>all these autist keyboard crusaders saying deus vult and wanting to retake Constantinople
Daily reminder that Constantine did more to damage and transform Hellenic culture than 400 years of Ottoman rule could ever even have dreamed of doing.
Daily reminder that by 1453 true Greek culture had been dead for over 1000 years.
Daily reminder that autistic devotion to one abrahamic religion over another is retarded
All these autist keyboard crusaders saying deus vult and wanting to retake Constantinople
Hellenic faith did remain underground though.
I'm more of a Roman/Byzantineboo than I am a Hellenic one
>a Moesian who had his court in Asia Minor ruined Greece
what did you mean by this?
I mean him promoting an arrogant faith worshiping the galilean. Elevating the status of charnel houses to sacred places. Stealing art from all around the Mediterranean to place in his city. What him and his family did to the great pagan temples and statues is worse than anything done to Greece by Mehmet the Conqueror.
>its a autistic keyboard warrior LARPs as a roman pagan thread
>it's a seething galilean replies before furiously masturbating to his cringe Christ Chan folder episode
What exactly is so aimable about Greek culture? Sure togas and marble statues are cool but the Greeks of old were brutal, violent people with a big wealth inequality. They were a supersticious lot who listened to the likes of Ariostatle as much as a modern teenage does.
T. Anatolian
Deus vult
Wars were always common in the Ancient World, and if you want to know the beauty behind the Greeks you need to experience it first hand with Homer, Sophocles, Aeschylus, etc. In these stories you can find they were a humble people who were dedicated to finding the truth of human nature. Their Gods and mythological figures all had flaws to illustrate the shortcomings of human nature, as well as stories that show the virtues of man. They lived for life's pleasure on Earth, and did not spend their lives sacrificing for a promised eternity in heaven. It is a blessing we know as much about their society of philosophers and poets as we do.
What isnt? Most of greek culture still shapes the world today.
>were brutal, violent people
Nothing wrong owth that
>big wealth inequality.I
Ειλιkρινά δεν ξέρω τι βλαkεία που σας δέρνει, από εkεί kαι πέρα για να μιλάμε ξεkάθαρα ο μόνος λόγος που μιλάτε ελληνιkά είναι επειδή οι ρωμιοί προγόνοι σας για τον χ ή ψ λόγο θέλησαν να παραμείνουν χριστιανοί, το "η χριστιανοσύνη kατέστρεψε τον ελληνιkό πολιτισμό" είναι γελοίο kαι αkούγεται μόνο στην Ελλάδα από ημιμαθείς αριστερούς, πέρα αυτού το "400 χρόνια οθωμανιkής kυριαρχίας" είναι μεμίδιο, περιοχές όπως τα επτάνησα δεν την γνώρισαν ποτέ ενώ άλλες "όπως kρήτη,πελοπόννησος. νησιά αιγαίου ή kύπρος" είχαν εξίσου χρονιkά βενετιkή kαι οθωμανιkή περίοδο, πχ. για τους Αθηναίους "Δουkάτο Αθηνών", το αστείο είναι ότι η Πόλη ήταν πιο ελληνιkή από την Αθήνα ένα αιώνα πριν kαι σίγουρα οι kάτοιkοί της πιο ανοιχτόμυαλοι kαι πλούσιοι εν συγkρίσει με την βαλkανίλα από την οποία πάσχουμε 200 χρόνια τώρα.
greeks produced some of the greatest men ever to live, pythagoras and socrates, and both of them rebelled against mainstream greek culture and the greeks killed them for it.
ordinary greeks talked to statues and practiced divination with animal entrails and birds. just like any culture a few wise dudes does not mean it was superior. reading plato makes it seem like greece was full of foolishness and faggotry even at its height.
but y'all seem to know much more than me, maybe it was grand. athena is a good waifu anyways.
The problem here is that we have all these cultural christards who try to argue that christian europe and the near east was somehow better then this when it really wasn't. People were still superstitious, and arguably moreso, people who went against the mainstream culture would still be killed for it.
