Hard mode: No Germans or Russians
Cartoonishly villainous groups and units
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The answer is Jews btw.
The Potsdamer Riesengarde (Giant Guard of Potsdam) was a unit of taller-than-average men assembled by Wilhelm I. When Wilhelm I got bored, he would make them march around for his own amusement. The Prussian people's nickname for them was Lange Kerle ("The Big Guys")
this desu.
delete this
And why were they vilainous?
General Butt Naked.
>The Prussian people's nickname for them was Lange Kerle ("The Big Guys")
Did Wilhelm I feel in charge?
Didn't he find Christ?
what was so villainous about the Cairo gang? I thought they were just spies
Whoever was in charge of labour in the Belgian Congo.
They gunned down a shitton of Irish civilians
*citation needed
As far as I can tell, they were purely there for intelligence gathering.
Amiral Abrial:
"If you retreat at midnight, the French will not have started their boarding."
General Alexander:
"I regret but I will retreat at midnight. By the way the Germans are at the doors of Dunkirk and those who will not leave this night will be lost. Everything that could have been saved has been saved"
Capitaine de Frégate de Lapérouse:
"No my General, honor remains to be saved"
General Alexander:
Long silence …
The Mongolian empire.
Are you positive you aren't thinking of the Black and Tans?
Absolutely possitive. It's how the IRA killed one of the American Cairo Gang members.
The French
>They gunned down a shitton of Irish civilians
I doubt they actually pulled a trigger on anybody (other then maybe a back alley execution or two) but their efforts contributed to the English occupation and thus they were valid targets.
If I take their helmuts off, will they die?
>the big guys
Prove me wrong.
How was Caesar either cartoonish, villainous or a group?
S*lla started it
See Asterix
Wanted to destroy the Republic just like in Stah Wahs
>a group
"A triumvirate (Latin: triumvirātus) is a political regime ruled or dominated by three powerful individuals"
"After the death of Crassus in 53 BCE, the two survivors fought a civil war, during which Pompey was killed and Caesar established his sole rule"
From this we can conclude that at one point Caesar was the only member of the triumvirate, requiring him to have been at least three separate individuals, or just enough to form a group.
Fuckin Wilhelm
Sulla is a real nigga
For you.
Unit 731 for sure
>During biological bomb experiments, researchers dressed in protective suits would examine the dying victims. Infected food supplies and clothing were dropped by airplane into areas of China not occupied by Japanese forces. In addition, poisoned food and candies were given to unsuspecting victims, and the results examined.
>Thousands of men, women and children interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often without anesthesia and usually ending with the death of the victim.Vivisections were performed on prisoners after infecting them with various diseases. Researchers performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body. These were conducted while the patients were alive because it was thought that the death of the subject would affect the results. The infected and vivisected prisoners included men, women, children, and infants.
>Prisoners had limbs amputated in order to study blood loss. Those limbs that were removed were sometimes re-attached to the opposite sides of the body. Some prisoners' limbs were frozen and amputated, while others had limbs frozen, then thawed to study the effects of the resultant untreated gangrene and rotting.
>Some prisoners had their stomachs surgically removed and the oesophagus reattached to the intestines. Parts of the brain, lungs, liver, etc., were removed from some prisoners.
That's besides the frostbite experiments, grenade tests, rapes, forced infection with syphilis, etc. It's like they set out to do every horrible thing possible to other human beings
what the fuck how can even nips be that evil
Marius started it tbqh. Sulla didn’t help things but he didn’t start shit and tried his best to put an end to the power grabs by charismatic leaders.
and not a single guy involved got convicted :^)
You do know Barbara Lerner Spectre just got an award right? She got the King's Medal from Sweden.for "outstanding contribution for Jewish culture in Sweden and beyond".
Léon Auguste Théophile Rom.
He was an enormous cunt around Stanley Falls, and did shit like decorate his garden with severed heads. Dude was notoriously brutal according to missionaries.
And then one of the survivors was involved in the AIDS tainted blood transfusion shit in Japan
Aparthied South Africa was pretty much the cartoon villian country from a GI Joe episode
Off the top of my head, one plot involved weaponizing abalone to keep the african population complacent, and during the bush wars they would kidnap men that would try to evade conscription by claiming that they were gay and give them forced sex change operations, many of which failed.
>willem I wasn't ga-
The Japanese doomsday cult that launched two saren gas attacks that killed a couple dozen people.
I'm just gonna come out and say it, this Shiro Ishii guy...this guy's a real jerk!
I mean this isn't a nice guy!
