>I'm a gnostic atheist
I'm a gnostic atheist
And has anyone actually said that or are you just shitposting?
I'm a gnostic atheist in that I know the Abrahamic religions aren't true and that there's no god interfering with life right now.
>that there's no god interfering with life right now
How would you even know that?
How do you know everyone else in the world isn't being controlled by a god. How do you know your actions are even your own?
>How would you even know that?
If you can name anything outside of cause and effect I'm willing to listen.
>How do you know everyone else in the world isn't being controlled by a god. How do you know your actions are even your own?
Because they're clearly people and they're acting like people. I know that I'm in control of my actions because I can make them.
not an argument
wow some gnosis you have there
The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.
Which is exactly what anyone would expect a cult member to believe of those outside his cult. Of course you feel that way, you have been told to hate the other so you don't run off and leave your cult.
>I'm not an agnostic atheist, I'm an agnostic cynic
>misusing the term gnostic
>I use the redditspeak of gnostic/agnostic
>I'm a gnostic dystheist
>my set of beliefs rules out your arguments a-priori
>looks like I win another debate
Atheists need the bullet
I lack some knowledge, but I am not an agnostic because agnostics are autistic faggots who should go back to Ribbet and first year philosophy.
Atheism/Theism dichotomy is for brainlets.
>Wah God's a meany
Real enlightened stuff
It’s not a set of beliefs, it’s just not believing what you believe because there’s no good reason to align with your beliefs. I don’t have to refute astrology or Islam by default either. I just don’t believe it.
Daily reminder in professional philosophy nobody takes this agnostic vs gnostic axis garbage seriously.
You don’t see a significant difference in “I don’t believe the dog is outside” and “I know the dog isn’t outside”?
Knowledge is a type of belief, brainlet
The point being there is a difference in confidence level between not believing something and knowing it’s not true. One has room for the alternative, the other doesn’t.
>One has room for the alternative, the other doesn’t.
Wrong. Knowledge doesn't imply absolute certainty.
No, my friend that's maltheism. Dystheism just says there is a reasonable doubt where regards the demiurge's purported absolute goodness. Oh and by the way demiurge isn't some edgy epithet for God, its just a general term for the world's creator.
>using "gnostic" to mean something besides "knowing one"
t. reddit
Quite honestly the most significant contingent of people identifying as various flavors of gnostic (neoplatonists count) has been on this website.
t. naive realist
It’s more than saying you believe something. Don’t be autistic.