I've been in love with my cousin since we were young. Up until how long ago would it have been acceptable for me to marry her?
The history of incest
You still can
Depends on what degree of cousin, and what jurisdiction you live in.
>Getting the hots for a cousin
If you are going to destroy your family life try to fuck your sister. Go big or go home
Technically she's my half first cousin. My mom and aunt share a dad but not same mom.
Gross and degenerate. Anything further than cousins and aunts is gay.
Like i said before if you want to fuck up, fuck up legendary so noone will forget that big fuck up that destroyed his family to get his dick wet.
Actually incest is a pretty big fetish if you look at porn statistics
Lmao so vanilla and boring
I can understand having a fetish for sister/mother/daughter, but cousin? Seriously?
Only incels dream of such degenerate things, thanks for outing yourself.
>be me
>play CK2
>make my dynasty as inbred as 16th century Hapsburgs within only two generations
Put a ring on it
Question: is she a qt tomboy?
Legal in my country.
I'd be willing to bet most incest-fags are not actually into their own family. But rather imaginary family for fantasy.
In many places it's still technically legal to marry your first cousin. It completely depends on where you live (also being a half-cousin helps)
If you and your cousin really want to get married than it's not that difficult to simply find a state/country that will allow you to do so.
Having a child with a first cousin carries the same risk of genetic defects in the child as having a baby with any woman over 35. Realistically, fucking anyone on earth outside your nuclear family is perfectly fine from a genetic point of view.
>t. Ahmed
>he'd fuck his dad's sister
You're a sick man.
What if she had j-cups?
You still can, just convert to Islam.