Bcash was created for on true purpose, and that is to use it as tool for market manipulation. We have been seeing this Bcash pump and dump cycle several times now since August. By contentiously forking Bitcoin, they created an easily pumpable altcoin that rallies every time Bitcoin fud gets thick enough, and as a bonus this drives BTC price down temporarily so they can make money shorting. Unfortunately crypto investors seem to have short memories, so I expect this to repeat ad infinitum. If you made money on Bcash count your blessings and get the fuck out before it dumps. dont buy into the muh flippening meme like the eth bags did. Its a costly mistake
The truth about bitcoin cash
what the fuck are you talking about bitcoin cash is literally bitcoin before the hardfork with a larger blocksize
That's exactly the reason why people easily FOMO into it as easiy manimulation.
That is total bullshit, bitcoin corecuck is a kike coin and the development team is now literally talking about scrapping Satoshis whitepaper. By moving transactions off-chain they are centralizing the currency and making it subject to the whim of corporations and governments.
that sounds like a pretty silly conspiracy theory.
much more likely that they just don't get along
because of mainly economical reasons
and ideological
and therefore this situation has occured
>not buying Monero and Stellar Lumens
>which both blow bitcoin out of the water
What the fuck have you been smoking? It sounds like you're imagining things
Nice response you retarded brainwashed corecuck
I think plebbit will be more up to your speed
maybe people are buying it because anyone with a brain can see a 1mb bitcoin is never going to work
Lol, I made $35k buying shitcoin cash at $600 and then dumping it for $1K on idiots like you. But I'm the cuck, right
He is 100% correct though
couldve made more buying at $300, or $400, or $500
you got in at literally the last minute and are bagging lawl
So wait, they (the ones who control a majority of bitcoin network) didn't make up a bitcoin altcoin to put their savings while a fork happens?
It thought this was going to take over bitcoin though
Neither is an 8mb or a 16mb or whatever; we'd need like a gb block size for true widespread adoption, which would be totally unwieldy for anyone to ever run a node.
At the end of the day, miners decide the course of bitcoin.
Bitcoin core isn't profitable anymore for large miners.
>what the fuck are you talking about bitcoin cash is literally bitcoin before the hardfork with a larger blocksize
Wrong. BCH has EDA, which makes it a great tool for extracting value from dumb fucks like you through inflation.
BCH is centralised, retard.
BTC is centralised, retard.
Close your mouth, you're drooling.
for 2 more days
stay mad corecuck
eda is fixed in 2 days you moron. the inflation it created is insignificant and the price is going up anyway
We will see a lot up these threads coming up in the next days. Salty people who are to ignorant and missed out
>Seriously thinks BCH is anything more than a cheap copy
>Casually forgets to mention Core has the most talented developers in crypto
Why can't we have both segwit and an 8mb block size (like Cash)? Is there some technical limitation caused by segwit?
No, Blockstream blocked any sort of MB increase for years because it would mean they can't generate a lightning network transaction fee for themselves on top of the miner fees.
BTC literally got kiked.
>people just want gainz
>they are blind
What would be a realistic BTC bottom?
I'm planning on buying in big.
4500. It always dip 40% from the ATH.
We have lift off at 6300 right now though
Monero 2000$ by new years eve
Kek for being the most talented developers they sure have fucked up corecoin.
and people like you are exactly why what they set out to do is working :)
Alright, I'm buying if it rebounds to 6500
>tfw having too much moral conscience to make gains of this bch scheme.
>markets move in cycles
>this is news to Veeky Forums
Just buy the goddamn dip your worthless negroes.
Wasted quads. Not checking
let me remind you that btc is the subverted kikecoin, not bch. but dont take it from me, the developers themselves admit it