G e r m a n | T h r e a d

What made this fucks so mighty and superior? First they defeat both the Huns and Roman Empire and rule half of Europe and more. Then as soon as they unite they become the #1 world power, and that they did without any colonies. It also took the entire world to stop them twice in course of 40 years and are still now the #1 European power. Not even mentioning they invented half the shit we use today

General Deutsche thread. Cheers to the mighty German

Attached: germanic.jpg (600x413, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:


German masculine physical traits + long Nordic skull = ubermensch in both physical and cognitive sense

Attached: crying NAZI.jpg (236x299, 19K)

Attached: Silesian.png (2498x3729, 1.52M)

It's this. In all of ancient times they were an epitome of strenght, and later on, smarts as well

Attached: germanic-tribe-people.jpg (535x760, 142K)

>epitome of strength
More like barbarity.

Nope. Physical strenght. Read Tacitus faggot.
Also epitome of beuty, roman women and men both often dyed their hair etc to look Germanic

God I hate them so much. I just want to punch to death a german RIGHT NOW!

Only prostitutes.

Those are tears of joy mate. he couldn't cope with BTFO'ing entire Europe so fast. lol.

I laughed ngl

Pic related are tears of happiness when he sees how Slavic brutes breed his mother. Finally, she will have superior seed in her.

Attached: crying hun.jpg (1600x875, 93K)

The first german empire was called Holy Roman Empire. The strongest states of the empire were Prussia and Austria. The prussians were balts who spoke german and austrians were slavs who spoke german.
What did they mean by this?

ancient Germanics had almost nothing to do with the modern state, you are retarded.

the ancient Germanics would have had more in common with the modern day Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Norwegians.

modern day Germans are largely mutts.

Attached: gfgdgasgfsdg.png (219x230, 6K)

You're a sicko with an interracial cuckold/breeding fetish. How does it feel?

I wonder were you are from?

Attached: Medoid.jpg (640x480, 26K)

Pretty good, when I look what maker of this thread represents with himself.

Germanics are just North Slavs with more genetic damage from farmers.

and french are germans that speak french and italians are germans that speak italian am i right?

your post goes well with your picture. What do you base this retarded logic on?

>y-y-yyyou got rpaed in 1945!111
>i -i-i wanna PUNCh a german right NOW !!!
>f-f-fuck you, deutsche ubermenschen!!!

Attached: lolzzzz hahaha OUT LOUD hahaha.jpg (540x540, 69K)

>they beat the huns
Instert that brainlet feels guy image

Is this thread a falseflag or overdosed nationalism actually detoriated your brain

>deutsche ubermenschen
You made a mistake here, it should be "untermenschen"

>says Instert that brainlet feels guy image
>is a brainlet
oh Veeky Forums you silly

Attached: Untitled.png (334x514, 20K)

the large Roman, Italian settlements in the west and south of Germany. also the Slavic settlements in the east of Germany, further the early Gaulish population, Germans are largely mutts.

Germans... favorite snack of Russians and Americans

i'm not anti German or anything, i'm only interested in the truth. if you are from the north of Germany then I suppose you are pretty much the same as the iron age Germans.

Russians and Americans love snacking on big German sausage

They have to eat it both at the same time tho otherwise they'd get btfo xD

The strongest Germanics invaded south

but they absorbed into the local populace and became swarthy.

Lies. Russians fucked Germans countless times. Russians were destroying Germans on Eastern Front as well.

>inb4 muh KD XD
Germans were zerging and outnumbering Soviets during sucesful weeks of Barbarossa.

in other words most handsome mothafuckas on the planet

North Italians aren't all that swarthy.

although their genes still pop up here and there, even in Sicily pic related.

Attached: hqdefault.jpgk.jpg (480x360, 20K)

> bro bro russians were (((destroying))) the germans on their only front while Germans were fighting on three bro

north Italians are probably mostly Celtic genetically but they do have a significant amount of Lombard genes.

Attached: link_T6gX5FJeYibOC9DrzxyDzt1h2u8nbCIW,w1200h627.jpg (800x545, 204K)

More lies from your uneducated ass. But what should I expect, I'm speaking to a retard youtube.com/watch?v=B-ZHH770WLs&t=3s

>Germanic yDNA
into trash it goes

A once great blonde-haired, blue-eyed people-tribe, today most "Germanics" are racemixed mutts by and large having nothing to do with these ancient noble royal blonde-haired blue-eyed people.

My goal in life as an inferior M*diterranean shitskin is to find a beautiful Germanic queen to breed with.

do you have a better source? or an argument?

Attached: C24jXVUXcAEP0LH.jpg (598x792, 69K)

You know, by 1000 AD most of Europe was already racemixed.

Have you heard of the Age of Migration by chance? Muh pure race is complete nonsense.

why? your children will just end up being swarthy brown eyed, brown haired mutts. is it just for aesthetics?

not really, Swedes and Norwegians are pretty pure racially.

Attached: 1519223528627.png (236x214, 6K)

Swedes are mixed with Finnics and Norwegians are mixed with Celts. Only Scanian Swedes, Danes, northern Germans and the northern Dutch are "pure".

Dutch are a mix of Celtic and Germanic influences try again.

