Which circle of hell is Stephen Hawking in?
Which circle of hell is Stephen Hawking in?
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God decides the worthiness of men, not I.
5 edgy 2 me m8
what did he do wrong?
Denied god.
okay in that case he's in Limbo
wait, Limbo is where people who were born before jesus go to or something, my bad
He's a blasphemer. He's burning up in a desert with fire raining down on him. Also his wheelchair didn't go to hell with him, so he probably can't move.
ITT: non-Biblical nonsense
Unless he committed some kind of mortal sin the media never reported about, than he would be in Limbo for denying the existence of God.
Limbo isn't even in hell as Limbo is Latin for "boundary" and is more like purgatory but you cant leave.
bigger question is where did the computer go?
There's no proof Hawking did any of this as he never spoke and the machine did all the talking.
Hawking is in purgatory finding a way to heaven like Hitler
Why is Michael Scott in Fraud > Diviners & astrologers?
>"Every astrologer is worthy of praise and honour," Scot wrote, "since by such a doctrine as astrology he probably knows many secrets of God, and things which few know."
he remarried after divorce, thats adultery, thats a mortal sin. F
>like Hitler
Oh, so it's not the Michael Scott from The Office?
Was he able to consummate the marriage?
No it's a 12th century mathematician
So the machine is in hell. Although Hawking has not been baptized and is still guilty of original sin. He's probably in a room in limbo with all the aborted babies and stillbirths.
""Every astrologer is worthy of praise and honour, since by such a doctrine as astrology he probably knows many secrets of God, and things which few know." -Michael Scot" -Michael Scott
theologically the babies just return to be apart of God hence we are all apart of God and babies cant reject scripture or live by it
Probably down with virtuous pagans like Saladin, according to Dante.
I didn't call Saladin "pagan", Dante did.
All muslims are pagan moon god worshippers. Muslims who do a Hajj are idol worshipers.
>People who don't believe in God go straight to hell
Proddies need to be burned at the stake desu
Dante is Biblical fanfiction. Not canon.
Only Jesus can forgive sin. Every man is born with the stain of original sin. Go back to your catholic fan fiction and idolatry.
Three children, later divorced again and remarried the same woman he originally divorced.
how the fuck did that paralyzed retard have sex lmao?
like Osama Bin Ladin
>nu Catholicism
People who are ignorant of God but are virtuous go to limbo, people who know about God yet still refuse to believe in him go to hell no matter how virtuous they are because blasphemy is the ultimate sin.
Hawking was the latter thus he is in catholic hell and protestant hell.
>Only Jesus can forgive sin.
Yes and going to hell is a choice, and Jesus always gives you a chance to be forgiven. Go back to preaching about muh fire and muh brimstone in between sessions of sleeping with your sister, Cleetus'.
He's an ex CIA retired and living in Florida.
>nu Catholicism
*It's actually always been that way even before the Second Vatican Council
That isn't how hell works in Catholic theology, as long as you have a conscientious you go to purgatory. Eternal seperation from God is taken a lot more seriously than what you shit flinging tinfoilers believe in
Limbo is a catholic myth
Hawking had a choice and he chose to deny God and by extension our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Nice dubs
>Hawking had a choice and he chose to deny God
That doesn't mean he chose to worship Satan you mong. The only way to go to hell is to lack any kind of morality *and* actively choose to deny God. People who do not believe in God can still act out through will of God without knowing it.
Luke 12:10
>And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but the one who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
Mark 3:29
>But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin
Mathew 12:31-32
>Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
Psalm 14:1
>To the choirmaster. Of David. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good.
Stephen Hawking
>“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail, there is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”
He is in hell.
Pope Francis was a mistake.
None because Abrahamic religions are false
Reminder that Christianity is nothing more than politics projected onto the celestial sphere.
>Prdoddie Bible spamming
>"We have been taught that only they may aim at immortality who have lived a holy and virtuous life near to God. We believe that they who live wickedly and do not repent will be punished in everlasting fire"
(First Apology 12 [A.D. 151]).
Was he a wicked man? Did he commit murder and sacrafice children to a pagan God? In Catholicism we have a stage before you are judged called "purgatory" where a man's sins are judged, they aren't automatically sent to heaven and hell.
Luther was a mistake
Religion is humanities and precedes politics by thousands of years.
>And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
I guess they didn't teach you what it means to blaspheme against the Spirit vs the Son? You can deny God, but people who witness miracles and call them through work of Satan or who ever worships Satan are the people who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. This quote literally sanctions those who deny that Jesus is the son of God from hell
>like the man has to do all the work
he didn't, the machine did
Hawking's bioelectric pattern was recovered by the old orbital grid put in place around the planet by the Finnish Khaganate and the Hwan Empire in the relatively brief period of peace between the two empires. The "afterlife" for him and all of us will be something like the holodecks from star trek only there will be more autism and starcraft involved, and yes you memeing fuckbags I know that's a redundancy.
None because there is no hell of course
His disability was entirely physical, not mental. He is basically the complete opposite of a retard.
He had to do a lot of calculations in his head given the fact that he was unable to physically write anything down. The man was a genius
What the fuck happened to this board lately? There wasn't so much fanatical, violent christcucks before. Did some sort of subreddit close?
Top b8
Bitch, this entire fucking thread is B8. From top to fucking bottom, so much fucking bait I could open my own fishing supplies store from this thread alone.
Hell doesn’t exist
>fanfic written 150 years after the resurrection
Pick one Satan worshiper.
Do you not remember all the christfag generals this board had just 5 days after it's creation? They never went away.
You won't be saying that when you die.
Indeed I won't, because I won't exist.
>be me
>nothing happens
Gee you were right
>being so much a newfag that you weren't even here during the creation of Veeky Forums
Dante's Inferno is not even a religious text.
That's fucked up
>religion of peace
>wants people to be tortured for eternity for disagreeing with them
Everyone sins user.
Holy fuck don't remind me of that shit. Everyone was expecting this place to be overrun with /pol/tards and to be fair they had some presence here then and still do now, but it was NOTHING compared to the absolute shitfest that was the early days of the christard infestation.
Oh nononono ahahah
I cant believe xtians still has the gall to judge people whether they go to hell or not
None because hell doesn't exist.
He's probably fighting YHVH in the afterlife.
None. From a moral point of view, because he did nothing wrong. From a rational point of view, because hell and souls don't exist, all consciousness dies with our brain. There is absolutely nothing after death, you won't be there to notice.
>christians take a bunch of fiction for real just they're words and they're old, despite neither giving any weight or truth here
At least larpers are aware they're larping.