Traders, certain information has come to my attention that is causing me grave concerns and i feel it is my duty to warn each and every one of you.
We all know the scaling drama has caused a huge rift, resulting in bitcoin forking into the soon to be "Bitcoin Cash".
I know many have large holdings and savings in bitcoin, and are 'hodlers' and will never sell, so when the selling starts, you may lose everything if you don't also sell.
Gentlemen, this is certaintly not going to be gentlemen.
Certain information has come to light from back room channels, sources i cannot disclose ~ even writing this post will probably reveal my source - but i feel by gods will, I must warn you all.
Selling is coming. Selling the likes of which hasn't been seen since MtGox era.
Already as i type this, battleships of bitcoin are being shorted on all major exchanges.
Bitcoin Cash
Other urls found in this thread:
Gentlemen, The enemy, the big blockers, have colluded and joined forces. The chinese, Jihan & co have put together a plan to replace bitcoin with bitcoin cash.
The plan goes like this:
Chinese miners (f2pool, antpool etc etc) have organised with major exchanges (via/huobi/okcoin etc) to support and launch bitcoin cash.
Initially they will let everyone who wants to sell, sell.
Once the coin has bottomed out, and everyone who wanted to sell has sold, they [chinese miners/jihad/chinese exchanges] will begin accumulating lots and lots of bitcoin cash.
They will then begin to pump the price to around 0.1 BCC/BTC - 10%
The big pools won't mine it ~ they will let the smaller pools see the returns from mining this expensive, but low difficulty coin and start mining it.
Later, the larger pools will join, and as we know, jihad has ALOT of hashing power, their plan is for bitcoin cash to have more hashing power than bitcoin ~ and lets be honest, once t he chinese move over, that is pretty much it.
Around this time, the 'hard fork' section of segwit 2x is not going to happen ~ it never was - Bitcoin cash will then be seen as the original NYA coin..
At that point in time, Bitcoin cash will be on all major chinese exchanges, possibly some western exchanges aswell, and have majority hashing power. Western companies & other merchant providers (BitPay - @Spair) etc - paid off by bitmain etc will go along with the new bitcoin cash narrative and will push for the 'bitcoin cash' to be called 'bitcoin' on all their platforms, leaving only coinbase et all which will then be the odd ones out..
Now comes the scary part, The old bitcoin, the bitcoin we know and love, is going to get DESTROYED.
What determines a coins success ? It's market cap.
Big old school blockers and miners are going to dump bitcoin back to the bottom, they will take literally billions and billions of dollars out of bitcoin. They will use the money to fund the marketing, and development, or 'bitcoin cash' - Think, Bitcoin core - FIRED. Think - forbes article, "why bitcoin miners and companies are moving to bitcoin cash" - think - "Why the market is chosing bitcoin cash as bitcoin not bitcoin core" - They wil lsay the market has spoken, that people have voted with their money.
Right now, massive huge shorts are being built, already on finex, shorts are at 32k - not seen since $200 these kinds of numbers of shorts, and its climbing, all the t ime, consistently, they have ALOT of coins to short.
The most painful kind of selling, is where it never bounces and if you remember MtGox from $1000 to $70, you'll remember what no bounces feels like ~ and I can tell you. This won't be any better.
Good luck all, remember - fair warning.
Below is I grabbed, i also have some slack and telegram logs, I will sort them out later when i get back, i just want to confirm what I can safely disclose first for my own protection.
Email from [alice] to [bob] -
priced in
k i'll buy btc when it hits zero. also, you need some amount of btc to buy other alts? wtf can i buy with bch user?
Bch would be btc and btc would be Btc classic or whatever
It's not that easy, exchanges won't be changing the ticker after bitcoin had it for 6 years. It would cause mass confusion
i get that, but what would happen to coinbase, bittrex, binance, etc.? people would distrust crypto if they said sorry you guys BTC is $10 we have to implement a new chink coin because the miners make more money off of it. I mean, it was more profitable to make gains mining VTC a month ago and it didn't take over BTC at all. see what i mean? please combat- i wouldn't mind BCH taking over, but the scenario is so unlikely. Hell, I don't even know if that alice to bob email is even real. I could type that shit up & make some post about it.
lmao low energy JEB, now i'm convinced the flippening isn't happening
This entire thing is ridiculous to begin with. Bitcoin has been forked hundreds of times by countless people, many coins on CMC are straight forks of BTC with minor changes to the source code.
BCH overtaking BTC is no different conceptually than Litecoin or some other shitcoin overtaking BTC. It's ludicrous, but if all it takes to kill BTC is a similar name/logo and a coordinated push by a handful of hostile actors, then the Bitcoin experiment is over. It has failed. Might as well take your money out of Bitcoin Cash and invest it elsewhere, because it too will die.
Blockstream almost won blocking the stream of money and blocking the stream of truth by censorship. The lies have unfolded and even biztards are starting to understand what all us BTC holders have been telling them. WE DONT HATE BITCOIN WE HATE BLOCKSTREAM WHO DESTROYED BITCOIN. Bitcoin Cash is the only true answer no longer will there be the 2mb 2x segwit option
Am I a terrible human being to hope BTC to crash because I would be way richer if BCC takes its place?
