How much ether do I need to buy a bitch like this?
How much ether do I need to buy a bitch like this?
Depends, you renting or buying?
Tree fitty
more than me
better switch to Bitcoin Cash for dat hoe
if you are american or european you could just flash your passport and offer citizenship
.0000001 bch
>work with Phillipino dude who's been here for like 30 years and married a hot white woman
>he's alpha as fuck
>realizes I'm a pathetic beta turbovirgin closing in on 30
>sees a hot phillipino girl at the mall working in the food court Saturday
>chats her up in their native gook language, finds out she is looking for a guy, takes me to the mall to meet her on Monday
>she's already engaged
Two whole days. They work fast.
She's engaged but looking for another man?
She met a dude and got engaged between Saturday and Monday.
If you're caucasian, you can literally just go there and pick one up.
That could have been you, you have a pic by chance?
good it stopped you from racemixig
hopefully she married another Filipino
i thought racemixing was only bad for white women and we as aryans are supposed to whiten up the global gene pool as much as possible?
No you are misunderstanding why racemixing is bad. Your children will be born Hapas (elliot rodgers)
they will have a significant risk for heart and kidney problems, and wont be able to receive organ donation o0r blood if needed. Also if its a boy he will inherit all the horrors of an asian male body, although will be more intelligent
not worth it, dont racemix
Does she look like
IMO the Ukraine has the most beautiful girls in the world. I just want a 10/10 Ukrainian who actually wants to be a wife for real and mother me beautiful children and not just divorce rape me and steal all my money or just to get a greencard. Is the best way to never tell her how much money I make trading?
More like she found a rich white grandpa.
t. Filipino
true.. I have a coworker who is OBESE and annoying and he had a filipino wife, but divorced after they had baby
You dodged the bullet then. Nobody sane would agree to marriage that fast. She will be a blight to every man she meets.
she clearly NOT engaged in such a short time frame user is implying that he is ugly and this grill lied instead of stating the obvious which might hurt his feelings
my nigga
Does he know where she lives?
that girl is not asian
Semi-programming socks are now real
>Moves to america
>Gets fat
Thats worse than any market crash desu
I can't believe how many people fall for this shit just because Elliot Rodger existed.
Elliot's "white" parent was a Jew, not white. That's where his loquacious insanity came from. It wasn't caused by being a hapa.
Hapa males live God-tier lives in asian countries.
Hapa females live God-tier lives in white countries.
AsianWhite is the best possible racemixing one can engage in.
You have autism.