Is there any historical parallel (any time period, globally) for the American "Millenial Generation"? I'm referring to their high debt burden, lowering standards of living (than the previous generation), lower rates of marriage and property ownership, higher rates of education, less social participation, and living in the midst of a revolution in technology and industry (in the modern case, living in the information age with mass automation on the horizon)

Attached: Homepage-tile-Millennials.jpg (870x580, 428K)

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Nope this is all new and we have to figure this shit on our own without fucking it up for our kids.

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>lowering standards of living
The living standards are still better

The only thing I know is it's the worst generation to be a straight ugly male, the fucking Snapchat/Instagram culture is destroying us.

I seriously don’t see this generation raising children
>so dad what did you do when you were young?
-Oh you see I spento all the time on the internet telling people to kill themselves and making racist and dumb pornographic comments watched japanese cartoons played videogames/ oh you see I got drunk all the time clubbing til my 30s posted 10 million selphie on instagram, spento all time sharing “memes” on facebook Vlogged ok youtube watched Shane Daw...

My god what a disaster

Speak for yourself mutt, I'm enjoying the free gash bitches are throwing out now.

You should learn to have some fun before you settle down so you don't resent your wife for keeping you from all of the fun shit in life.

People like me or him will never settle down

Jesus Christ.

Putting it into perspective like this is terrifying. That is fucking frightening.

I am literally speaking to people who will raise children with no viable, truthful "life" experiences to speak of. Nothing of value to pass down, no insight to inform their children, nothing ... worth having.

That is fucking disastrous and terrifying as shit. Holy fuck.

>implying that isn't what produced the past 3 generations

Lowering standards of living only apply to the US. The rest of the world is still improving.

His problem is that he can't get any of the free gash that's being thrown around because he isn't attractive. Plus in the US at least prostitution is illegal and he is either too afraid of the very slight risk of getting caught or he doesn't have the knowledge necessary to find online prostitutes.

A generation is typically around twenty years or so, so you are saying that people born in the 1950s and onward didn't have meaningful life experiences? I grant you that they didn't have to deal with the problems that the prior generations did but you're pushing things just a tad.

lol no.

Here in Spain we are also fucked with this. And the birthrate percentage are at levels of the XVIII century.

The majority of boomers I've spoken to can basically have their lives summed up as:
>I grew up in an idyllic white American suburb, smoked pot and did tons of drugs for about 20 years straight in a state of low intensity orgy, maybe getting a living wage job right out of high school or maybe I went to college for cheap, no debt. I fucked up constantly but nothing I did could remove me from my upper middle class family!

Where do you think our growing income inequality started? The majority of our problems, really?

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Because Spain fucked up with the crisis, it's only temporary.
And who the fuck cares about birthrate percentages? Are you a white nationalist or something? We don't need to bring more people to this world.

>the earth being more per capita african genetically isn't a problem

The per capita will increase regardless you fucking retard. But the point is not per capita, it's numbers in general. More Africans is better than more Africans AND more Spanish. We don't need more people in this world. African or European, we don't.

If I look at my older family members, the only thing they did in their youth is watch sports and drink a lot of alcohol. It's impossible to have any conversation with them not about those two topics, yet they all managed to reproduce and raise kids. Honestly, you probably learn more from even the shittiest depths of /b/ than you do from some bar.

>an african is just as useful as a spaniard

Neither are useful. That's what I'm saying. Stupid nationalist.

Generational analysis only really kicked off with the Lost Generation, which was the generation that came of age with WWI - meaning those were people born in the turn of the 20th Century, and were in their late 30s, 40s and 50s when WWII rolled along. Then you have G.I., Silent, Boomers, Gen X, Millenials, now Gen Z's coming of age. There's some 20 to 15 years between each generation, and generally the parents are two generations behind (Gen Z's parents are Gen X rather than Millenials, you'll find Millenials are the older cousins of Gen Z).

Now, interestingly, the first one analysed, the Lost Generation, falls quite neatly with the Millenials. Also, analysing the Gen X period in Japan will show you there's similarities and how each area reacted to it. Ultimately at this point Millenials haven't really had as much impact as you'd expect - if anything theirs has been a time of stagnation, or a time of indirect change (compare and contrast that to Gen X - by the early 2000s, there definitely was Gen X influence in much of what was permeating society). And now Gen Z will soon come up.

In any case, the most comparable generation is the post-WWI generation, especially in Europe.

Young people in Weimar Germany.

Does this mean we’re all gonna be slaughtered in World War III in a few years time?

