Do you think the minimum wage should be higher or lower?
>pic related is MIT teacher who doesn’t want a minimum wage
Do you think the minimum wage should be higher or lower?
>pic related is MIT teacher who doesn’t want a minimum wage
no minimum wage of course, you should get paid what you're worth, not more
no minimum wage
brainlets say otherwise
Yeah minimum wage shouldn't exist. All it does is price people out of jobs.
Minimum wage increases inflation and prices. Does nothing more.
if people get paid what they are worth then the kikes no profit off the blood sweat and tears of the hard working american
>Burger flippers should be paid 40k annually
Nice try merchant. The day there is no minimum wage is the day Mexicans flood the country. White people won't be defeated by your Jewish tricks.
>no minimum wage of course, you should get paid what you're worth, not more
Well they built the pyramids assuming everyone was worth zero. Is that how much you want to get paid?
you have a gross misunderstanding of what the kikes want
also the mexicans arent getting through the new wall, nice try
The pyramid builders were paid you fucking idiot
if you're not getting paid don't go work you tard, go agree to work for someone who will pay you something and if you can't then get a skill worth being paid for, or pay someone to do work for you if there's a big pool of workers
>he thinks he knows who built the pyramids
All cryptos exchanges and gains should be taxed at 35% to pay for $15 per hour minimum wage and 8 weeks of paid vacation
if people are getting paid for less than they're worth, it should be easy for you to make a profit since everyone will want to work for you by paying them what they're worth
Minimum wage is bad. It just perpetuates the slave economy. The wealthy throw another $3 an hour to the plebs while they rake in a fortune.
>muh minimum wage
>muh eating out
>muh alcohol
>muh cigarettes
>muh new iphone
>muh section 8
>muh ebt
>muh disability
>muh obamacare
Minimum wage cucks are deluded and foul.
Minimum wage should be variable based on the size of the company. Larger companies with high profits would pay more, small mom and pop businesses would pay less.
keep minimum wage the same, but peg it to inflation so it increases with the cost of living. problem solved
So then everyone would try and work at a big company
i think heightism and racism should go.
i cant move up because people cant take me seriously because i dont look white and im short.
im "werid" looking to them therefore barred from being acknowledged as a legit person.
my shitty friend got to join bands and gets alot of attention being mediocre shit and its all because hes white and looks normal. the dude complains and doesnt know how to do shit and gets away with doing weird shit.
social capital is a real thing. i knew in the back of my mind since i was 16 but i denied it ever existing.
you voted for trump didnt you
Japan has high minimum wage and everything is expensive
South Korea has low minimum wage and everything is cheap
However, Japan has a higher average standard of living.
Obviously a higher minimum wage is better for minimum wage workers, but it is bad for lower middle class (who suffer higher prices relative to their income).
It’s all trade-offs
There should be no minimum wage and no labor unions, but citizens should receive a tax-funded basic income of $1000/month. This levels the playing field for employees as it allows them to say 'no' to shitty offers of employment indefinitely without going hungry and missing their rent payment.
At the moment employers have all the power because they know people just need a job, any job, so they don't starve. So they all offer part-time/gig economy zero benefits shit pay shit jobs and they know they will still get applicants because being a slave is still better than being cold and starving. I say this all as a free marketeer - I don't think there can be a free market until the laborers in that market are truly uncoerced. And the fear of starving and dying is coercion.
>if people get paid what they are worth then blah blah blah kikes
>lets make everyone be payed more than their worth!
Go back to nu-/pol/, the socialist shithole.
the 1k will just be priced into cost of living, and you wont be able to pay rent/food without a shitty job
Would have preferred Mike "if your bi you will fry" Pence.
I'm sorry you feel this way user. I bet you often feel "other" or "alien" or "different" than the rest of society. That can be very tough. However, I encourage you to focus on things that you can control and not blame society for your successes or failures. Psychology shows that people who have an external lotus of control (ie, they believe society controls their fate) have a lower rate of success and higher rate of depression, regardless of their background.
Another thing: I dont know where you live but you can consider moving to a more accepting place. Here in California, many people say they feel more welcome than in other parts of the world. Best of luck to you.