BTC might crash, but BCH is not replacing it over night.
Its a nice fantasy, but Jihan and Roger are gonna fail this stupid mission and it will be hilarious.
Bitcoin is way more resistant than they think and the market simply doesn't give a shit about BCH.
Miners will come back to BTC when they are no buyers left at BCH.
K sold 100k will but the dip
>mfw BCH becomes the new BTC and they have to activate segwit and go to 2nd layer solutions anyway because 10 minute block times will never be fast or cheap enough for retail / micropayment purposes.
A llot of talk with no facts except the fact that bitcoin sucks and still has the problem this fork was about.... the congestionnnnnn fagottttt
That's fine, BTC the C stands for Classic, BCH "BIT COIN, HERE"
>10 minute block times will never be cheap enough for micropayment purposes.
Bitcoin is not a currency, even if it was imagined as one
The day BTC threatens USD, it gets shut down. Its that simple.
BTC will never be able to topple economies and become the default currency of any country.
Its just a speculative get rich quick scheme. As long as people want to buy, price will keep going up.
The public doesn't care about Segwit, LN, Blocksize, 1mb/8mb. They simply don't.
Which is why the BCH coup will run out of steam faster than they think and BTC will remain the top crypto.
this is going to end just like Valkyrie
I meant fast enough for retail, and cheap enough for micropayments.
Probably this. Most normies and redditors have no desire to ever really conduct transactions. They just want to buy, hold, cashout at a higher price.
They only pretend to care about the tech or anything as long as it encourages others to do the same and they all see the price rise.
This isn't true for everyone. I was late to the crypto party and I bought BTC just like every other normie. Then the more I used it with slow and expensive transactions and the more I researched altcoins I quickly realized it was crappy tech. Of course the proposed lightning network solutions calmed my worries for a while. Then the more I dig deeper into BCH and blockstream the more I realize how fucked BTC is. Stopped holding it after that. I am only invested in altcoins and BCH. I am sure I'm not the only one. Smart money goes first then dumb money follows.
Do you even do research? BCH has 0 conf instant transactions once they removed the garbage core implemented. LOL.
Good, I hope they succeed. Fuck Core, fuck 1 Meg Greg, fuck Blockstream and their corporate masters. Fuck your DDoS attacks, fuck your endless twitter shills, fuck your stupid hats.
But most of all, fuck your Sophistry.
Yeah, nah, the people who care about this shit is a minority.
Normie lifesavings and wallstreet whales are the majority. They're just interested in profit. Underlying tech debates be damned.
Lmao shilling on all counts. Who's gonna win!
Is this going to go even higher? I got in bch at $400, sold at $800, and now thinking of just going all in bitcoin cash if we see a little dip/consolidation.
Is it possible for bch to actually take over, or go like $2k?
No one likes paying fees
How do I short BCH?
Anything is possible in crypto... anything...
Bch is going for it.
Holy fuck
how can this be real.
I'm losing so much on btc rn
It's possible, the people pushing for that have a lot of power and money. But I think BTC will stay on top and BCH won't go over 1500 during this drama. We'll see though.
Replacement by fee was advocated by Satoshi himself, you fucking retard. Also, 0-conf is never safe even on BTH, because you can still double spend, you fucking retard.
This is fudding. So much fudding. Bitcoin cash will never overtake bicoin simply because of the name, bitcoin was first and the public only hears about bitcoin. This bth pump is just weak hands selling btc and buying bth. In a few days to a week bth will be shorted to oblivion.
exactly, well said user
Community is sick and tired of Core's shit and (((Segwit))) and you're a retard that doesn't understand.
I see you've never read anything by our lord and savior Satoshi Nakamoto.
The only "community" you're speaking for is chinks
I'm not saying bitcoin cash will become bitcoin, but you do realise bitcoin cash was just a fork of bitcoin? What you're saying is similar to "bitcoin segwit2x will never become bitcoin, because people think of bitcoin" (if the fork did happen).
Technically, it IS bitcoin.
You know why bitcoin is resilient? Because of the people and community behind it. The early adopters and people who matter left for the real bitcoin (bch). All core has left are newfags and dumb money.
0 conf transactions enabled on bch. Instant payments.
Once bcc takes over eth at number 2 there will be a domino effect
>implying you can't increase throughput by increasing block size indefinitely
>Gentlemen, this is certaintly not going to be gentlemen
You mean the normies buying 0.1btc and walls street buying in millions at 7kusd? No, the real power lies with the miners and early adopters who actually research and care about their investments. Anyone who've done their research knows BTC has a compromised dev team pushing through vapourware to centralise bitcoin, shifting the power away from the people and back into the hand's of these rich and powerful banking cartels. The miners are already switching because of this, their coins are not as secure on a centralised network and are open to taxation etc.