>there were no swedish vikings
>all vikings were danish and norwegian
How the fuck did this meme start? It has zero merit
>there were no swedish vikings
>all vikings were danish and norwegian
How the fuck did this meme start? It has zero merit
Other urls found in this thread:
the most remarkable accomplishments were by danes, all swedish runestones of note lay in land once danish
That's straight up wrong, most runestones are from Gotland, Uppland and middle Sweden
and then you have shit like this
A huge archeological dig that found boats and armor of proto-vikings in the 6th century, all of it in Uppland which has always been swedish
because Swedes have always been ruled by superior people. First Finns, then Danes, then Germans
Fear the finns
I visited the Runic stones in when I was in Stockholm. They were very beautiful, as was the landscape around it. Are you Swedish?
Yeah i'm from Uppsala (student)
I grew up here and have visited the viking burial mounds in Gamla Uppsala several times.
What is russia?
Jättebra, I was an exchange student to the SU for a semester, while the city was shot I would often escape into the local landscape. They are top tier comfy, wish I had my pics with me of the Runes I went to but they are on an old broken phone.
A country that BTFO Sweden
Mostly due to that unlike the Danes and Norwegians that went west in their endeavours, the Swedes went east and did not leave an impression on the west like Knut the Great or Hardrada.
didnt the name rus come from swedish vikings?
Probably. Rurik was almost certainly a Swede
>Rurik was almost certainly a Swede
i remember reading something like he was haplogroup N1c but a clade specific to scandinavia.
Now the French?
why are you addressing the "Norwegians" as a different people than Danes?
everyone knows that Norwegians are originally Danes, anyone saying otherwise is trying to enforce their make belief "country" on the real world
are icelanders norweigans?
Why do you ask?
Finnish ancestors, probably from the Hyperwar.
t. falseflagging swede
Funnily enough, the kingdom of norway is older than denmark. Danes are really just germans that didn't get completely absorbed into the HRE when Otto ii subjugated their "country"
Actually Swedish archaeologists have found something very interesting.
High class Finnish warrior burials on Swedish soil.
These were not thralls folks.
>2.3. Graves with objects connected to Finland
>The Mälaren area clearly had connections to a variety of other areas. One place of special interest for this study is Western Finland, since artifacts associated with that area have been found in graves at Birka and in the Mälaren valley. Several studies have also documented that pottery made according to a Finnish tradition (Baltic Finnish Pottery) was produced in Birka and other places in the Mälaren region. It seems likely that people familiar with the production of this ceramic material had moved to the Mälaren region (Gustin, 2017). Thus, one aspect of our study was to examine this possible connection to Western Finland. There were two other markers of possible Finnish connections. Permian strike-a-lights may have come from further east, but they appear to have passed through Finland before being exported to Sweden. Pegged penannular brooches (“penannular brooches with faceted and pegged knobs on the terminals”, Fig. 8) are a distinctive dress ornament known to have been produced and worn in Western Finland, also recorded in the Mälaren region (Gustin, 2015, 2016, 2017; Roslund, 2017).
>Among the cremation graves with objects related to Finland, a very rich boat grave from Hemlingby in Gästrikland stands out...
>This boat grave also contained a pegged penannular brooch as well as Baltic Finnish pottery, both generally associated with Finland.
Swedish Alt-Right weenies like to imagine ancient Swedish society as closed but this may not be the case at all. Finns may have come and gone freely without any resistance from the Swedes.
>being this much of a brainlet
jævla dansker
Of course as expected there's damage control in the conclusions
>Most of the graves with Finnish contents were richer graves in general. The question of cultural vs. isotopic evidence for provenience is an essential one in a study such as this. In spite of the presence of obvious exotic goods such as the pegged penannular brooches from Finland, there was no definitive evidence that the individuals in possession of these goods were of foreign origin.
A Finn born in Sweden has Swedish isotopes.
I don't think there is any precedent for cultural appropriation to this extent anywhere in the Germanic world.
true, one need only look to the language, it is danish
>swedoid chieftain buys pretty finngolian brooch
>"thas right we wuz kangz of sweden"
because swedes are homosexual
yes it did
Icelanders are Anglo-Celto-Scandinavian hybrids
example of danish stone in modern day sweden
Because people forget Eastern Europe and the Byzantine Empire existed
Now the third world
That doesn't mean shit when talking about ethnicity you know
Icelanders are nearly 100% descended from the norse settlers there during the reign of Harald Fairhair and later Erik Bloodaxe.