While you nerds are busy choosing whether to stick your dick into BTC or BCH, I'm over here not giving a fuck about who sits on the throne and instead making money. Why do you all have an emotional attachment to these fucking coins? Who cares?
You emotional faggots
Other urls found in this thread:
>bch is gonna moon hard!
>oh look at those 0.5x margins. lambo is on its way!
>implying I have any skin in the btc/bch game
Alts all day bb
loyalty to one coin has consistently paid off for nearly a decade, none other can claim that. your shit isn't gonna last.
If BTC can't be counterfeited, then BCH is as close as it gets. Just a cheap copy masquerading as the "real deal".
Who gives a fuck. BCH is up, BTC is down. Buy in, make the switch at the right time, make more money. It's not that difficult
if you looked at the code without the names no one would believe btc i bitcoin.
Did you think btc is bitcoin because it kept the name? If yes is there anything they could do to the code that would change your opinion
The implication is that BCH is a good buy now, it was only good to buy yesterday and dump today.
Try our new double-blind verified very safe alt-coin!
No thanks
btc is the counterfeit retard, what the fuck did you think segwit is
BTC network hashrate is slowly dropping. 7200petahash some hours ago, now 6650.
BTC transaction queue keeps getting larger. Currently at 100k. That's a lot of delay.
BCH network is at 4200 petahash atm which shot up from 800 ~30 hours ago
Question remains: What side will those large mining pools and asic farmers that are still mining BTC be on? Are they delaying switching because they are still accumulating BCH or are they for some reason loyal to the BTC chain?
what are you even trying to communicate here
you literally think btc is bitcoin because it retained the name
who cares what is "the true bitcoin"
very few people give a shit about "muh satoshis vision"
Miners are loayal to money
wow. nice. it's habbening.
I bet you can not even formulate a reason to oppose segwit.
See you at the top, boys
the market cap says otherwise. the original white paper has the correct synthesis of code, economics and game theory. The creation of the alt market is because bitcoin stopped scaling as designed in the white paper, all alts are shit when bitcoin returns
Accumulating BCH at 1k until they run out of BTC, then leaving BTC chain to die and then gaining 5x or more wealth as BCH rises to 5k+ yields the most money.
So I guess they're loyal to the flippening. Just not yet, so some of them stay with BTC until they can sell off their BTC.
I guess they'll go with BCH then.
>the original white paper has the correct synthesis of code, economics and game theory.
Not that I've read it, but I'll assume it didn't. Proof of work is a failure and leads to centralization of power that is not inherently invested in the value of the assets on the chain that they process transactions for, even in asic resistant forms. Mining farms and mining pools.
It's satire, your scam isn't gonna end well
>hasn't read the whitepaper
>thinks if he did his opinion would be better than satoshis
proof of work is superior to proof of stake for a currency because it rewards transactions not hoarding. This is important because bitcoins store of value property are dependent on it being used to transact goods and services in the economy which is not possible with a 1mb block because high fees and low confirmations make adoption impossible
you still haven't told me whether you think btc is bitcoin just because it retained the name. You know contentious hard forks were always part of bitcoins design right?
>You know contentious hard forks were always part of bitcoins design right?
I have the benefit of hindsight and being it all in action compared to pre-BTC launch satoshi. There are things happening now that he probably never imagined. His ideas about proof of work has been discredited and this crisis between proponents of BTC and BCH is the last nail in the coffin. Proof of stake doesn't necessarily need to be set up in a way that leads to it being more profitable to just sit on a pile and stake it than to invest it in promising productive things. The imagined threats to money supply circulation are exaggerated.
I don't dispute that 1mb blocks are bad. BCH is better than BTC, but both are centralized oligarchies, and they are so as an implication of being proof of work and the economies involved in profitably providing that proof of work service naturally tending towards centralization due to efficiency gains (asic farms, mining pools and in asic resistant coins, gpu mining farms).
what can miners do today to damage bch that would be in their self interest?
increasing efficiency of miners is a good thing. As there is more adoption there will be ever more mining businesses.
someone could design decentralized altruistic mining farm
Any bitcoin that does not design for miners acting in their own self interest will fail
it's the nature of a blockchain read the whitepaper
wow you sound like a core cuck
wow you sound like jihans bitch
People are easily radicalised by youtube crypto celebs and toxic reddit forums.
Also everyone wants to be right.
>"just make the switch at the right time bro, nothing can go wro-"
>long red candle
>panic sell at -50%
i see you learned nothing from last august
Dude the miners hate BTC, they're only mining it because they can't direct all their hashing power to BCH yet as the price hasn't risen high enough to sustain the hashrate.
Look at bitmain - only accepts BCH for mining equipment purchases.
BTC.com,Viabtc and Bitcoin.com's transaction accelerators for BTC only accept BCH as payment.
The writing is so fucking obviously on the wall, the miners are 100% behind BCH, with the exception of that autistic neckbeard faggot from Slushpool and the retards at Bitfury.
There has been 2 huge miners overmining BCH at a loss for over 3 months now, they intentionally kept the difficulty high to protect the blockchain from malicious attacks and have accumulated over 100k BCH which has not been touched.
This is big fucking money and no fucking joke - buy BCH.
>powerful money hates BTC
it'll be different this time, won't it user
You're so full of shit. I don't know how you live with yourself. Drugs, I suppose.
why don't you provide an argument you shill
of course the miners are behind BCH, it is literally the same as saying the jew is behind the USD. The BTC didn't go a dime over $100 based on the technology and if BCH actually topples it the entire fucking jig is up
>miners want to destroy the thing that makes them money
you're a socialist and your wealth will reflect that
>chinks literally know what they're doing
you're a pajeet and your wealth does reflect that
U right OP, don't give a fuck about the future of decentralized global currencies, just make as much money as you can while it lasts, fuck it.