Why would i want to become a minority in my own country?
Pic related is your average swedish preschool
Why would i want to become a minority in my own country?
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>reverse search image
>everyone of them is a white supremaciest source
k e k
This also doesn't take into account all the secular non-whites.
And nothing of value was lost.
And before i hear the argument of "it's not genocide"
>By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….
>Den eviga dansken
I always love it when leftist Amerimutts say, "y-you should get a brown woman then if you can't you're a pussy".
Completely detached from the context. As if you can just marry an Arab woman in Sweden like you would to a Puerto Rican in the US.
You are a xenophobe
>History AND humanities
Besides i want to see a reason why i should want to become a minority since all i hear is people refusing to accnolige that it's happening.
A muslim woman would never marry a white man unless he converts to Islam. Integration is impossible.
Neither swedes nor arabs are human
Swedes are alright but all the ones I've met drank the multiculturalism kool-aid till they choked. Danes seemed alot less into the idea
Picture of a bunch of happy kids. A lot of them, I suspect, are happier than they've ever been, happier than they could have hoped to be wherever they came from.
People who see something sinister in this are sinister themselves. Happy, safe children in good schools: the most basic and reliable measure of a successful society. Getting anguished by this: the surest and most damning mark of true human trash.
I thought minorities faced no problems?
So? A white man (of a true faith) is quite a prestigious husband, and it's not like Sweden has anything better than Islam. Don't even start about pussy ass faggy lesbo christianity or some Pagan LARPing.
This guy gets it. There's a caviet that rarely gets mentioned however... assimilation. A strong society must be culturally hemogenous. Now, that's not to say everyone has to be white or brown or all have the same religion or what have you. but principal values, whatever those may be, must be universally accepted and observed.
RIP Sweden by the way no liked you
Or you could just cast aside all pretence of a universal purpose. Religions are for people too boring for self determination
Except these trash will make the countries they go to as bad as their homeland. Sweden has a fucking grenade issue going right now
If you want to see whites getting genocided maybe you should look up Yugoslavia.
>just look at the happy kids
>don't they look happy?
>what's the problem guys?
Sweden were the ones who sown the wind so they will now reap the whirlwind
wow that's really deep, you should write a book to collect your aphorisms
What is wrong with being a minority in your own country?
A good start would be the value of communal stewardship of children, indifferent to their origin, status, or parentage. That's something that by all accounts the Nordic countries have down, and it's one of the reasons there is such a draw to them, so here's hoping that the refugee parents live up to that too. If they're treated with decency then I suspect they largely will.
Careful -- that edge is sharp!
Why does Sweden has a cross on the flag again?
They don't seem to care that much
>Sweden were the ones who sown the wind
It was Germany who started this bullshit
What is wrong with humans wanting to escape war zones? No certain group is objectively entitled to any specific regions. Migrations aren't new to history.
If you're white, you get genocided because non-whites are violent and hate whites
I have never experienced this
You're not white
Sweden is a lost cause. Forget about Sweden, however, learn what not to do to your country.
Because the vast majority (90%) are not escpaing war zones but merely seeking welfare.
The people who defend this, I am sure they are trolling, right?
Not him but I'm white as all hell and I get along with the minorities at my community college better than the kids in the 99.8% white town of mine in high school. Less stuck up and more based cuz they know what it's like to have to work for stuff in life and not have mommy and daddy take care of everything.
(((Citation Needed)))
ITT: retards that know nothing about sociology.
Not him but here
>around half of those travelling to Libya do so believing they can find jobs there, but end up fleeing onwards to Europe to escape life-threatening insecurity, instability, difficult economic conditions plus widespread exploitation and abuse.
>refugees and migrants in Libya are predominantly young men (80%), aged 22 on average and travelling alone (72%)
>No certain group is objectively entitled to any specific regions
No one is OBJECTIVELY entitled to anything. Sweden was built by Swedes for Swedes. They have no other homeland, those who immigrate there DO.
If "refugees" fled the war, they actually would stay in Turkey.
>6 out of 10 migrants to Europe come for "economic reasons" (such as high-paying jobs) and are not refugees
>this proves that 90% of refugees are merely seeking welfare
I can't even begin to imagine the mess inside your skull.
Also Libya isn't in Europe, dear.
While we're at it, this basically says that Libya IS a warzone and a shithole with "life-threatening insecurity and instability" and "widespread exploitation and abuse" that would qualify these people as refugees under any sane criteria.
Got something to add, honey?
I'm not that other user, he's exaggerating when he's saying 90% are seeking welfare. But they are a huge economic drain, leech off benefits, don't find jobs and are not fleeing war.
>Libya isn't in Europe, dear
Jesus fucking christ user, literally open the first link and have a glance through it. It's not saying "Libyans are fleeing" it's saying people from the surrounding countries are using Libya as a gateway to get into Europe.