As an avid history lover i only play grand strategy games, they are well known for historical accuracy

>as an avid history lover i only play grand strategy games, they are well known for historical accuracy

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You're like a baby.

Attached: eu4_24.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

The main selling point for literally every grand strategy game is about starting off from a historical date in time and seeing how much you can alter the world.

>that face when my autism sometimes forces me to cheat in EU4 when borders get too weird. Especially late in the game when like Burnei is trying to colonize Alaska.

>you can alter the world
But I don't like when things unrelated to my actions drastically alter history.

For whatever reason I find EU incredibly boring. Vicky 2 is best.

This actually. It can be interesting but usually isn't.

EU4 would be a decent game if it wasn't a blobfest.

I wish there were some games like the paradox ones but with more emphasis on realism. Just look at OP's Sweden for a moment, it's a fuking joke.

But then again, autists love to roleplay as abstract concepts (ie countries) rather than actual people, so I can see if autists prefer eu

Attached: eu4_27.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

>Just want to carve out a comfy country and chill
>All of a sudden a blob comes out of fucking nowhere and wrecks my shit
Paradox really needs to fix that shit, none of the mechanics they have for preventing it work

I wish they introduced an option that gives the choice of playing a game where AI follows historical border changes and colonizes accurately like it happened in real life. Instead of, you know, complete map chaos after only 100 years.

>non of the anti blobbing mechanics stop the AI
>they just make the game less fun for the player
They just need better AI
Im not sure why their AI is so shit

just increase the amount of aggressive expansion you get for taking over provinces you fucking babies

>not playing CK2/EU to live out your autistic mental role playing fantasies

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Holy hell you two must feel fucking distraught at reality
just how does one exist under a globalized world culture and have this mindset at the same time?

I use console commands quite often to help the AI like I can't stand it when my vassals attack other kingdoms or expand.

Im old enough to have played Eu2 to death and remember the uproar when paradox decided to make Eu3 non scripted/dynamic monarchs and events

eh, a greater swedish/commonwealth alliance eventually partitioning the weaker russian states isn't all that unlikely as far as alternate universe scenarios go
And Burgundy really is one of those historical entities that would have been a major european player if not for an unlucky bunch of events

Vicky has the advantage in the POP mechanic and how basically everything interacts with it both as an input and as an output. EU4 has monarch points which interact with everything as an input, but very few things as an output. This means the game quickly becomes a game of managing Monarch Points versus how Vicky focus mostly on POP administration one way or another, from literacy rates to the number of soldiers you can field.

>instead of changing the mechanics of siege to stop carpet sieging they just teach the ai to do it

Fucking cancer

>Play HoI4
>Win early as USSR
>Create puppets
>They continue on their stupid shit like greater Hungary annexing Slovakia
What fucking idiot designed the national focus system?

I like the idea of managing an early modern state but never found it very satisfying in practice
EU2 follows real-world history more closely than the later games

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>crusader kings 2 is a accurate medieval simulator

Attached: ck2_1.jpg (1920x1080, 893K)

That shit is why i don't play tribal

They need to fix marriages in CK2.
Tired of a count in bumfucknowhere inheriting an Irish kingdom or somethere equally far and unlikely.
Is it really that hard to script AI to pick reasonable marriage choices?

Its not as unlikely as you would think but not very likely

Isn't that how the Hapsburgs took over Europe? There should just be more challenges from the local nobility when that happens

I wish gavelkind worked as intended, I don't mind my heirs getting kingdoms but I hate when they also get a dutchy or a province far from their inherited title.

They can't even figure out to marry their only daughter matrilineally when matrilineal marriage is set to on user

Vicky is the only good one because it focuses on a short enough time period that you can create in depth mechanics that actually apply for the span of the game and most outcomes are somewhat plausible. Also it isn't just a meme where you have magic points to run a country for you.

How accurate is this in simulating 19th-early 20th century socioeconomics and politics?

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Base game? Fucking whack. Play HFM

>Cultures assimilate to African-American
It accurately represents the muttification of the USA

Nah, they married into counts until they basically became one of the strongest counts in the HRE, were voted emperor, then were awarded Austria and from there expanded their power base.

What I'm getting is I want the AI to make reasonable marriage choices. Like it's pretty unlikely a Serbian count would marry some random Spanish counts daughter and inherit their land.

it's pretty hard if it wasn't done in the first place
there's a lot of different factors that the AI have to grade. It's basically a list of item 1-1000 or however many there are.
Some of them are pretty straight-forward whilst others are very situational, but the AI cannot pick item 499 over item 1 even though it would solve the entire conflicting line. Because the AI is not actually intelligent and thus can't pick, it's just doing what the code is telling it to do

The initial learning curve is a tad steep but once you learn the mechanics it's incredibly easy. (Like all pdox games).

