How Veeky Forums were Roman legionarius?

How Veeky Forums were Roman legionarius?

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Hideously obese

Greeks had anabolics. Let that sink in.

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Nah, they did shit like eating raw bull testicles. While you get some testosterone from that, it's fairly minor.

They probably still had higher testosterone on average than a modern man.

They were functionally slim and strong,
muscles were hardened, flexible and endurable. Comparable to a modern day soldier mixed with a sprinter mixed with a marathon runner mixed with a construction worker.
Drinking bull semen is not the same as taking steroids.

Completely true.


Not being fat and exercising a bit probably puts you in the 75th percentile in terms of T levels.

Taking into consideration that modern man is literally not the same as a guy from 60s or 70s. Imagine how high test the ancients were. They probably had test levels that modern men achieve with 250mg of test a week.

Modern man on higher end has 900 ng/dl of testosterone. I imagine ancients had somewhere close to 1500-1800 ng/dl. It might be just my faggot fantasy though.

All those patriarchal and genocidal cultures would prove my point though. Men were literal savages back then.

Attached: Normal-Testosterone-Levels-By-Age.png (800x228, 81K)

Anytime you have urges to genocide a people, its the test speaking.

I guess ENF and Indo Europeans were high test as fuck then.

LBK farmers literally slaughtered people en masse and burried them in mass graves.

Of course today we have lower test because of proccessed food and weak upringing without beatings. So we get weaker and weaker men that have no desire to fight which in turn makes future history boring.

Idk I'm pretty comfy

>Men are at almost peak sexually fertility until fucking 60

Jesus, it really isn't a joke.

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Better than estrogen. That shit just makes you a moody bitch. No wonder woman are inferior.

Funny thing is. Women then probably had as much testosterone as men do now.

Not very. Soldiers in general need endurance more than raw muscles, and they sure as shit wouldn't diet and dehydrate themselves enough to look cut.
I mean they'd still be strong and shit, but not olympians or hypertrophic, that would be a luxury for idle rich faggots wasting their days exercising and oiling themselves up at the baths.
Modern special forces are the most likely comparison to how the ancients actually looked on average.

>It might be just my faggot fantasy though

It probably is. Human beings have barely changed the last 50000 years.

The reason those societies were as they were is the same reason society is how it is today; people accept reality as it is presented to them.


Roman military training prioritized endurance over raw strength. They did shitloads of marching and drilling with heavy training gear because it’s more important for soldiers to be able to swing their swords longer rather than harder.

Pic related: one is Dwayne Johnson in his wrestling prime, built to go the distance in the ring. The other is Dwayne Johnson in his movie making prime, where he can take rests between shoots, so it’s more important for him to look aesthetically pleasing than it is for him to be actually athletic.

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That chart is a horrible meme spread by people who've read exactly one wikipedia article. Endocrinology is one of the most complex bodily sciences and healthy hormone levels vary to a tremendous degree on an individual level

>Pic related: one is Dwayne Johnson in his wrestling prime, built to go the distance in the ring. The other is Dwayne Johnson in his movie making prime, where he can take rests between shoots, so it’s more important for him to look aesthetically pleasing than it is for him to be actually athletic.
Too bad that right looks like shit compared to left. How can people even take seriously guys that look like that?

>A fucking leaf

>Too bad that right looks like shit compared to left. How can people even take seriously guys that look like that?
For the same reason judges of bodybuiler competitions are usually men, and why world’s strongest man competitors are more usually built like bears, as success has nothing to do with how pretty all the other boys think you are

Forgot pic

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A simple look at actual pictures of farmers with low levels of technology or hunter gatherers shows how stupid this meme is.

Even the African tribes that keep a low level of bodyfat are still dyel sized.

Forgot my pic

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Maybe if you're a woman

So you admit bodybuilding is gay as fuck?

I always assumed they were strongfat.

They wouldn't be cut by any means, but they'd be more marathon mode than fat in any way. We're talking of an army whose foremost training exercise was the 6h 20kg 30km loaded march.

Powerful from years of walking everywhere, drills, and combat if they were in long enough. Not swol like gym dwellers, but toned well

Attached: Roman battle line.jpg (1400x933, 497K)

Anything good is going to be "gay" because women are stupid and have shit taste/can't compete.