It's only after the enlightenment and hundreds of years of secularization that the world really started to become a much better place to live in.
Honestly good riddance to pagans, at least Christianity was progressive for its time. Most of the early converts were oppressed women and Christianity provided them a good alternative.
Greece produced so many great people because it was mainly a maritime trading civilization, which means that they had a very thorough contact with most of Earth's population centers and the ideas those population numbers produced.
I'm gonna take a guess that it was the contact with so many different religions that produced the secularist tendencies in their society.
This is a troll post I hope. Christianity did all of jack and shit to help women's standing in society.
Constantine wasn't Greek.
Also, fuck paganism.
>secularist tendencies in their society.
The idea that Greeks were devoid of religious fanaticism is a really bad meme.
>is retarded
Only when you aren't Semites.
But you need to be a dumbfuck to worship a religion that teach that you are a lesser being.
I'm not saying that, by secularist tendencies I mean that Greeks had at least the possibility to become secular and a lot of them did, mainly tradesmen and philosophers in trading cities.
Fuck christianity more like it. Christfaggotry had all the downsides of the old religions with none of the nice things like sacred prostitutes and religious festivals that were massive parties that people went to for fun, socialization and orgies as much as devotion to a particular deity. Catholicism didn't entirely eliminate this right away, but only because they didn't have a single centralized state to rely on for long enough of a period of time to do so.
>at least Christianity was progressive for its time.
No more than stoics or any other philosophy.
The only reason byzantines spoke greek was because it was the lingua franca. They never cared about greek culture because mos of them werent greek. Justinian,Theodosios, Komninai, Makedonoi.
that christians destroyed greek culture is historic fact which christians themselves have proudly written.
>pythagoras and socrates, and both of them rebelled against mainstream greek culture and the greeks killed them for it.
Simplification and just wrong
>ordinary greeks talked to statues
Thhe ancient greek word for statue menas sth like "divine feeling". No cultured person would mock their beauty
>like sacred prostitutes
This only happened in commercialized Corinth
Sacred prostitutes happened almost universally in the ancient and classical world.
Im talking qbout greece though
Fuck cockstantinople
What about Antioch?
What about Alexandria?
You act like all pagans were filthy degenerates, all of the crazy shit, if it did happen, usually happened in big (((cities)))
Most of them had some decency, its not like christianity invented human morals
I never said polytheists didn't then and don't now have morals. I said they didn't have christian sexual mores. Bit of a difference.
I think im thinking more general paganism and youre thinking more greek/roman, even then, alot of the stuff practiced wasnt completely smiled upon, christianity just said no exceptions
sacred prostitution was seen as bad because it misused aphrodites purpose.
sexual morals are better in polytheism. the greeks knew that if they would fall in love with women, their wifes would manipulate them, as they did to the spartans.
thats why they had sex with prostitutes and loved youths( which was not faggotry).
this model is better than christianity.
Other than Jerusalem of those including constantinople was due to jews
>Theodosios, Komninai, Makedonoi
>that christians destroyed greek culture is historic fact
>the Byzantines spoke Greek
>therefore they are Greek
the absolute state of you. the primary language of the Byzantines was Greek, thats why Armenians, Syrians etc. had Greek names and spoke Greek.
>that christians destroyed greek culture is historic fact
you replaced ancient Greek customs for your new jewish religion and you replaced Greeks with christian Anatolians/Armenians. pic related
you do realise that without neo-judaism the line of modern Greek culture and ancient Greek culture would not have been broken?
Germanic polytheism was big on chastity and loyalty within marriage. Adultary would get you killed.
Based, adulterers should be stoned.
Germans have always been sexually repressed autists so this isn't surprising
Dumb degenerate poster
They would get thrown into a bog with their hands tied. The same faith for homosexuals.
If we're talking about the ancient Germanians then the situation was more complex then that. Yes a powerful chieftain would kill one of his rivals for fucking his wife and yes women who slept around got in severe trouble, but adult heterosexual men could and did have plenty of sex with female slaves.