The fun is in roleplaying strange scenarios like trying to steer the US towards gommunism or keep Russia an absolute monarchy etc

EU4 needs a late-game changer that mixes things up. I'd lobe for the whole 'revolution' thing to be for EU4 what the 'end-game crisis' is for Stellaris.

Couldn't somebody script it so AI marrys a spawned lowborn if it can't find someone suitable?

>HRE always changes into primogeniture mid-late game

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That's already a thing, back in the day they had trouble where the ai would only marry that way so they reduced the chance of it happening.

It's probably one of the easiest actually since the core mechanic of the game, pops, are controlled through indirect ways such as national foci and they mostly do their own thing under the hood

that would require going over the entire list and changing priorities of 1000 lines of code. Which may and probably will cause other clusterfucks to happen because "you didn't consider X to happen to Y so now Z"

That's when it all went to shit.

I agree. Vicky just feels more alive and EU never really seems to have gone past an advanced board game.

In my opinion it's a minute to learn, lifetime to master sort of thing. Learning the basics is easy.

Attached: EU3_4.jpg (1280x960, 510K)

I would post my "Platense Ruthenia" from Victoria II, but the file is too big.

>Had a game of ck2 charlemagne as a welsh nobody
>conquer all of Britain
>look at the rest of Europe
>khazars own most of european russia and all of scandivia
>close the game immediately

>tfw no attractive cousins/siblings so in game I always sleep with my daughters.

Yeah, it's easy to get the basics about how the POP system works at first, but most of it isn't that direct.


>khazars own most of european russia and all of scandivia

paradox historians are a blight on this board, the amount of gamified abstractions of history that gets posted here because of those games is disgusting.
It is fine to play them for enjoyment, but dont play eu4 then come into a thread on the HRE and state 'facts' like how the emperor should have invaded north italy to stop it succeeding from the empire in 1490, or have 8 imperial cities at all times to maximise his authority
vic 2 is no better, it is way to easy to become the worlds foremost industrial power as an asian nation in the span of a century, just by spamming liquor factories because of the games shitty population systems

>khazars own most of european russia and all of scandivia

Yeah? It could have happened.

It's when 'the Holy Roman Emperor is a Buddhist for no good reason, and a Hapsburg who is also the Emperor of Byzantium' is when I might quit. Not because 'a steppe horde became successful'.

May the sun never set on the New England Empire

I will not be happy if you can't play as New England in a potential Vicky 3.

I remember an user (on /v/ since I only joined this board a few months ago and that was a year ago) who talked about his Blackfoot game in eu3, he waited until 1730 for the Europeans to arive but they never came, he then looked at the save file and saw that the Golden Horde (being the absolute madmen they are) had conqoured pretty much all of Europe

>grand strategy game

You're still not playing GSG.

is there anything more retarded then people who play as the US in eu4?
>lets play as a nation of english people in a place that wasnt known to exist at the time of the game start because that is realism!
it just shows paradox's priorities when they fleshout gameplay for a meme country that doesnt exist at the games start to pander to the mutt fanbase
no other colonial area has an event to be released in a revolutionary war or has custom ideas/events

That reminds me of the time I started as a count in russia with the intention of building up to fight the mongols, only for them to be wiped out on arrival by the turks.

>england never forms
>france always shatters
>nothing ever works
I want a game that simulates fighting the norsefags out of Ireland but I want the rest of the world to go normally.

Nobody starts after the first startdate. If I want to play as the United States then I start as England and then switch to the Thirteen-colonies when founded.

Quebec, Canada, Mexico and Brazil all have unique Ideas, you can all become these (and others with generic 'colonial ideas' ideas if you play as colonial nations in the right areas, not just the United States.

The American revolution was a fairly important event during the games timeline and all of the other colonial revolts that occurred, with the exception of Haiti, happened during the last year in the games time frame. They should have put more effort into colonial revolts though, considering nearly all of Europe's colonies in north America were lost by 1821.