>meat hooks rattling
>The Big Guys
They ruined any chance at SA not being a tribalistic shithole 3rd world country.
while extremely based, I cant think of a single time theyve ever been the good guys
Battle of Camarón
The ANC has long been super corrupt. There's some cartoony evil going on there. But I don't think they qualify for this thread especially since user neglected to post their predecessors, who were, as you might recall, actual fucking villains
I think he's just gunning for edge points, but I want to check the other items he listed
Killed 20% of the Gallic people
Look up the life expectancy of Cambodia, this is what Caesar did to Gaul
Mussolini and his misnisters.
Well the jew didnt have a hard on for them like they had for the germans and the japanese had vital intel to give, especially from said unit.
Let me tell you about AP Africa:
I got ya famalam.
Probably the most overlooked African dictator of all time, Francisco Macías Nguema of Equatorial Guinea.
>Mandated the death of everyone who wore glasses and banned the word "intellectual"
>Introduces the national motto, "There is no other God than Macias Nguema"
>Killed the governor of the central bank and moved the money to his house in a village.
>When he left the capital he turned off the electricity because he didn't feel it was necessary.
>On Christmas Eve 1975, he had his soldiers wear Santa Claus costumes and executed over a hundred political opponents at the national football stadium to the music of "Those were the days" by Mary Hopkins
>Burned all the boats and mined roads to prevent escape but in the process halted economic activity.
>Couldn't travel outside the country without special permission from him.
>For around four years, the country had no written press because according to Macias government, there has been no paper.
>Banned all Western medicine, claiming it to be "unAfrican"
>Banned all private education, deeming it "subversive"
>Abolished religion, shuttered churches to use as weapons caches, and jailed or expelled priests.
>Imposed a decree in 1974 which ordered priest to open with the following sermon "Nothing with Macias, everything for Macias, down with colonialism and ambitious"
>He assumed titles such as the “Great Maestro of Popular Education, Science, and Traditional Culture” and “The Only Miracle of Equatorial Guinea.”
>By the end of 1974, more than two-thirds of the members of the 1968 Assembly had “disappeared” and most of the senior civil servants were killed, imprisoned, or driven into exile.
>Built a wall around inner parts of the capital city Malabo, which included the Cathedral, his palace and a larger number of houses, whose owners were dislodged and had to find new houses outside the wall.
>Builds wall for his compound despite never living in the capital for over five years.
>During his trial, Macias claimed the wall was one of his "many" works for the benefit of the community.
That Santa execution probably sounded a bit like this
>Born as Mez-m Ngueme, Macías Nguema was the son of a witch doctor who allegedly killed his younger brother. He belonged to the country's majority Fang ethnic group. As a boy of 9, Nguema saw his father punched to death by a Spanish colonial administrator when he tried to use his title of chief to negotiate for better wages for his people. Nguema was orphaned a week later when his mother committed suicide, leaving the boy and 10 siblings to fend for themselves.
He even had a tragic villain backstory. Holy shit.
What about Italians? Fascist Italy was pretty bad.
>Why would shoot man before marching through France.
Please clap
Thanks, America!
>bombing campaigns
>torture without process
>landmine campaigns
>recently voting to seize land without compensation
>frequently said shit like we must be like hitler to the jews when referencing boers
>fucking over miners leading to killing them
There are tons of things you can go into with the ANC.
>But I don't think they qualify for this thread especially since user neglected to post their predecessors, who were, as you might recall, actual fucking villains
I'm sure people living in Johannesburg who were old enough to see Apartheid and the hell that followed it agree with you superficial opinion on the matter.
The ANC only made life better for the people it wanted to. Their policies victimized ANYONE who was successful and didn't bribe them, race regardless. If you are black and got ahead during Apartheid you clearly were working against your own people, how else could you have succeeded? Not hard work. Not intelligence. Not generations of land ownership. Unless you feel like permanently losing 15% of your income to bribing people, then you got ahead through all of those things.
For many who are from minority tribes life actually became worse since any legal protections they had are now gone. For its faults the Apartheid government was above the tribal bullshit that dominates today and was substantially more even-handed in its policies. You couldn't simply have a militia show up outside your house, possibly kill you on the spot but otherwise evict you from your land or indenture you to them. Look at the private security and personal protection sectors in South Africa. Do you think that only white people are afraid to go out at night? Or during the day? Or go literally anywhere outside of areas with armed security?
Look at the economy of South Africa when it was under embargo from basically the entire world and look at the value of the Rand today.
The ANC being presented as any kind of favorable entity is completely false. There were other groups that could have done more, with less violence and not completely destroyed their country. The ANC strangled them out, executed them and disenfranchised anyone who spoke out against it.
Fuck I am mad, fuck you.
Battle of Kolwezi
>Leader literally sings "Kill the Boer" during Party meetings
Oh my god please be bait
The ANC legitimized attacks on the Zulu due to the fact that the Zulu would work for whites frequently.