I base this on Tacitus, what about you? Furthermore I live in a Germanic country and women can be pretty domineering, I don't see them putting up with their husbands banging the house slave.
Ariovistus had 2 wifes. polygyny was normal among Germanics. which is why they raided other peoples lands. to get your hands one a woman, since the nobles would have the most
Pagans should unite against the eternal christian
Adultery can still exist in polygamy.
>>I base this on Tacitus
lol That guy said all sorts of bullshit and needs to be taken with a whole shaker of salt.
>>comparing modern german women to women from thousands of years ago
adultery should be a given for men
Not OP, please elaborate, I'm actually curious.
>"say that to my face not online and see what happens heretic.."
>in 600 during Mauricius II reign, it was noted that the population was largely pagan still
>john zonaras in 1150 mentioned that there were many ancient greek religious customs still prevalent
>plethon in 1453 "invented" a greek state
there are other things among some rebellions instigated by crypto pagans.
and in the 1000s there was a memorial in which the Byzantines said that they killed the last remaining Hellenic stronghold. i have to find the sauce though.
this leads me to believe that ancient greek religion has still retained some of its originality. there is pagan group in greece called ysee. they said that they are this continuation. i dont know if thats true, but there are historical sources, which show that greek religion remained underground at least.
“The bishop of Alexandria Georgios and his gang went through the streets of Alexandria cutting up people and setting fire to everything. From the remotest areas of the Roman Empire countless Greeks of all ages and social backgrounds were dragged chained. Many of these died on the way or in the prisons of different places. Those that managed to survive ended up in Skythopolis, a remote town in Palestine, where instruments of torture and death were set up.” Ammianus Maercellinus
I'm not a deusvult fag in general, but god damn, taking part in the first and third crusades would have been GOAT
>all these autist keyboard crusaders saying deus vult
wait so was the fourth crusade bad or good
Constantine VII's De Administrando Imperio (948 AD to 952 AD)
Be it known that the inhabitants of Castle Maina are not from the race of aforesaid Slavs but from the older Romaioi, who up to the present time are termed Hellenes by the local inhabitants on account of their being in olden times idolaters and worshippers of idols like the ancient Greeks, and who were baptized and became Christians in the reign of the glorious Basil. The place in which they live is waterless and inaccessible, but has olives from which they gain some consolation.
>>posts pictures like this
>>calls neo-pagans larpers
>I'm more of a Roman/Byzantineboo
>Not a Hellenic one
God I wanna just punch you in the throat. Byzantine is a hellenic name. The original name of the city is byzantium.
>be crusader
>be in dark ages
>see progress in the eastern world
>destroy fucking everything
>ruin everything other than filling the pope's coffers
christcucks are embarrassing
t. my wife's son
>Wanting to take back Constantinople before reclaiming the actual Crusader States
The state of keyboard Crusaders.
Nigger, what? Deus Vultfags don't give a shit about constantinople
>I mean him promoting an arrogant faith worshiping the galilean. Elevating the status of charnel houses to sacred places. Stealing art from all around the Mediterranean to place in his city. What him and his family did to the great pagan temples and statues is worse than anything done to Greece by Mehmet the Conqueror.
fucking autistic Byzantine bourgeoisie Lausos looted both the Athena Parthenos and one of the wonders of the world, the Olympian Zeus only to have both destroyed by fire. Byzantine culture is such shit-- ugly art, ugly architeture and foreign religion that destroyed all other European religions
>>the Byzantines spoke Greek
>>therefore they are Greek
yes, after the 4th crusade split the Byzantine Empire into its Greek successor states they actually embraced a revival of their Greek identity before reclaiming Constantinople
More liberal nonsense completely missing the point that Europe = Christendom, it's not a real continent, it's a culture with a religion as a unifier, and it has been aggressed upon by what honestly is a religion that only exists as an opposition to the light and advancement of the inquisitive brilliant and beautiful culture of Europe/Christendom.
this. its what im always telling Greeks. who did more the Ancients or the B*zantines
the Palaiologoi were Serbian
>a revival of their Greek identity before reclaiming Constantinople
>who are Plethon and Scholarios
"I am a Christian and not a Greek" - Gennadios Scholarios
>Europe = Christendom,
who should i support in this case as a real Greek (((christcuck)))?
