Can someone rationally, without bias, explain to me the basis of the arguments behind Holocaust deniers? This is not bait, but I never really understood it and most of them being inarticulate meckbeards doesn't help that much either.
Can someone rationally, without bias, explain to me the basis of the arguments behind Holocaust deniers...
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We just had this thread.
>inarticulate neckbeards
>this is not bait
Fuck off.
Idk well I'm sorry
They think that if the Holocaust didn't happen, being a Nazi will get a free pass.
Unfortunately, there were plenty of non-Holocaust incidents of Nazis behaving fucking horribly. Even if the Holocaust was a hoax, it wouldn't prove shit.
>t-this doesn't fit my narrative, it must all be bullshit!
It's when you become a bitch to your ideology (and probably don't even realize it). Consider tankies when they do the same thing, or contemporary progressives when they repeat the same old nonsense about how Western societies are all oppressive racist horrible places despite the mountains of evidence otherwise.
Basically everyone who hates jews or israel denies the holocaust.
I don't because hitler was based for fucking the jews up.
>inb4 he caused the creation of israel
Its not like the jews were lobbying the ottoman empire in order to create israel.
>inaccurate numbers
>fact that putting people into camps was standard (google Andersonville, Boer camps pictures look the same), and often time these camps weren't great, there was a massive famine in the Ukraine at the same time the Holocaust was happening
>Germany was losing the war and nearly bankrupt, feeding enemies of the state wasn't a priority.
>people finding it suspicious that after the war it became illegal to question the holocaust, ending any scholarly research into it, and creating a confirmation bias
If America was losing the war, its people starving do you think the Japanese in their internment camps would be as obese as the average American today?
basically OP, its the fact that over the course of the last centurey, things have come out where the soviets would kill something like 20K poles, blame it on the nazis, and get away with it, until the records spilled in the collapse in '91. There are stories of holocaust survivors completly fabricating death machines, and the fact that Zyklon B, the supposed gas, is really a pesticide. Also, the shear numbers of 10 million dead is almost impossibley to try and work out. im just gonna list some of the things they think:
>Zyklon B - Pesticide, not gas
>The Camps where more like POW camps, with pools and the likes
> Made up killing techniques
> Deaths in Camps is allies fault for bombing supply lines
> Capturing jews, using precious gasoline to ship them across Europe, then killing them.
>Jews emurged as heads of fortune 500 companies before and AFTER the war, running banks, news agencies, etc.
>the whole western world sucks Isreals dick and has never disagreed with them, even after they commit war crimes and kill civs. constantly.
>feeding enemies of the state wasn't a priority.
Literally a war crime in itself.
>illegal to question the holocaust
It isn't.
I'm gonna say it'll take roughly 3 hours for this thread to hit the bump limit
>Can someone rationally, without bias, explain to me the basis of the arguments behind Holocaust deniers
It goes something like
>I want to rehabilitate National Socialism for some reason or another
>But most people look down on my ideology
>In large part, because of that whole "mass murder of millions of people" thing.
>Therefore, if I can convince that said mass murder is a lie or a distortion, I can simultaneously rehabilitate my ideology and cast rocks at the dominant political ideologies of today.
You are aware that pesticides come in gas form and the dosage of Zyclon B required to kill licence is significantly more than that required to kill humans. In other words it's impossible to deployment humans with it as they'll die before the lice.
It was a cyanide based pesticide you fucking stormnigger, it kills humans just as well as it kills lice
>> Deaths in Camps is allies fault for bombing supply lines
I love seeing this claim. It's just asserted, never actually demonstrated. Maybe you'll be the first. Can you show me some camps and their internal documentation about what groceries weren't delivered and when due to Allied interdiction bombing?
>supply crisis
>choice between feeding citizens or enemy
>f-fuck, don't want to make the UN mad...
>literally spitting out the same bullshit claims that already got debunked
Please show a supply crisis. What supply crisis was going on in 1940, when you have pic related?
Why do you think that giving Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto food was an offense punishable by death?
>Capturing jews, using precious gasoline to ship them across Europe, then killing them.
The Germans spent the entire war pissing resources away. The Holocaust is no exception.
>Deaths in camps is allies fault for bombing supply lines
Funny how these shortages only affected certain camps, all of which held certain categories of prisoners. Even in camps that held multiple types of prisoners, those in those specific categories still suffered significantly more, despite being connected to exactly the same supply chain as the rest of the camp.
It's a psychological thing. Basically it boils down to neo-nazis looking at the old-school Nazis and going,
>Hitler wuz a good boi, he dindu nuffin
They really want ot think the Nazis were good people. However, they also really hate Jews, yet somehow still see them as people and see that their extermination is a bad thing. If they truly hated Jews they would think the Holocaust was glorious and act like it' was the greatest moment in history. To them The holocaust would be a powerful Aryan society finally seeing who they're actually supposed to be fighting and exterminating them without mercy. It's kind of proof that the neo-nazis aren't complete sociopaths that they think this way.
