>scam somebody out of their knife on csgo ($120)
>immediately feel guilty - and then after an hour of having it, send it back, apologizing profusely and then blocking him immediately after
when did you realize you werent cut out for the Veeky Forumsness world?
Scam somebody out of their knife on csgo ($120)
Scams are not business, they border on theft. The exchange is fraudulent - you cheated.
And it really tarnishes your reputation in business if you do this.
You did the right thing OP. Maybe prevented your mark from scamming someone else to recoup the money
Explain Trump University then
And many of his other scams
Did this when I was like 10 with a runescape account. I got this kid to change his password by lying to him about some bonus he'd get by doing it, and later got a message from his older brother asking why I'd done something like that.
I felt really bad and gave it back to him. Felt good.
Not only this but
>In Dollar store as a 14 year old jobless tard
>Old man who is sick drops like $23 on the floor
>He is walking away, pick it up
>Think about keeping it, but decide "eh"
>Call after him, give him it
>Go on about my day
I just don't have it in me to fucking steal things.
You have good character and morals.
>implying I said businessmen don't scam
When they do it's fucking theft, or fraud or whatever you want to call it.
Real business is an exchange between willing parties. Capitalism. Buying and selling.
As far as trump uni, they didn't deliver the product they were obligated to and deserve the consequences that come with that. They got sued and they should get sued!
>tfw not a goody two-shoes but not really a villain either
Until I found this place I used to be like that, the heart of man is naturally good.
But in a capitalist society you become Veeky Forums naturally.
I thought that until I realized that people strap down and brutally genitally mutilate their own babies.
Then I realized that people are ultimately mostly just dumb sheep with no empathy.
Business is made of mutually beneficial transactions user.
>scam somebody out of their knife on csgo
>feel bad, thinking of giving it back to him
>he starts making angry posts on my profile and calling me a faggot
>don't feel guilty anymore
He's not wrong though is he.
dumb faggot
I guess so, I don't do that anymore, still feel bad about the people I scammed (except for the chinks). Just needed to kickstart my crypto thing. Made roughly $500 from that in april then moved on to crypto. I'm a slav snownigger subhuman, so that's the only way I could make money at the time
shut up niggerbrain
That just proves you're white. You can still be good at business and not enjoy blatantly stealing from people under false pretense.
I'd sell it back to the guy, that's how much of a jew I am user
he has trips and you're one off so who's the dumb faggot?
That’s called having a soul user, gj
Guy dropped big fifty dollars in the street whilst i was working. Run after him give it back, a week later and i am pregnate.
I flipped some sold out concert tickets for $250 profit to a 15 year old girl. Felt pretty scummy considering her mom drove her in a beat up mini van.