> Find small exploit on bitcoin PoW.
> Make ASIC miners that take advantage of that.
> Patent it so I can sue other people who try to copy me.
> Upgrade to bitcoin would nullify my exploit (Segwit)
> Spam the network with small fee transactions to clog the mempool
> Tell people that we need bigger blocks and not the new upgrade
> Fork the coin so I can keep mining it with my special miners.
> Actually no good programmers so I fuck up the difficulty adjustments but that's ok
> I have to mine 60% of the hashrate but that's ok, people won't know that I am centralizing this coin
> Rent russian social farm for a few days
> Pump up the price from a 0% fee exchange in korea
> Finally get rid of the programmers who want to get rid of my advantage
> Once I have all the power, I can fork the coin to allow miner reward to be bigger
Find small exploit on bitcoin PoW
Other urls found in this thread:
>tell people to fuck their mother if they want to fuck
you know people have to buy a fork for it to be worth something? if jihan did this he would be shooting himself in the foot.
He truly is the evil genious.
I bet those slithering bipedal jews are fucking furious, being that their aesthetic 5'7 hunchback big nosed prime genetics coupled with world renown HIGH IQ couldn't use shady scam tactics to promote KikeWit to fuck over BTC completely...
Sucks to be a jew when there's no centralized and USA goyim slave backed institutions.
Not all forks result in a split
Seeing the hideous face of this gap-toothed chink makes men wanna puke
Frankly, I'm surprised he didn't get shot yet.
chinks > kikes
I for one welcome our new overlords.
I think one where they were going to increase the mining reward for no reason would be contentious don't you?
spaming transactions cost aloot!
>fuck your mother if you want fuck.
I actually deal with chinks on a regular basis
They are absolutely worse than kikes. Chinese are absolute scum. Easily some of the most unscrupulous people I have ever had the displeasure of doing business with.
Their new found wealth has also gone to their heads - they still behave the same as ever because they were all in poverty just a few decades ago, but the new money has given them an arrogance to their rat like behavior.
And I forgot to add this
> Thanks to the 0% exchange fees, easily manipulate the market by buying my own coins
And now for sources:
> About the exploit
> Mempool spamming
0-5 satoshi per byte doesn't cost that much
> "Unknown" miner (mining at a loss of millions of dollars)
Can't find sources about the Russian farm, that one you can ignore if you don't like unsourced shit.
> Most volume coming from korean market
> Let's fire core
> Chinese miners colluding to get rid of the programmers who are in their way
And that's it
if you buy BCH, you are being manipulated.
bitcoin is bitcoin cash
ehhh no you fucknut
bitcoin is bitcoin classic and has since been shutdown
Pay attention to this type of posts:
This is exactly the type of posts you should ignore, because they don't bring anything to the table, except erode your mind and try to put ideas in your head.
Have you seen chancoin threads for example?
- "This is great!"
what? what is great? chancoin? no, it's not great, and there is no reason to post that.
- "bitcoin is bitcoin cash"
what's the reasoning for that, why would a real person come to this thread and say that?
Are we surrounded by bots? by kids? by retards?
>Are we surrounded by bots? by kids? by retards?
yeah that's a sad state of this board lately
and if you say something controversial you just get labled nocoiner or corecuck or whatever
fuck the board was at its prime when we had those nocoiner bantz, then the fucking pajeets came
Friends. Just ride the BCH > BTC flippening, get you gains. Then, sometimes after Ethereum proof of stake is a sure thing, you swap to ethereum, because the next flippening is going to be ETH > BCH.
Remember that the miner politics allowed by the centralization of power with no network stake allow by proof of work will become extremely apparent once BCH and BTC proponents scream at each other in social media and normie media with accusations and smears.
ETH will be the true winner in the end because the cancerous effects of proof of work and especially asic friendly proof of work will become very felt and apparent.
Also, when staking replaces gpu mining in getting transaction fee dividends from ethereum, ether will have increased value. 2018 is also the year where we will see a lot of useful blockchain technologies become the backbone of very useful services that normies interact with in daily life, and it will spur a very positive image of ethereum as not just money, but as a utility. Ethereum and to a certain extent its little sisters like qtum and neo will be discussed and shilled as stores of value that are backed by being a useful utility, namely being the transaction fee used for services that run their blockchains.
this guy fucking gets it
Bitcoin Core shills out in full force spreadinf FUD, lies.
Exploit in PoW is GPU miners, remember 1CPU 1Vote? Core didnt call GPU mining an exploit.
BCH pls
>ethereum isn't tainted as a hack prone pajeet ICO containment zone
so much this.
fuck bitcoin cash is even worse than bitcoin.
