How much have we lost not only in the modern age, but in the distance past that will never be known simply because of this type of mindset?
How much have we lost not only in the modern age, but in the distance past that will never be known simply because of this type of mindset?
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It seems that no matter what it is, someone wants to tear it down, be it natural or man made.
It is kind of odd how much there is about a losing side. Isn't history supposed to be written by the winners or something? lol
I was disappointed that the Taliban rightfully blew up the Buddha idols of Bamiyan but left alone the idolatrous Mazaaraat structures where people worship the deceased tbqh. Buddhism is dead in Afghanistan and no one worshiped those statues, but many Muslims were and continue to worship the Mazaars so it was more critical to demolish the Mazaars than the Buddha statues
I think it is weird people hate things so much as to want to destroy them.
Notice how the Jim Crow peak is approximately 50 years after the war, and the Civil Rights peak is 100 years after the war. Couldn't possibly be that these monuments were being put up for the anniversaries could it?
This world was created by Allah and belongs to him - there is no place for any other idol to be worshipped - thus the Muslims destroy these things and take pride in doing so.
The destruction of monuments annoys me, statues are pieces of artwork and culture
Even statues from shitcunts like stalin should have been moved to a museum instead of destroyed
Now in America there’s people calling for the destruction of monuments of all kinds
For god’s sake the fuckers in my town want to change Washington elementary because he owned slaves
The general that led our nation to independence and presided over her first years is an unacceptable role model for children in this, The Current Year
decent post but
>wanting museums dedicated to shitty concrete copy paste statues of commie dictators
But, religion is a fake lie. That doesn't make any sense at all.
A fake lie? As opposed to a real lie? Or a fake truth?
Basically, exclusivist monotheism is a mental disorder that the world would be better off without.
Didn't the Taliban blow up the Buddhas because westerners were coming to restore them with their money. Taliban asked whether they'd help the people of Afghanistan but westerners said they only cared about restoring the Buddhas. So the Taliban blew them up since westerners cared more about rock statues than people.
And why shouldn't they?
Depends on the government. Saudi Arabia hides it destroys anything pre Islamic. Turkey bulldozed sites over for military bases. And Iraq and Syria are too unstable to ever get their artifacts back
I unironically care more for the archeological sites.
No that's BS that the Taliban tells dumb fuck westerners like you
>NATO literally invades the country to destroy the government so that the people won't be oppressed by a literal terrorist regime.
>Spend billions and billions to not only do so, but to help the people pick themselves back up
>Only care about statues
>the lie of the western propaganda
The taliban is what's best for afghans. America is THE true terrorist regime.
Doesn't matter who's more evil in their nation-building meddling, taliban attacked blatantly and openly, so America had to hit them back. And talking about Afghanistan as if it was a unified nation as opposed to a collection of pastoral tribes that were arbitrarily told they were part of a nation-state is a fallacy.
Afghanistan was made has a nation for and by pashtuns. The other tribes there were conquered
The Taliban is evil America isn't
These guys were so retarded.
>taliban attacked blatantly and openly, so America had to hit them back
Not true. America first attacked Afghanistan.
>And talking about Afghanistan as if it was a unified nation as opposed to a collection of pastoral tribes that were arbitrarily told they were part of a nation-state is a fallacy.
I am an Afghan pashtun, I know Afghanistan probably better than you.
W-why didn't the Confederates put u[ monuments during reconstruction??
Because its kinda shitty to put up statues of living people.
>America helped drive the communists out therefore they attacked first
why don't they destroy pyramids yet?
They tried to but the locals at the time threatened to revolt. The Muslims did strip it of it's marble though
Please understand the taliban fight against america because us attacked their nation and gave control of afghans to enemies of afghanistan :)
This shit happens everywhere lol. not exclusive to that area.
>"jim crow era" is 50 year anniversary
>"civil rights movement" is 100 year anniversary
what a dishonest graph, im not even a dixiecuck.
There is no united afghanistan, it was a back the winning side deal and all the other tribes get butthurt. We just didn't know it was the fly into buildings type of butthurt, so we had to hit back. This isn't even a "who started it," conversation, but what the fuck did you think was going to happen if you attack the largest military force on the entire planet? The U.S. isn't the U.N. If you shoot a blue helmet, they'll give you aid. If you shoot an American, they'll give you lead and explode the ever living fuck out of you until you're reduced to living in caves you chucklefuck Pashtun mountain monkey.
What a low IQ response
You're an idiot. The taliban had nothing to do with 9/11. Stop being a retard
holy shit
>Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with the Taliban
Worship of the past holds you back from future glory. One day people will destroy the Washington monument and independence hall. Most of American history will be wiped clean.
