Buy in now or stay poor. You have been warned!

I'm in this coin and believe in it but this has gotta be the worst shill in the history of shills

My exact thoughts

ok? kfc partnership we with the niggers now?

Not gonna be able to buy a lambo with gains from this coin. Maybe a skateboard and some stickers though.

lemme check if it's below $4 yet
Oh it's not. and we still have atleast a year to go before plasma. Hmmm.. noo thnx.

( I like omg but it's overpriced at this exact moment )

I'm also in this coin and the only shitcoin that has performed worse is that faggot LTC. So fucking sad I rebought into this coin after b2x was cancelled.

>stay poor

I am holding REQ

You can keep your hype coin heavy bags ty

This. REQ will be 50$ a pop in the future

Shill me on REQ or fuck off.