/pol/ here, I need you niggers to tell me how to get rich, now.
/pol/ here, I need you niggers to tell me how to get rich, now
Other urls found in this thread:
buy okcash and get 10x gains by dec
Bitcoin Cash
Crashing get out now
Don't listen to Veeky Forums
Fuck off, pajeet.
Shut the fuck up, subhuman
That's how you get rich now. If you have any more questions about the how or why, I'd be happy to help.
Go all in on ChainLink and hold for a year.
You set yourself on fire, and jump down the cliff. If you survive, start a donation campaign, but I hope you don't.
but pajeets are subhuman, thats' the point
Spend everything on Ark, and hold for a year.
buy me some bitcoin
Like the other guy said, buy DRP.
How much?
First rule. Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says.
Interpretation of this rule: so many scammers and pajeets shilling their coins, 90% of Veeky Forums is noise and lies.
good luck fresh meat
First step: grow out of dumb shit like nationalism
Collectivism keeps you poor
welcome to /bizpol/ newfriend.
Buy Bitcoin Cash and wait. Literally that is it, it's going to overtake the kiked BTC blockchain within the next few weeks and months.
shut up nigger
buy REQ and LINK
enjoy the pink wojaks for a few months then RIDE TO ANDROMEDA
You should enrich your skull with some lead, OP.
>learn slave language
>capture and enslave inferior species such as illegals and refugees
>market them to companies as toilet cleaners
>teach them how to farm your land
>feed them for decent work
>sell them off
this is how america got money to begin with.
>/pol/ here
Set up on the dark web a niggers and jews hitman service.
I would hire you.
Go all in on DGB. It's down now but it's got a lot of potential. If you don't like DGB, you should check out Doge
Only buy coins made by aryan developers, dont trust slavic devs. They dont count!
and take this, you'll understand later
Go all in on LINK and wait for a year.
no ones here is going to tell you how, otherwise its just one more competitor.
do your research, learn some T-A, aim at 2% daily. compounded, it can be huge.
asking someone adv here will end up with you hodling bags.
start dt on eth, good for newfags.
if you just want to hodl, you will need a shit load of money and time. around 60K and 5 years. 2^5
gl fren.
I spit on ur dead mothers grave after she dies from BBC
become a jew
Look, I normally wouldn't reveal this, but I migrated here from /pol/, so we're brethren. Plus I have already accumulated all I can buy with my current funds. It's going to be fucking huge... Are you ready for it? Espers. You have to buy it on Yobit though, all the other exchange listings for Espers use a new chain and coin(Espers 2.0), but the Yobit one is rare, only place you can get it. It's super underground, but has news coming up, and a phenomenal dev team. It's been rumored that Satoshi himself might be working on it, but the uncertainty has kept the price low. It's basically a penny stock at this point, so if you go all-in on it and it goes up AT ALL, you have doubled your money. And that's just the start. You know how if you would have thrown a dollar at BTC when it first came out, you would have like $7 million today? You're not going to get those kinds of gains from Bitcoin anymore, but this coin has that potential. You'll have to hold for a little while, but it literally can't go any lower. Let me know if you have any questions, this is a pretty obscure one on a backwater exchange
Disregard this faggot completely unless you want to be holding his bags eternally, espers = scam.
Since OP is from /pol/, hopefully he has learned how to read between the lines and see a shill trying to turn him off the path to pay dirt. Your post is a great example of that. JIDF pls
not happening atm m8. last month has been unpredictable for the most part.
Buy POWR and enjoy 10-100x
>dont use the word nigger in your daily interactions
>remember names and faces
>wear clothes you would be comfortable going to an interview in, on a regular basis
>go out of your way to make contacts in areas relevant to your own interests
>talk to yourself in the mirror
>exercise aggressively
>remember names and faces
>read. read anything and everything you can. if you see a magazine in a waiting room, read from it
>go work a job, any job, but pay close attention to everyone you meet
>work hard
>remember names and faces
>be genuinely interested in anyone you are speaking to
>yes anyone
>remember names and faces
>be confident
This is the only correct answer here
Yes, I have a couple of questions!
How and why?
That offer was only available to the Original Poster (OP for short) whose ID is very clearly different from yours. Regrettably, I am not able to extend the same offer to you at this time. I have your information on file, and will let you know should anything change.
Buy Chainlink
Collectivism keeps greed and selfishness away, kike
Good choice sir.
Unironically this
I shouldn't ask this here, but would it be foolish to spend your time and savings (couple thousand dollars) just be with someone this pretty ?
I know money is important, but I just want companionship with a babe.
You are right. You shouldn't ask this here.
41 btc in sell orders on 1 sat kek
Go back redneck faggot.
How much free time do you have?
1000+ hours? get into finance
less? get a more specialised skillset and you will earn more
Man being a normalfag sure sucks.
Those people are idiots
>buy shitton of ESP at 1 sat
>place a sell order at 2 sat
>100% profit
Don't believe me?
Here take a look, 2 sats sell orders getting filled, sometimes even 3 sats
OP don't listen to fud, ESP is the best investment
>thinking he will be able to sell at 2 sats.
>thinking it will ever go above 1 sats.
gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8!
Stop being brainwashed by the scam that is pol
Realize that 90% of the content there is just complaining and projecting from shutin virgins who are too lazy to improve themselves
What are you doing on this board then
OP pls don't listen to this guy if you enjoy having money.
neck yourself
Yep, Bitchink is going down with recent Chinese crackdown. Bitcoin Cash IS the new Bitcoin. Easy 10X by the end of 2018.
>grew up
>unironically dresses like a 14 year old
OP asked how to get rich, not how to be a wagecuck.
Anyways, here's my suggestion.
Start a business.
Make it superior to your competition in every way you can.
Retain equity while growing it as fast as possible.