Why do pol and such idolize Nazis the killed more white people then any other group
Why do pol and such idolize Nazis the killed more white people then any other group
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Because /pol/ are retards
Their definition of ‘white’ is utterly subjective. They constantly morph it to suit whatever Internet argument they’re trying to win. Also, Nazis are super edgy, dude.
They're retards alright, but watching them fuck with Shia is damn funny.
>there are people who unironically believe hitler fought for europe and for the white race
>looking for logic in an edgy emotionally fueled meme ideology
>Jews and their Bolshevik puppets
>hitler only killed jews
What started as ironic contrarianism, as most things on Veeky Forums do, became an actual ideological dogma to newer visitors to the website. Incapable of browsing for extended periods of time without posting, new individuals take the ironic memery to be factual. In order to delude the new members, older members of the website continue to support ideological positions that they themselves have no inherent interest in, nor do they really agree with said ideologies. They continually defend these ideologies in a contrarian manner, which is taken by the new members to be legitimate beliefs.
I've been on Veeky Forums since 2006. We hit post-irony in 2011, when the Veeky Forums userbase was no longer capable of separating the 'newfags,' i.e individuals who have no idea how to contextualize what they are reading and believe each imageboard's culture to be a 1:1 reflection of real life. Thus, intelligent Veeky Forums users who defended and posted positions they themselves do not believe in for a good laugh have actually been subtly indoctrinating younger and newer Veeky Forums users into a defective ideology.
this but unironically. This is also why I hate the "dresden bombing never happened" meme used to troll stormfags because we will start seeing people who unironically believe the dresden bombing never happened.
>Many more
Hitler didn’t give two shits about a “white race”. He only cared about Germany.
Maybe because it sought to end Jewish influence in Western politics. The ends justified the means to them.
Also the Soviets dwarf Nazi death tolls.
>Maybe because it sought to end Jewish influence in Western politics
>did literally nothing about the frankfurt school
>caught a rothschild, but just randsomed him off
>spent the next few years murdering jewish peasents in the outskirts of poland and russia
Declared war on Germany, Hitler repeatedly offered peace to the British
Only Jews and Communists were killed in those countries, almost no whites were killed
Denied to let Germany move her troops through while aiding the Allies in their war efforts against Germany
Already said Jews and their puppets
>Hitler didn’t give two shits about a “white race”. He only cared about Germany.
Hello Schlomo
Mongoloid retards
nice meme
who is white then
>Declared war on Germany
Hitler knew they would
>Only Jews and Communists were killed in those countries, almost no whites were killed
What about the soldiers killed in the invasion?
>Denied to let Germany move her troops through while aiding the Allies in their war efforts against German
So yes?
>Already said Jews and their puppets
But made up mostly of white people
You’re just proving my point. Hitler didn’t care about going over members of the “white race” because his goals were for the future of the germanic race. There wasn’t any international alliance for whites, like a Comintern. To him, there was only Germany trying to expand and get revange for WW1. Stop using /pol/ as a source.
>Claim you want to "defend Europe from Bolshevism"
>Divide half of eastern Europe with Bolsheviks, inculding the country that actually defended Europe from Bolsheviks back in 1920
>2018 /pol/
Maybe in 2014. The Nazis on /pol/ now think they are the oldfags of /pol/ and say that newfags are too moderate and mainstream for their tastes, and to some extent that's true.
That was the hilarious thing about /mlpol/, all the "oldfags" were glad that "newfags" finally left, but
"oldfag" libertarians considered those to be the stormfags while "oldfag" stormfags thought those were the Zionists Trump supporters.
>racemixing is bad but people who fap to cartoon horses are okay
>intelligent Veeky Forums users who defended and posted positions they themselves do not believe in for a good laugh
Those "intelligent" guys who LARP for the lolz aren't that smart to begin with, user. If you deceive people into believing something so stupid and wrong, willfully or not, you're a braindead piece of shit yourself and actually worse than the others.
"Pretending to be retarded" isn't always smart and doesn't make you less responsible.
>Hitler knew they would
No he didn't brainlet, and that still doesn't change the fact that they were the one to declare war.
>What about the soldiers killed in the invasion?
An insignificant amount compared to the people saved from Judeo-Bolshevik oppression.
>So yes?
How the fuck do you get "yes" out of that?
>But made up mostly of white people
Mostly of mutts, actually. Chicanos, niggers, Slavs, arabs, mixed etc. brainwashed by Jews to hate the German race.
