wiew I'm fucking out sorry lads it's going all into kucoin they pay more anyways
Coss is a scam. Get out while you can. This projects has so many lose ends.
1. No in house dev team
2. Everything outsourced
3. They fired their team leader for the outsourced dev team
4. Rune is evading questions.
5. If you ask a good valid question which has not been fixed over for a month. Like small things which can be done in a minute. All he keeps saying I will look into it. Or ill put it on the list.
This project is over 13 months old. Yet after the beta on april 1 there haven't been any changes.
They ran out of money and thats when they started the ico. Quick easy money grab.
People who cant see this you are screwed. Coss will go down to sub 100 satoshi. And you will be crying
Missing the woods for the trees.
Rune Evensen is a known scammer who has been running ponzis for years. This is public info available in one Google search, and it was frequently pointed out on Veeky Forums. Pay attention to the basics before even worrying about anything else.
running from one scam to the next
are you mentally challenged lad?
how is kuckoin a scam
u srs?
bumping, time to dump your coss boys
It's over. Selling all 1,000 of my shitcoss right now
Was going to invest last week, but the platform seems shitty.
Yeah, the UI is garbage and the team is even worse than the interface.
It's just POSW: The Sequel
COSS fud again? how boring is that? WE ARE THE COSS-PLAYERS
Huge dump incoming, it's already started.
GET OUT of Coss if you're invested at all, it's about to nosedive hard.
man i want to accumulate too, but you are trying too hard, also it got such a low marketcap that i think it is fair to let biz know it is a good investment.
I did not get any login mail unlike some reddit fudders and am done accumulating anyway so i am just sayin.
Nice, just activated 2FA.
>Just sold the last of my COSS mere hours ago
Lmao, finally made a good move
No wonder I've had 2 login attempts to my account
This is going to be a good time to accumulate.
Do you guys really think this means shit? same things have happened to other well known exchanges with attempted logins from Russia. Don't let this fud get you. People are trying to get this investment for when the fiat to alt gateway rolls out and people find out they can buy alt coins direct from bank account....
Actual coss member here. No login attempts on my account. This is likely coordinated FUD from kucks. Sad.
exactly, one minute of google searches yields::
Rune commented on Slack, just screening for weak passwords going on. Passwords are hashed on so there is no danger. Use 2FA to be 100% safe.
Oh wow russians are out to get my 10$ worth of coss, mommy help me
Did you notice up at the top where it said "Beta"?
Who are the people behind all the other "faceless" exchanges that people trust their coins in? At least if this shit goes down there will be people seeking out the owners....
thanks for the fud
i just bought some more COSS you retards, 50k more now
Their support doesn't even answer any requests. Why would I invest in that?
Is this why I've been getting emails for the last fucking 2 weeks?
>Please be aware an unsuccessful attempt was made to log into your account.
>The sign-in attempt was from the following IP address:,
>If this is of interest to you, please contact us immediately.
>Stay safe,
>The COSS Team
why didnt i receive a single mail?
man this fud gets more and more comical
sold my coss at 12 cents 10% profit, as usual I don't listen to anyone but myself, its mostly worked out well. Most people on BIZ lose their money so why should I listen to them? As usual I ask people holding coss why do you risk so much on this single coin when you are missing so many moon mission, you could've been on nuls, mod, evx etc. and made over 300%+ gains already. I just don't understand them sometimes.
>hurr I gambled and won
no one cares
gambling, okay I guess with high success rate its gambling, these new icos I quickly look and evaluate them to see if a pump is due, and buy. Works out well. I don't look back. There's many promising icos and other project other than COSS, you guys seem to put your eggs in one basket, and I'll tell you now you're going to fail if you do this.
Obvious FUD is obvious.
People are just trying to dump the price so they can accumulate cheap tokens one day before COSS pays out the first dividends.
I'm taking advantage of the FUD to pick up some more discount COSS.
Fellow holders - making sure you have your COSS in the exchange, or you have set up your wallet correctly, before tomorrow.
I am interested to see the impact of them adding USD to any alt coins as pairs to trade. Does anyone offer USD to more than 10x alt coins?
Coss will be doing its Sixth dividend payout tomorrow