There is one thing you forget.
The normies. They only know Bitcoin ( the original ), they won't go search for Bitcoin cash on a random exchange.
Big bang theory Bitcoin episode coming soon.
Big Bang is going to make Bitcoin look ridiculous. We are seeing the start of a media campaign to smear crypto. Funded by you know who.
Well yeah, but that's just the reason why there won't be a "flippening"
thousands of people have already bought bitcoin. The real one, without the BCH attached.
They have been trading it back and forth, buying and selling products.
You can't suddenly tell merchants that their bitcoin is the fake one, and people don't want the fake one either.
And holy shit, this has already happened before, if it had a chance of a flippening it would have been when the fork happened, not months later
The ico shitting street is just the smell of freedom of industriousness and investment, friend.
* The ico shilling street. I meant shilling street.
We don't know yet. The whole episode might be that they have the wallet but not the passphrase to unlock the private keys, worth millions, while they try to crack it open. Or something like that.
Reddest pill in this thread imo.
Dolly Parton?
we already know "some" of the plot
Oh this might actually be good for coin then.
>0-5 satoshi per byte doesn't cost that much
this transactions will never done and will kickout from memory pool if someone realy want make transaction
Which is the point. It's still in the mempool, driving other transaction fees up and clogging the network.
It's funny when ppl say core doesn't want to scale. Like wtf do you think Segwit is? Lmfao. They were trying to get that shit in for like 2 years with all kinds of resistance from the miners. Fuck the miners though, us cryptocurrency users need to get fucking literate on this bitcoin shit. It's the whole reason for the existence of this space. Bow the fuck down to your BTC god and get learned kids.
ASICboost is just a more efficient way of solving a problem, like using ASICs instead of GPUs. Doesn't mean it should be banned. Competitors are free to come up with their own efficiency innovations. Core doesn't like that though because they're socialist central planners.
All of this is just a distraction from the real issue which is scaling Bitcoin and allowing it to actually be USED as P2P digital cash.
Thank you sir, truly doing the Lord's work in fighting chinks and deluded traders
Have you even done some homework? or just been lied to by /r/btc?
2X does NOT fix scaling. It is just a small patch.
It would being what? 12 txs per second?
Bitcoin needs 1000x that to compete as a worldwide payment option.
LN is a solution that offers that, 2X is not a real solution to scaling.
fuck segwit and fuck you and your mom
Hello Jihan, how is it going?
Send me some bitcoins please
If BTC is killed, something else is not going to "flip" into its position. The erosion of confidence will be enormous, and the entire value of decentralized cryptocurrency as an asset class and perceived store of value will be destroyed for decades (if not forever). This is not game where you simply win the crown.
LN is controlled by Blockstream Khazarian cabals. They're trying to centralize Bitcoin and calling it decentralization. They want all transactions to happen off-chain.
I can make a LN node.
You can make a LN node too.
Every fucking person on this planet can take (tiny) profits from leaving a computer on all day
So mining.
normies doesn't want to buy something to find out one day it "flipped" for same shit but on another chain because of some miner mafia coup d'etat
without a lot of cpu/gpu time. No need for a lot of hashrate, just a good connection
>Are we surrounded by bots? by kids? by retards?
what do you deal with them in
Yes, he's a greedy, scammy fuck, just like 99.99% of Veeky Forums
Congrats, you figured it out.
Why would that be contentious with a centralised mining pool?
I already knew this, I'm just trying to warn my slightly retarded Veeky Forums brothers that they are being played.
And I'm not against him being greedy, I just want everyone to know that he's manipulating all this shit.
You have to be fluent in English to post here.
I can checked and confirm this, the chink is a real son of a bitch and if cheating means winning or merely a sliver of appearance he can spin into winning he will find better ways to cheat every fucking time.
Why is like 40% of the volume for BCH coming from bitthumb?
im in some normie facebook groups and they know more than you think. They also know bitcoin cash and some actually buy into the flippening.
or ... are these crypto group people on fb not the normies?
Yeah anyone who thinks jews are worse are fucking dead wrong. At least jews generally care about their own. Chinks only know exploitation, they truly are insectoid.
some normies that track their investment know and it depends what their crypto source shilled to them
On a personal basis though they are some of the best, outside of that they will take genuine pride in fucking you, and each other over. I would compare them more to the pajeet than the jew.
Normies have to just type bitcoin.com and fall into this scam.
>BBT bitcoin episode
>good for crypto
thanks for the laugh
he knows what he is.
know his name, know his shame
will last forever
probably trying to keep BCH listed on other exchanges
no its the normies today some gentleman inquired heavily about cryptos at my job and wanted a full explanation not only of BTC buyt also stock information as well like what the term " futures" meant.