>higher rates of education
*Pseudo education , and no this is the first generation of its kind


Modern America is closer to Austria-Hungary or Imperial Russia just prior to the start of the First World War desu. A society so atomized over race, religion, and ideology that it’s on the verge of violently fracturing. All it’s gonna take is an unpopular and costly war overseas and and economic meltdown to get the ball rolling.

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Well shit.

I mean, given the Japanese didn't try that during the 90's, probably not. There's definitely a good chance for a collapse like has said, but it's still a very small chance. At least I want to believe.

>He thinks this obese and mass consumeristic culture will have any kind of war
Topkek, we can't even be bothered to not die at 40 of a heart attack, and you think mass conflict going to arise?

Arabs are unironically fatter than Americans nowadays and they manage to have Civil Wars all the time.

When you have a 2/3rds obesity rate, that is equivalent to saying "2/3rds of your people have impaired cognition from persistent obestiy induced inflammation and insulin resistance messing up your brain".

We're fucked, in a way out of many concurrent ways, by our stupid idiotic dietary culture.

Having 8-12 hours without food (each day), weight lifting sensibly (2.5 hours per week), and switching our diets to high-fat based would save us trillions in future medical expenses. But the crisis and tragedy of an age is beyond the blame of any single individual, to butcher Nietzsche's comment.


>actually believing the america is divided meme

Go out on the street and ask someone about politics. They probably don't even vote.

nobody cares about politics outside the internet, people are living too comfortably to give a shit about trump or whatever. All that matters to them is that they have netflix and sex at the end of the day.


>thinking you need that many people to start a war

The American Revolution started with a few dozen militiamen at Lexington, the Civil War started with a few fanatically proslavery politicians, the War on Terror started with 19 Muslims armed with box cutters.

>All that matters to them is that they have netflix and sex at the end of the day.

By that logic the world wars shouldn’t have happened. Everyone would’ve been too busy go to the picture show and enjoying Babylon Berlin debauchery.

the 70's were 10x more politically violent than right now and nothing happened.

>the Civil War started with a few fanatically proslavery politicians,
>This is what y*nkoids actually believe

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generations are a silly meme, birth rates are nondiscreet as a function of time

It has little to do with birthrates, mate, it has to do with the ambient you grow up in.

>birth rates are nondiscreet as a function of time

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yes, and there are as many people born on the constantly redefined edges of the generational divide as they are in the middle.
Ultimately all this results in is gross stereotypisation of millions of people. Always useful.

And that would be why you're retarded.
>>stupid nationalist.
Everyone except people like you who have been thoroughly indoctrinated to hate your own ethnicity are nationalist bud.

Ah, but I neither hate my ethnicity nor am I a nationalist. checkmate

spaniards 0 : 1 non-spaniards

>I don't hate my ethnicity, I just want to make zurry ethnicity doesn't concentrate any ooer and declarr itself sovereign from foreign interference
Or alternatively you fell for the decentralization meme

>Everyone except people like you who have been thoroughly indoctrinated to hate your own ethnicity are nationalist bud.
I don't hate my own ethnicity you fucking mestizo trash. I'm just saying that birthrate increases are a bad thing everywhere, be they Africans or Europeans, WE DON'T NEED MORE PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD.
God, I want /pol/ to fucking leave...

No they aren't. Birthrate increases among first world populations are fine, so long as they don't go too far above the replacement rate. Africans or other assorted third world scum(muslims, pajeets, etc) shitting out children like a fucking log ride at a waterpark is not fine.

Generations are spooks and old people have been complaining about younger people for thousands of years.

Piss off and stop whining, grandpa.

>don't have children goy! think of the environment!
>there's too many people around!
>ignores how bugmen and and pajeets make up more people than the rest of the world
>ignores how about 20-40% of white people in the world are boomers about to die
The low birthrates themselves aren't necessarily a problem on their own. A lot of benefits can actually come from it with automation replacing many lower level jobs. (See Japan and link related), it's flooding incompatible peoples and cultures while also having low birthrates that can and will replace you in your country

Attached: japan anon.jpg (823x242, 36K)

>make babbies for me because I'm afraid of brown people


Getting into an actual race war, not just shit posting would require Black people to organize and cooperate and White people to pull themselves away from vidya and opiates.

99% chance we just stay eating and injecting ourselves into early graves.

This thread depressed me after work but I just finished two Whoppers and now I feel better. Going to go take some kratom and watch TV high or play CK2 until I have to go to sleep so I can go back to work. No time for war in this schedule mate.