>You’re just proving my point. Hitler didn’t care about going over members of the “white race” because his goals were for the future of the germanic race.
Hitler cared immensely about the white race, which is why he made repeated pleas for peace to Britain, let most of France escape occupation, and allied the Italians, Hungarians and Finns despite none of them being Germanic. Hitler thought of the Finns as equal to the Germans despite their non-Germanic origins.
>There wasn’t any international alliance for whites, like a Comintern.
Of course not, alliances are based around ideology. Race traitors cannot be given a pass just because they are white.
>To him, there was only Germany trying to expand and get revange for WW1.
Holy shit are you retarded
/pol/ used to be called /new/ 11 years ago when /news/ was just 4chans news board
inevitably it got political and if you expressed any kind of right wing ideology you where called a nazi (kind alike today) and thee a lot of troll nazi larpers too.
anyway moot created Politically Incorrect and the nazi shit became a running gag, if you go further back in time Veeky Forums received a lot of Stromfront refugees a long time ago too
>Declared war on Germany, Hitler repeatedly offered peace to the British
And it was about fucking time, the faggot has been seizing land that didn't belong to him for far too long by that point.
>Only Jews and Communists were killed in those countries, almost no whites were killed
Yeah, no. Night and Fog decree.
In Occupied Denmark, which initially agreed to collaborate with Nazi Germany, rapes were not widespread, and German officials promised to punish them.
>Denied to let Germany move her troops through while aiding the Allies in their war efforts against Germany
Yeah, and I don't see anything wrong with that.
>Already said Jews and their puppets
Not an argument, besides, wasn't Manifest Destiny a huge inspiration for Hitler? If the US are the Jews for you, doesn't that mean Hitler's postwar plans were essentialy Jewish in origins?
>Hello Schlomo
Hello Stormo.
Remove your emotions from it and read your own post again. If these people are so easy to deceive, are the ones doing it really 'braindead' ? Their brains clearly have more life than the new users who don't browse for 2+ years before posting.They're only considered 'intelligent' when compared to the new users, use your context man.
Why don't you go ask /pol/?
>Almost no whites were killed
I didn't know Rotterdam was solely populated by Jews
>/pol/ ran with an April fool's joke and had fun for a day instead of raging like aspies
>that didn't belong to him
It was ethnic German land, Germany ad every right to it you fucking kike
>Night and Fog decree.
Those were communists and Jewish-aligned rebels, but by all means, don't let fact stop you.
>I don't see anything wrong with that.
>Lmao who even cares if they're directly aiding the enemy
>besides, wasn't Manifest Destiny a huge inspiration for Hitler?
Manifest Destiny wasn't done by fucking Jews you retard, Jews only began to infest the American consciousness when they arrived here in droves during the late 19th and early 20th century. Learn some history
The Dutch government was waging war against Germany, it was an action born out of necessity, not because Hitler wanted to genocide the Dutch. Nice goalpost shifting though, wouldn't expect anythign less from JIDF's finest
I'm not the one claiming "almost no whites were killed" in an invasion that involved almost the complete destruction of a city DURING A CEASEFIRE, so I don't know you can argue it was necessary either
short answer: edgy
long answer: the founding myth of modern Western civic/social religion revolves around WWII. and the Nazis the the Ultimate Evil.
some youngster (probably white, probably male) realizes one day that modern Western society is a bad deal, full of shit, and run by liars. and according to this religion, the exact opposite, the Other is the Nazis. if Modern West is Bad and Nazis are Opposites, then Nazis are Good. and they'll come up with any reason to show that the Nazis are actually Good.
>Germany attacks Netherlands without provocation
The pinnacle of dindu nuffin mentality
>It was ethnic German land, Germany ad every right to it you fucking kike
'Ethnic' German land like Bohemia and Moravia, even excluding the Sudetenland? LIke Ukraine, Belarussia, huge chunks of Russia? Like the part of Poland where Poles were the majority?
>Those were communists and Jewish-aligned rebels, but by all means, don't let fact stop you.
Well, since Jews and Communists were enemies of the state, understandably the Night and Fog decree affected them.
However, the VInkt massacre and Putten raid was a deliberate atrocity by the Germans, without any incentive by either the Jewish population or Communists, or whatever you think.
>I don't see anything wrong with that.