Haha what a noob. So what did you tell him?
what a dick
Wewy, Core shills really are desperate aren't they?
Where's that amazing lightning network that was promised 18 months ago btw? Weird that it still doesn't exist and transfer fees are so high.
i hate this guy so much
chinese are worse than muslims
actually muslims are probably a lot worse, I'd rather get justed than blown up
What you call "Core shills" is just an open community of reasonable and smart people who have been with Bitcoin for a long time and are actively working to build it into a more durable, sensorship resistant, decentralized platform for transmitting value over the Internet.
Now, why would anyone want to destroy Bitcoin, it's kind of obvious. Anyone who prefers to have a centralized point of control and not let go of that power. Bitcoin Cash is the best attempt so far to centralize Bitcoin and effectively neuter it from ever being a threat to the current worldwide power system.
>Muhh Core Cucks
>Muhh the Chinks
This whole debate is stupid. Just own both and use whichever one makes more sense for what you are trying to do.
you know miners are the ones paid the transaction fees right.
What's the origin of this meme?
>Bitcoin CASH will be back at 0.05 in 2 weeks.
He said it on Twitter.
The pajeet just wants to buy more curry (but not a loo)
D.Va pumping is korean's largest
crytocurrency pumping community.
This is telegram room.
Free of charge.
This is no ordinary pumping room.
This is a room of informing all members by signaling
after securing highly classified informations.
i'd rather get blown up then getting justed
bitcoin core is the best attempt so far to centralize bitcoin, you fucking newfag, and the developers admit it themselves
Who develops bitcoin cash?
You're so fucking stupid. They would be having to pay over 5 dollars per transaction to drive the price up.
Jihan didnt invent ASIC boost tho
>Who mines bcash?
State-owned China mining farms
>Does the Chinese state allow for the purchase of bitcoin then?
>Why not?
Because it's too decentralised and thus transfers are very difficult to be traced and the coin cannot be bent to the will of the state.
>Isn't that the point of Bitcoin?
>So why should I buy a bitcoin clone that removes it's reason to exist?
Good question
I now declare this the official anti chinkshilling copypasta.
>Who mines bcash?
State-owned China mining farms
>Does the Chinese state allow for the purchase of bitcoin then?
>Why not?
Because it's too decentralised and thus transfers are very difficult to be traced and the coin cannot be bent to the will of the state.
>Isn't that the point of Bitcoin?
>So why should I buy a bitcoin clone that removes it's reason to exist?
Good question
Reading those sources lead me to a rabbit hole, specially these links:
I don't even know how I ended up there. I'm still reading but this actually makes a little sense, so Segwit2x were the good guys in the history and they lost to censorship? I'm very confused right now.
I have to admit that I definitely fell for the no-2x shills but reading those sources it seems like the main bitcoin media outlets are completely centralized by a few people, I'm just trying to be rational based on that information, not shilling 2x or no-2x.
Specially because reading upon that the only thing that comes to mind is that rising the blocksize to 2MB was a very conservative thing to do but since it failed reaching the majority of the community we're stuck with the same blocksize, and we've been stuck with the same blocksize problem for like years, and the people that proposed a solution were censored to death, like that Mike guy. atm 114465 unconfirmed transaction fees, and stupid high transaction fees, but at the same time because of an exploit and a possible attack? there's so fucking much in this little crypto world, feels like a movie.
I got a new outlook on Bitcoin now tbqh, not selling but I surprisingly didn't knew that r/Bitcoin, Bitcoin.org, Bitcointalk and other main media outlets were completely controlled by a few names, and that they are heavily censored all the time. Really makes me think, feel like a newfag.
Also, kek
>seems like the main bitcoin media outlets are completely centralized by a few people
have you ever heard about poker news websites being own by one company? They usually own control pack 51%+. But they can't speak of it a.k.a company secrets.
So bitcoin media outlets can be centralized and your thoughts are plausible.
>No max coin limit
>Insane chain bloat
>Alts add bloat to chain because no sidechain scaling
>Internet money laundromat
>Bailed out the DAO like wallstreet
>Solidity is babbys first programming language
>All of their promised updates take forever to come out
>Pos Casper is still a concept at the moment
Have fun
This is all lies. You know nothing about bitcoin cash
>Ethereum proof of stake is a sure thing
>the next flippening is going to be ETH > BCH
>the cancerous effects of proof of work
top kek my friend
no, they wouldn't.
They make thousands of cheaper transactions, just look at my other posts with sources.
ETH isn't a currency and you need to read the white paper.