>and beautiful culture of Europe/Christendom.
you mean before or after they killed each other over minor autistical disagreements?
or considering the fact that Christians never invented anything until the Renaissance. Everything they created already existed in Ancient Greece/Rome
What else makes Europe distinct enough that it exists in contrast with Asia when it should in fact be classified as a part of Asia. It is only a bitterness with regards to Europe and what it has produced that would cause you to have such an aversion to this idea.
>not starting with a purge of Islam in Europe before taking the fight to the Middle East
Oh look bullshit. Europe existed before "christendom" and it exists now that "christendom" is dead as a concept.
>>light and advancement of the inquisitive brilliant and beautiful
lol if you are actually dumb enough to believe this horseshit.
Oh here comes the bitter self flagellating white soy boy or the sub human, hard sometimes to discern the difference.
>implying that it isn't the best way to make turks angry when they whine about palestine
gee i dont know. maybe the ancient european traditions which havent been tainted by judeolatry?
early christians were all jews
>>I'll just bring out the meme-tier insults, that'll show em!
Fascinating. Go back to sucking the dick of the dead jew, christcuck.
>caring that ERE's ruling classes weren't greek
>caring that they were Christians
>implying that islam doesn't do more social harm than Orthodox Christianity
>implying the ottoman empire is the current ruler of Constantinople
>implying the Turks didn't perform genocide on Greeks and other Anatolian groups
Lmao nigga tf u mean "lose constantinople" ? Nigga just close the gate xD
Oh please children. I'm barely the Christian you're imagining. I love classical pre-Christian European history and learning about; but Islam is also a stupid abrahamic religion, they are just banners that two groups of cultures sit under, nothing more, it helps contrast the generally good from the generally disgusting and subhuman. You see; those same Europeans that are within Christendom, before Christ were still fighting pretty much the same people. Arabs might be semites but most of them are not the same ones that started the abrahamic traditions; AND the majority of faithful muslims aren't even arab; and are therefor also by that token cucked; if you wanna be so childish. It's just a flag. Christendom vs. Islam is just the current iteration of Hellenic poleis vs. Persia, and the ideas of individuality (adjusted please for the time period) vs collective subhuman idiocy or Rome vs. Phoenician Carthage; brilliant art and willful solidarity vs. loose badly managed trade despotism...
Oh please, your laughable understanding of history is ass asinine as it is stupid. Individual rights as we understand them in the modern era are the result of enlightenment philosophy and our societies being intensely and hilariously wealthy. Most of the Religious and Secular authorities of christendom wanted to destroy the enlightenment and everyone who agreed with it. They failed, and now they try and take credit for the things they couldn't kill.
Oh and where did the Enlightenment take place? I used the word Christendom because it is the best unifier. I don't overstate its literal role in the overall history of Europe. I am using it to best illustrate the dichotomy of Europe vs. Shitskinland.
>>Oh and where did the Enlightenment take place?
In Europe, not any sort of place known as Christendom.
>>I used the word Christendom because it is the best unifier.
If you truly believe that an inherently divisive monotheist religion is a unifier, you are deluded.
>>I am using it to best illustrate the dichotomy of Europe vs. Shitskinland.
The true dichotomy between as you put it:
>>the ideas of individuality (adjusted please for the time period nice attempt at a dodge here asshole, feudal nobles gave jack and shit worth of concern for the rights of anyone who wasn't a noble) vs collective subhuman idiocy
is not one of geography.
>women having a standing in society outside of being wives and mothers
>wanting to retake Constantinople
we should
Well if that's the case I guess South America is part of Europe