What was the most tragic event in human history?
The execution of the Romanov family?
What was the most tragic event in human history?
The execution of the Romanov family?
Other urls found in this thread:
The holocaust
The falsification of the holocaust
As a singular event perhaps, but there were many other catastrophes with great suffering and death toll.
Though attempt at industrially exterminating an entire group of people does rank high no doubt.
The Texian last stand at the Alamo
But from their sacrifice a new state was able to grow
The creation of this thread
>In 1979 an interview was carried out on those over 80 years old. One of the questions asked what the single saddest thing they could remember and every single one of them said it was the death of the Romanovs by the hand of the communists.
The assassination of Germanicus.
The shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand which set about a chain reaction that destroyed Western Civilization and possibly humanity.
How? Explain please.
Man Augustus had a hard life. All of his preferred heirs died and he was left with Tiberius. Hell even Tiberius' Chad brother died early. You can tell how he carried that shit with him when you read his will.
>Originally 2/3 thirds of my estate would go to Gaius and Lucius but now that they are dead it will go to you Tiberius
The west is culturally apathetic. This caused the death of the Western Roman Empire. It is easy to correlate the circumstances to our age.
This photo unironically makes me so fucking sad. If I was a Russian soldier I would have stayed loyal to him until the end. Better dead than red.
>Shooting of Franz Ferdinand
>Leads to WW1
>Leads to Romanov's getting offed, Soviet Russia, Nazi Germany, Fascism, Socialism, Communism
>Leads to WW2
>Leads to all the lels from WW2
>Leads to a Soviet Eastern Europe and Red China
>Leads to Cold War
>Leads to leftist invasion of Western Academia and Philosophy
>Leads to the modern problems we see today
>Which will lead to the socialization and eventual capitulation of our current notion of western civilization and intellectual achievement since the enlightenment.
Why didn't his extended family help him?
No you wouldn'tve you fucking faggot.
The British Parliament started drafting plans to rescue the Emperor, but 1) he was held captive way behind enemy lines and the British couldn’t spare any troops from the Western front, 2) Kerensky’s government was still fighting the Central Powers until they were in turn overthrown, and 3) King George V opposed a rescue operation, since he thought it would bring condemnation upon the UK for harbouring a ruthless absolutist (as some saw Nicky).
LOL. No. The Western half of the Roman empire fell apart, because Rome suffered a series of disease, famines, economic crises and political crises, and when push came to shove, the Emperors sitting in Constantinople realized that Gaul, Hispania, etc were not profitable enough to waste resources defending and maintaining them, especially when they had their own issues and Persia at their back door. Good job with your Stormfront, childish understanding of history.
>King George V opposed a rescue operation, since he thought it would bring condemnation upon the UK for harbouring a ruthless absolutist (as some saw Nicky).
Perfidious Albion strikes again. What a cold man
I'm glad you brought this up, it gets me every time. Russia and the whole world would've been better off given their example.
>What was the most tragic event in human history?
Fall of the Soviet Union
This desu
>leads to leddit spacing
Yes, I'm sure a LARPing Hitler autist, nazi zombie, and bizarro jew caricature with accompanying walls of text will change peoples minds.
This is the worst infograph ever.
Why did the Russians turn on someone who gave everything and took nothing? Fuck communism to hell
He is right however.
The sexual revolution
Do you feel left out?
Not really, Im just autistic and really dislike individuality and any form of moral deviance. Also std spreads.
Because he was a shitty autocratic ruler who took everything and gave nothing. Quote from the first anthem:
You the rest is just the grave,
Every day the debt is ready,
The Tsar-vampire pulls out your veins,
The Tsar-vampire drinks the blood of the people.
He needs for the army soldiers,
So give up your sons!
He needs festivals and halls,
So give him your blood!
You know how it is: If you wanna kill the vampire, you have to kill all his spawn and destroy the bodies, so that he couldn't regenerate!
I don't understand why people are stressed about the Romanovs getting EZed.
They were very shitty rulers and Nicholas was a weak pussy. What happened was a pretty natural response in those times to shitty corrupt leadership. Yes it lead to the worst evil humanity has ever seen. But some rich aristocrats catching bullets for being shitty leadership doesn't really bother me.
He’s seen as the last true absolute monarch of Europe, so his murder by socialists has a lot of symbolism to it, to some. He’s a figure of sympathy for monarchists and Orthodox Christians (who sainted him not too long ago).
This but unironically
oh fuck off. the holocaust would barely make top 20 at best.
Leads to dumb pol posters t b h
The fact that no one respects Sulla
This man's life.
Entire WW1 and WW2.
the black plague
considering the romans had plumbing and sanitation
the the dark ages happened and we all forgot that shit and rats will literally kill you if you aren't careful about it.
>Perfidious Albion
Always the true enemy. But I would've thought British royalty would've taken pity on him.
I heard he had almost no interest in even being Tsar, at least at toward the end.
Deviance from which dogma or rules?
The fall of Rhodesia and the subsequent rise of Zimbabwe.
>I miss them so much.
The execution of Charles II was more tragic and the beginning of decline.
Charles I, you mean.
Fucking Brutus, why would you turn on your bro?
Battle of Waterloo
Freedom's light was extinguished forever
The fall of the third Reich.
Humanity has fallen into eternal darkness, a dull and primitive state.
What are you quoting?
Yeah thank you
>edge lord
good bait