Yeah the people who USE minimum wage or near minimum wage services the most are usually pretty poor. You create significant inflation for them personally.
This is one reason why sit-down full services restaurants like Applebees, TGI Fridays, Chilis, Red Robin etc are in the shitter and there's such a push to fast casual- no one really wants to pay for full-service dining at low-end food establishements.
mit. makes sense.
plenty of warehouses in mass with dozens of people making 9.00 cash an hour.
minimum wage in mass is 12.00
Yeah, and big companies that rule the world would actually have good jobs instead of all the wage slave jobs.
Devils advocate
poor people are fucking terrible with money, any extra you give a wadgie is extra money dumped right back into the consumer discretionary and essentials industries. Also, you need to give the poor people enough rope to hang themselves. If you increase minimum wage you increase the amount of people who can afford to take out loans or (((lease cars))) that they cant actually afford but the monthly payments look low enough compared to the new biweekly checks theyre getting that they sign their souls away to ride around in a shiny new car that actually costs like 75% of their yearly salary. The auto industry needs leases, if you pay burger flippers what their worth all they could get are cl 3k civics
of course this is excluding the obvious that if mini wage increased overnight prices would as well and it would be a wash at best but:
boo hoo want some free college too
If you're advocating for $1000/mo to everyone for doing literally nothing you have absolutely no understanding of "free markets" and shouldn't pretend like you do.
It wouldn't be a wash, because purchasing power would go down for people above minimum wage. Which means that minnies would end up actually capturing more of the total purchasing power of the USA economy (the quintile pie chart would look the same regardless which way you think about it)
lower; minimum wage shouldn't exist
This thread is full of retards who bought into the Jewish meme that the minimum wage is bad. None of you understand how businesses import millions of workers to drive down wages or how your middle class job is actually dependent on McDonalds workers not being replaced by Haitian’s working for 1 dollar an hour.
The minimum wage should be pegged to inflation and should be around 15 bucks right now.
Pegging minimum wage to inflation, hmm not sure how that could ever go wrong in a fiat economy
my business would be more profitable if I could get the same work for 15x less money
>I dont know where you live but you can consider moving to a more accepting place
thats probably most of the problem. i live in midwest rural flyover. however in like 10-20 years theres probably going to be a bigger metizo population and more commercial areas that bring more people in.
do you have no competition or something?
Denmark has no minimum wage. Why arent their jobs getting replaced?
They get free education, money and other shit covered by big taxes, there are also no fucking people.
Fact is if you take away the minimum wage you will end up supporting these people some other way while standards fall through the fucking floor. And your amerifat standards are fucking laughable as it is.
the competition would also benefit with 15x less expenses, even though the sales would be less money, so living standards for low wage would go up too.
Lets look at the options.
minimum wage + lots of immigration: high wages, high unemployment, lots of welfare for the unemployed
no minimum wage + lots of immigration: high employment but extremely depressed wages
little immigration: low unemployment, high wages
the problem is immigration, not minimum wage
>lets make everyone be payed more than their worth!
thats not even what i said you stupid fuck.
your labor earns your employer, lets say, $60 an hour pure profit. he pays you $20 an hour
is that paying you what youre worth?
you're worth what you can negotiate as an agreement for your labor, your labor itself isn't worth profit. if it was, you could just work for yourself.
Again, do not have an external lotus of control. Dont blame the things around you. You have the power to succeed though your own effort. You have can succeed in the midwest, I'm sure of it. And if your enviroment is bringing you down cant, you can change it. You can make things better for yourself.
Now, I know you're probably thinking "I cant move because my family blah blah blah." Again, you are putting the blame on things around you. You, and only you, have the power to make your life better. So if your life gets better, you can thank yourself. If you fail to make your life better, that's on you too. Society is not to blame because only you have the power in your life.
i don't know because i don't know what your business is, i was thinking they could just kill the margin but yeah i guess everyones volume can go up too. what happens to quality though? you know at $1 an hour what you'll be getting is a pajeet
Please get rid of the 1k basic income per month. This will never work in the current state.
Have you seen what happened to europe? Flooded by "Refugees" because they want more gains and they we're unable to cope the situation for months. And now think big, what will happen with this shit? Not only niggros will come even your whole pajeet family.