is there no evidence for unidentifiable broken wooden sticks lost at a turbid salt water inlet.
Jee, I don't know user, maybe because there wouldn't be any left? If you're going to disregard oral and written history as evidence, you might as well not study anything before the mid 1800's.
>Why did God harden his heart?
tough love
Can't we have a SINGLE FUCKING THREAD on Egypt that isn't all about what color the pharaohs were?
don't bother. christians are unable to accept the fact that their funny book is horribly mistranslated.
No, not since the stormfags learned how to browse Veeky Forums.
I had to Tough Love my kid 2
Because the old testament was written by Jews, and Jews are by far the most vindictive and petty people in existence.
yeah, because your irrational hatred isn't petty at all
Wouldn't it be cool if someone streamed this movie and Veeky Forums watched it all together?
>No Aaron in Prince of Egypt.
Shit film. Moses wank fest, Aaron was the true our guy.
NBF and the other /pol/tards would immediately ruin it with their anti-Semitic shitposting
It’s not even an accurate retelling of the Book of Exodus
But would a cute Jewish girl harden his dick?
Why didn't God simply free his people?
God is like a movie director, he likes overly complicated plans.
The "hardening of Pharaoh's heart" is just a cover. What probably happened is that, after telling the slaves they could leave and returning to his home, the Pharaoh's wife gave him a bunch of shit, nagged him, and called him a pussy. Women nagging their husbands is a phenomenon that can be observed throughout human history across different cultures and eras, and remains the best explanation as to why Pharaoh went back on his word so many times.
Aaron should have been killed after the whole "golden calf" incident, imo. It's kind of fucked up that they killed thousands of Hebrews during this event, but Aaron, the one who made the damned statue, was let off the hook and even allowed to keep his position as head priest.
>free will
The scapegoats already perished for Aaron. No need to kill him too
>did god harden the pharaohs heart because his people had been enslaved for hundreds of years and the egyptians needed to suffer?
God didn't harden Pharaoh's heart because the Jews don't worship that which is God - they worship a terrorist who wrote a manifesto in God's name. Anyone can do that.
> "I have a license from God to kill and this statement is the word of God." - Signed, Me.
See? It's that easy. I'm telling the truth though - I really do have a license from God to kill - the people who wrote the Bible were liars.
The Pharaoh works for that which is God - and his heart would be hardened against Abrahamic terrorists regardless because they're terrorists.
that film was great
and the prequel too
It's funny how the jews fabricated a narrative of the Pharaoh unwilling to let them go when in truth the kikes got kicked out of Egypt
Weren’t the Jews originally worshipers of Apet of something?
>le chosen people meme
Why does Fiennes always get casted as an antisemite in movies
Spot on analysis by Veeky Forums
The Gebelein predynastic mummies from 3400 BC were also red heads, the Ramesses was a Hyksos theory is a desperate attempt by negrocentrists to fit themselves in Egypt.
>This body was originally nicknamed 'Ginger' due to his red hair; this nickname is no longer officially used as part of recent ethical policies for human remains.
See Red hair was already present
The Bible says the Exodus Pharaoh drowned to death. Raamses II's mummy shows no evidence of this.
Ramses lived til his 90s, I doubt he would command an army of chariots at that age
Red hair appeared 20,000-40,000 years ago in the Middle East, not surprising Middle Eastern people could have a gene that arose in the Middle East.
Is there a consensus on who was the pharaoh in Exodus?
Movies and whatnot oftern go for him