Who was in the right?

Who was in the right?

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Hamilton is on right

Irrefutably this.

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About what?

Hamilton was ultimately proved right since that's the course that was taken. Jefferson was an autist.

Their visions for America.

>hamilton was right because lincoln the tyrant abused his power

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Hamilton. America would be weak as a decentralized agrarian republic

t. neoc*nfederate traitor

>fuck the states, they should pay for their own shit and their own debts
Jefferson was right by this position, but it brings into question what future America would have had if if we were more decentralized. It tends to help for places like Italy (see. how culturally rich, wealthy, and strong it was separated and how shitty it is now), but I don’t know if it would have worked here.

>Hamilton was right because he won
Love this board

Things would have been fine imo, Jefferson still believed the feds had the last say.

Ultimately, neither man’s vision was realized. Thet imagined a fairly homogeneous republic where governance would settle itself and people would devote themselves to more than just subsistence. Instead we got mass immigration against the will of the people, mere subsistence followed by sheer hedonism, and we probably won’t hold our unalienable rights for much longer.

Capitalism and democracy together always gives way to tendencies of the former, who knew.

This, Jefferson didn’t understand geopolitics and also had a strange resentment against banks.

>a decentralized agrarian republic
Yet that's exactly what America was for generations and we only flourished

...as a backwater that was more useful to real powers as a trade partner than a conquest

>being a trade partner isn't the safest and best way to secure a strong nation

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America traded resources which were not available in the old world or not with the same quantity anywhere else. Not only could America not return to this, but if it did, it would be completey dependent on foreign powers for manufactured goods, little more than a satrapy. Industrialization wasn't a bad thing, it was absolutely necessary.

Jefferson was an infinitely better man!

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Hamilton. He saw ahead of the curve.

He was also the most intelectually consistent of the two. Jefferson seems to have mastered the art of doublethink: bought Louisiana when he argued that the constitution didn't give him that power and condemned slavery in theory while condoning it in practice.


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He was a debtor

If America didn't industrialize and remained an agricultural republic, would it have been screwed like China in the 20th century?

Jefferson had the right ideals, Hamilton better understood politics and actually building a nation.