The taliban told Bush they would hand Bin Laden over and Bush said no, then you invaded
It's the why they are pawns of Pakistan
>I did not want to destroy the Bamiyan Buddha. In fact, some foreigners came to me and said they would like to conduct the repair work of the Bamiyan Buddha that had been slightly damaged due to rains. This shocked me. I thought, these callous people have no regard for thousands of living human beings – the Afghans who are dying of hunger, but they are so concerned about non-living objects like the Buddha. This was extremely deplorable. That is why I ordered its destruction. Had they come for humanitarian work, I would have never ordered the Buddha's destruction.[57]
I drink to forget.
>orders the destruction of religious art while Afghans starve
Iconoclasm should be punishable by death. This even applied to statures of Saddam or Stalin. At least put them in a museum, or something. Don't erase history.
Iconoclasm should be punished with a hard dicking by the looks of pic related, user
>Iconoclasm should be punishable by death
This is either total BS. The people that live in that area are hated in the area for being Shia and being descents of the Mongols.
The second bump matches up, but the first big bump doesn't match up with the 50yr anniversary, which would be 1911-1915. The first wave of Confederate monuments started ramping up in 1897, and peaked in 1910, before the 50th anniversary of the start of the war. By 1915, activity had dropped dramatically.
Great pictures
Hey, within a 100 years or so it could have corroded enough that some child 1500 years later might have been hit by it, a potentially lethal injury. They did their part and deserved a badge instead of being kicked out and fined.
Think rationally before posting kid.
Just the usual middle Easter shitpost argument.
Prior to the late 18th century, there was no concept of archaeological preservation, and it didn't really become popular until the late 19th century.
The vast majority of ruins from antiquity were demolished centuries ago to make room for new stuff or literally mined as a source of stone.
There's also a vice versa
>How much have we lost not only in the modern age, but in the distance past that will never be known simply because of this type of mindset?
It's impossible to calculate, but it's vast. The great libraries of Ethiopia and Alexandria were burned. Kings and warlords set out to destroy all traces of other cultures. Companies buy the intellectual rights to rival products then bury the technology in legal bullshit. Cultures have a spoken instead of a written history and then get genocided or dispersed so much the information is forgotten. Art is destroyed for depicting a rival religion, or just for fun.
The only thing we do better than advancing knowledge is chimping out and erasing it from existence.
>The people that live in that area are hated in the area for being Shia and being descents of the Mongols.
Not true. Even the taliban condemned ISIS attacks on hazara's mosques.
They did attack them in the past but it only was because the hazaras were aligned with the northern alliance.
>when you can't defeat the enemy just spread lies to malign them
>NATO literally invades the country to destroy the government so that the people won't be oppressed by a literal terrorist regime.
from the mouth of Mullah Omar
>It is kind of odd how much there is about a losing side. Isn't history supposed to be written by the winners or something? lol
History isn't written by the winners. It's written by people who can maintain their asshurt for so long that the winners stop caring.
they also care about controlling the world's heroin trade captain america
>help the people pick themselves back up
>implying it still isn't a fucking wartorn shithole
>implying the US did anything to stop the afghan custom of raping young boys
>implying marines weren't threatened with court martial for beating up an afghan general who was repeatedly raping a twelve year old boy he kept chained to his bed on the fucking base afghan forces shared with the US
Your country needs to be placed under martial law until you stop being boy-raping fanatical savages. Fuck you.
>painstakingly deconstruct a gigantic colossus of a tyrant that was made 5 years ago so it can be placed in a museum with presumably a 90ft ceiling
>I'm 16 and I learned a word I think sounds grown-up
>also I haven't grown out of lusting after 'alternative' girls yet as I haven't realized they're as if not more vain than blonde cunts
Abrahamic religion. Judaism and Islam specifically forbid any believer to look upon an idol. Of course this came to extend to any "graven image". Islam in particular calls for the destruction of all images. That's why islamic art is almost all just patterns, they have a history of aniconism. A very strong tradition of iconoclasm is current in these religions
lmao as if america's elite's doesn't do the same. fuck off mutt.
Actually, I'm English - ie. the country that tried harder to civilise you than any other and annihilated you over and over again.
nice try nigel
>Afghan victory
>British withdrawal
you cucks are only good at fighting spear chuckers.
Dont keep them all, just an appropriate cross section for preservation
Is it wrong that this bothers me more than any of the ISIS execution videos did?
I unironically care more about statues and relics than any Muslim and abrahamic for that matter. I’d sooner kill every Muslim then upset one archeological site.
Only if you believe human life is the most sacred thing ever or something like that.
non american here
Why the fuck did he say no if that’s the guy they were after
Not any edgier than the standard drivel from abrahamics considering their end goal is to convert, kill or rule everyone else, it’s only fair.
no one follows the bible word for word. besides:
>extremists are everyone