I think the Basque are actually the only "pure" race in Europe

>dutch are celtic


Yes starting a war where you have to fight on three fronts, German superior intelligence

>this youtube links will prove that germany was actually only in war with the ussr haha dont forget to sub
dayum Veeky Forums, the state of you

A Mix of influences = they are celtic?
Take some English classes pal

There were no Sub-Saharan Africans, East Asians, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, etc in Europe before 1000 AD. Really all the major migrations are a product of the modern era.

Wrong, the northern Netherlands was mostly untouched by the Celts. And regardless, from the 3rd through to the 5th centuries the land was rendered uninhabitable and remained mostly unpopulated for two centuries. Modern Dutch Frisians and Saxons are descended from Angles and Saxon settlers that repopulated the region after the land became habitable again. So they are free Celtic influence.

Of course largely most of Europe is racemixed, but there are remnants that have remained "purer" than others.

>why? your children will just end up being swarthy brown eyed, brown haired mutts. is it just for aesthetics?

The Med-Germanic match is a match made in heaven. The children will inherit the intellect, creativity, ingenuity, and culture that created modern civilization of the Mediterranean people, and the robustness, strength, wisdom, and royal traits (light features) of the great Germanic warrior races.

Pro-tip, there is no such thing as white race.
The white races are different and always have been.
Goths, Vandals, Anglo-Saxons, Ostrogoths, Bulgars, Avars and many other different people moved around and conquered parts of Europe and mixed with the local populaces.

Frenxh are a celtic-latin population.
Also, keep in mind, germans were LARPing as romans and latter they were rulled by slavs.
Latins and slavs are the master race.

when you're the best in the class you get a bit conceited

Germanic warrior meme. Lol wtf is this a Total War Game.


The Medo-Germanic race will conquer the world. The traits of these two great people compliment each other like no other. I invite all my Mediterranean brothers to OLIVE OIL Germanic queens. Take for yourself a Germanic queen bride and forge the New Race, the new Rome. This synthesis will build the New Rome, and conquer the earth.

>Germanic warrior races

>French are a celtic-latin population
>name comes from a fucking germanic tribe
oh yea right yes oh

The Franks didn't affect the population of France that much, the bulk of the population was still very much celtic
Similar to UK and Anglo-Saxons.
It was the culture that took over, not the actual populations replacing the natives

>t. because I say so!

Attached: 36A6689D00000578-3711040-A_study_of_DNA_collected_by_the_family_history_website_Ancestry_-a-2_146969 (470x473, 45K)


>Similar to UK and Anglo-Saxons.

I have serious doubts that 1000 years ago the UK was 37% Anglo Saxon.
Source for that?

soon mein brethen, söön

Attached: grossdeutschland_by_arminius1871-d8tqyk6.png.jpg (922x866, 145K)

It's not 1000 years ago it's modern day England
I think source is Ancestry.co.uk

and with denmark and sweden and norway desu

All those people are essentially Caucasians. There was no relevant real race mixing before the modern era of travel.


Med power lads

Caucasian people never really migrated from what I heard.
They mainly just stayed in the mountains.

I think you are confusing modern perceptions of race with older perceptions

Like another user says, franks were just a minority. Still stupid that France is not called Galia or New Rome. Paris for capital of the world.
Germans today are children of soviet troops who killed german men and fucked their women. Your baba still had reminiscence after the great soviet cock.

That's completely wrong. They were mixing left and right. Indo-Europeans themselves are a mix.

gold post


This kills the kraut

Attached: dasSUCC.jpg (332x344, 18K)

why are Germans so dominant?

Attached: Europe_under_Nazi_domination.png (1088x998, 187K)

Attached: main_900.jpg (900x632, 116K)

As one user already put it: strong physical traits + long nordic skull, a combo which enables both their warrior and intelligence skills to the maximum

>What made this fucks so mighty and superior?
>First they defeat both the Huns and Roman Empire and rule half of Europe and more.
They didn't defeat shit, Rome was sacked after it fell for the diversity and refugee meme and let the Germans march in, unconquered, uncivilized. The Huns where the main reason the Germans invaded Rome, because the Huns where the ones taking German land and forcing them to relocate.
>Then as soon as they unite they become the #1 world power
As he types in English

The only thing dominant is autism in 1/64th germanigg americans.

>4th place is a win for Germans


English is a germanic language


English is the most melting pot language of all time

it's just how we are bro =D

Attached: Germanic+Migrations.jpg (971x800, 148K)

Human waves
The age old tactic they used to destroy everyone, from the enlightened Mamelukes to the advanced Soviets

are these the two most brainlet posts on Veeky Forums 2018 ?

no it's a typical 16 year old history buff post

29% Latin
29% French
26% Germanic
How does it feel being a total moron

Study was done by Oxford as well with a computer program thats where the numbers are from

There are foreign language influences in any languages to that extenct if not even more. Saying it's not Germanic because of it is top level brainlet though


>Latin (including words used only in scientific / medical / legal contexts): ~29%

>brainlet feels guy
I’m just gobsmacked, his name is Wojak but the exagerreted meme is BRAINLETS BTFO, whilst the caveman is GRUG

Not in ww1

It is Germanic in roots, but that is the extent of it.
Completely taking out Latin, French still has 3% more words then Germanic

Englosh is a melting pot if you include American '”””””””””"”””””””””””””””English”””””””””””””””””””””””””””””” because of all Kindergarden

in same ww1 where russia literally got btfo by germans?