>Play as USA in Vicky 2
>Do nothing
>Become #1 Great power thanks to retarded Industry Score
>Build a few cruisers to BTFO the entirety of the Royal Navy with +04.00 attack super admiral in the late game or just with 150 frigates in the early game
every time

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Theres a difference between the steppes of central asia and the dense forests and frigid mountains of Scandinavia

Yeah, but I bet the open steppes would have been able to support more warriors than frigid forest and mountain dwellers at the time.

man i sure feel like a quebec playthrough, maybe a boer southafrica. even better, why not play as new zealand? paradox please fix your game

You don't need the English to form USA
pic related is Portuguese USA

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>not writing up your CK2/eu4 game to live out your autistic role playing fantasies
I’ve asked for two weeks extension to my dissertation to get the introduction the 1400’s finished

Prestige hit

>awarded Austria
They took austria from the king of Bohemia, when they were around the emperor actually used other people as levies, along with their counties being really rich so they could hire mercs

then why is it still called the united states and not Estados Unidos? it has the exact same outcome either way
you have to admit user, it is just pandering to americans as a historically inaccurate way to boost sales

>implying it wasn’t
Reminder Hapsburgs owe their all to the Luxembourg’s and the pragmatic sanction was pointless

Is that better than HPM? I don't like how scripted HPM is (but I also hate the clusterfuck in the base game).

>Playing Byzantium
Portugal and Byzantium are my two favorite nations to play as.

Also I saw Portugal form the US before, don't they automatically get British as an accepted culture even if the British don't have any colonies?

I like setting up good alt-history EU4 games by using the CK2-EU4 converter.

My latest game.
>Last start-date CK2 game.
>Convert to EU4
>Play as Socotra in EU4.

Playing as an OPM with a unique religion on a small island in CK2 is super hard to get any other provinces. The Canaries are the same way, although they can raid unlike Socotra.

>tfw Portuguese California breaks off just as you inherit Portugal and then becomes Mexico
Also if you integrate someone else who has colonies their flags change but there names don’t

>as an avid historian I’ve learnt women are useless and so now become a gay

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>french canada to this day
makes kinda sense desu, wouldnt make sense to change portugese brazil to spanish brazil if everyone living there is speaking portugese

I personally find HFM comfier, but they also have more shit fixed. Maybe it's just me but I had Confederate Nationalists uprising constantly even after I did the "Rapid reconstruction" event and made them an accepted culture, HFM seems to fix that.

wew lad

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I use CC all the time in CK2 just so it's more challenging
>turn lucky ruler on for a country I want to rival with
>hit ~ and type play as
>give a fuckton of money to that ruler
>go back to my character
To give the ai land

I hate it when CK2 has this shitload of formable empires in Europe. Not only is it historically inaccurate, but it's also a poor gameplay design, like if you start at 769AD the Pict dynasty would swallow all of Britain and Ireland then form an empire over there. There are also so many benefits by forming an empire but too little actual challenges.

They also haven't done shit to expand the dynastic mechanics, like forming cadet branches and all sorts of things.

Also to clean up border gore.
Ck2 really brings out my inner autism

HIP fixes that.
HRE, ERE and Persia are the only de jure empires.
If you have 3 kingdoms and have enough money and prestige you can form a titular empire that's named after your primary title.

lmao at all these empirelets

Attached: eu4_map_FRA_1727_08_01_2.png (5632x2048, 276K)

>lmao at all these empirelets

Attached: Hitler looking dismissively.jpg (481x593, 154K)

m8 i don't have the end game screenshot where i have all of the americas and southeast asia, indonesia as well

A big blob with no historical reason or aesthetic sense is nothing to be proud of.

>no historical reason
meme statement, economic gain, glory, and furthering strategic position is reason enough to go to war . Idk what this "historical reason bs is"
>aesthetic sense
"hey we should go to war to make our borders look nice" - said literally no leader ever

Attached: f19.jpg (600x641, 60K)

I don't finish many of my EU4 games anymore because end game is usually just beating the shit out of an overstretched Ottomans.

>be Byzantium ally with Hungary and Mamlukes
>slowly eat away Ottomans
>drop Hungary since they always find themselves in Eastern European conflicts ally with Russia after Ottoman are totally gone, turn on Mamalukes
I usually lose interest around 1700s because of how insane borders are though. I wish there as a historic AI mod.

You realized Hitler wanted the straight line in pic related while his generals wanted the nicer more aesthetic one because it more accurately took into consideration relation of regions, geography and trade right? Aesthetics in border sense means not taking land on the opposite side of a mountain or not having land in multiple different ethnicities. Basically not being imperial Austria or Germany.

Attached: Split.png (599x329, 13K)

hitler was also known for being an autistic retard. also none of shit you listed matters in eu4 with the right ideas

If you want some historical accuracy you're condemned to turn-based autism played by 5000 people.

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