Because letting the German army that rampaged thru your land what, 25 years ago and massacred civilians is a good idea, right?
>Lmao who even cares if they're directly aiding the enemy
Yes, and they had every reason to do so. The Germans would have invaded them regardless and turned them into a protectorate, like they did with Norway and Denmark.
>Manifest Destiny wasn't done by fucking Jews you retard, Jews only began to infest the American consciousness when they arrived here in droves during the late 19th and early 20th century. Learn some history
So you're an American? Well, at least we know why the opinions.
Besides, I was only playing devil's advocate.
this pic ))))))
call me a conspiracy theorist but I think nationalist movements (in america) that gain prominence are influenced in that direction by agents to keep it fringe
he did fight for the white race
just his narrow definition of what that was
Supa hot fire
>Maybe because it sought to end Jewish influence in Western politics.
Pretty pathetic justification.
>Also the Soviets dwarf Nazi death tolls.
>Muh Genocide Olympics
The Nazis had the means and the intent to kill far more than they ever did in their 12 year reign.
The Soviets killed a lot but over a much larger span of time and for very different reasons.
> Hitler repeatedly offered peace to the British
Only after the British had appeased him time and time again and had given him an ultimatum to withdraw from Poland, which he refused.
>Only Jews and Communists were killed in those countries, almost no whites were killed
Blatantly false.
>Already said Jews and their puppets
>An insignificant amount compared to the people saved from Judeo-Bolshevik oppression.
Yes, he murdered millions of people in the German occupied territories, thereby preventing them from suffering under communist rule after WWII
>which is why he made repeated pleas for peace to Britain
the Nazi government received an ultimatum by the British ambassador demanding a response by eleven o'clock concerning the assurance to withdraw from Polish territory. That was ignored. Again, something revisionists will not tell you. And this comes after Hitler got away with re-militarizing the Rhineland despite this being forbidden according to treaties. He got away with annexing Austria "democratically", despite this being forbidden according to treaties. He got away with annexing the Sudetenland despite this territory belonging to a sovereign nation. He got away with swallowing whole the rest of this sovereign nation next.
No such thing.
Not science, sorry. Race is pseudoscience.
>Those were communists and Jewish-aligned rebels, but by all means, don't let fact stop you.
TIL entire French, Belgian, Polish, and Czech villages were full to the brim with Communist agitators conspiring against the German race, even the toddlers
Because nothing says "fuck the system" harder than a swastika. Nobody blinks an eye at Communist and Satanic imagery (I bring up Satanic imagery specifically because no one takes it seriously even though it's implied message is pure immorality) but display a swastika and the entire world runs to crush you.
It's never been about literal Nazis and unironic total devotion to Adolf Hitler but about drawing inspiration from the only symbol of resistance that actually means anything in the context of the modern era.
although to be clear there are obviously unironic full bore unironic neo-Nazis on /pol/ but they are not the majority of Nazi supporters on /pol/.
no one, whiteness is a meme
>'Ethnic' German land like Bohemia and Moravia, even excluding the Sudetenland?
The Sudetenland was German, and Böhmen-Mähren was in a state of collapse when Germany was forced to intervene.
>LIke Ukraine, Belarussia, huge chunks of Russia? Like the part of Poland where Poles were the majority?
None of these things had happened by the time Britain declared war on Poland. The start of the World War by Britain forced Germany to secure the East to prevent a war on two fronts.
>the VInkt massacre and Putten raid was a deliberate atrocity by the Germans, without any incentive by either the Jewish population or Communists, or whatever you think.
Jew-aligned partisans were killing German soldiers in the region, requiring a quick reprisal.
>We wus civilians, we dindu nuffin
Stop swallowing Allied propaganda, these people were adult work-fit men and mostly supporters of partisan movements.
>Because letting the German army that rampaged thru your land what, 25 years ago and massacred civilians is a good idea, right?
>Muh Rape of Belgium
Boy, you are one gullible goy, arentcha?
>Yes, and they had every reason to do so. The Germans would have invaded them regardless and turned them into a protectorate, like they did with Norway and Denmark.
The only reason Germany invaded Norway and Denmark was to deter the Allied intervention in the region, which threatened German iron supplies. Germany was furthermore extremely generous to these countries, as they would've been with Belgium had they not aided the enemy.
>So you're an American?
I am American by birth, but my blood is primarily German, and I am proud of it.
Jews were never considered white.