I wasn't defending Germany, it was a hypothetical situation mocking the concept of war crimes.
>agrees to treat prisoners a certain way
>stops as soon as doing so becomes inconvenient
The heroic, moral, upright defenders of Europa everyone.
It ranges from not wanting it to be true and ignoring facts to historical curiosity about its size and scope. Unfortunately due to the political people who are curious about it get lumped in with the crazies.
The mainstream narrative, which is that 6 million Jews were gassed with Zyklon b and cremated is a cartoonish oversimplification of what happened to Jews during WWII.
*due to the political nature of the topic
>The mainstream narrative, which is that 6 million Jews were gassed with Zyklon b and cremated
That is not the mianstream narrative at all, and insistence on shit like this is why the people professing "historical curiosity about its size and scope", are in fact, 9 times out of 10 actual crazies, since they always seem to be able to spout stormtard strawman points instead of the actual mainstream narrative
>The mainstream narrative, which is that 6 million Jews were gassed with Zyklon b
Who the fuck ever said that? Please tell me, i'm interested
>some of the things they think
Holy shit, you reactionary retards, OP asks the logic behind holocaust denial and when someone gives a more intelligent answer than posting brainlet Wojak, you get triggered.
The holocaust happened, anyone that says otherwise is stupid and racist, we don't debate facts.
i'm too lazy to edit this but you're the fat SJW
Some are just contrarians
Some buy into propaganda
Some wonder why it’s okay to jail people for denying it and see that as reason alone to deny
>inb4 nobody goes to jail, an 87 year old gramma was locked up for calling aushwitz a labor camp in 2016
Overall the reasons are too numerous to pinpoint because humans are complex creatures
>another leftypol false flag thread
>an 87 year old gramma was locked up for calling aushwitz a labor camp in 2016
The fucking previously deleted thread already showcased that she was openly saying it never happened.
>The pair founded a now-banned education centre and she has written for a right-wing magazine where she has argued that the Holocaust never happened.
Still proves the point that people get jailed for it des~
There really is no rational behind holocaust denial. Most that perpetuate it do it because the atrocities the nazi's committed makes their ideology look illegitimate. If they can convince people that the holocaust never happened or mitigate the damage that was done then it gives them more ground to push their horseshit back into the public sphere. It's all purely ideological.
>okay to jail people for denying it
m8 what the fuck are you doing?
no graves no holocaust
True, my mistake, I assumed you meant jailed for questioning it.
Misunderstood the user originally
The argument that keeps getting posted here and elsewhere, including in the last thread, is that simply QUESTIONING it lands you in jail.
Questioning it or denying it or practically semantics, user. And anyone "questioning" the official narrative is going to be ostracized regardless.
Most people don't actually deny, they just question the 6 gorillions, if you just have the nerve to say it wasn't 6 million it was 5.999.999 you are a nazi holocaust™ denier
Why do deniers conveniently forget every piece of evidence from the past hundred threads, and then ask for the same evidence every single time?
>inb4 but it's not evidence xdddddd
Because a lot of deniers are so far gone that they literally think that evidence and basing your conclusions on such is a Jewish lie.
This. Frankly the way they handled Poland and the other occupied territories is a very good reason not to be Nazi even if you're an antisemitic white nationalsit.
show me a picture of a functioning nazi gas chamber
The 6 million Jews figure is the ''rounded'' number, more easily used than writing a six figure number every time, no normal person is going to look at you funny if you you say 5.93 mil died
>muh swimming pool
im sorry it doesn't fit your horror story narrative
There are no more functional Nazi gas chambers dipshit.
How does it fit your narrative that the allies built gas chambers etc for the tourists but they apparently left "swimming pools" behind?
>two words with completely different meanings
Questioning: asking questions about a thing
Denying: saying a thing did not happen
Simple enough for you?
Show me a picture of Jewish Polish NKVD officers murdering ethnic Germans in Danzig.
Questioning ranges anywhere from "Jews weren't made into lamps" to "concentration camps weren't death camps". The later is practically denial. Quit being dense. It's the same shit.
>That is not the mianstream narrative at all, and insistence on shit like this is why the people professing "historical curiosity about its size and scope", are in fact, 9 times out of 10 actual crazies, since they always seem to be able to spout stormtard strawman points instead of the actual mainstream narrative
Ask any normal person what the holocaust was and that's exactly what they'll relay back
>Who the fuck ever said that? Please tell me, i'm interested
School teachers, its also what you will hear from any normie
Neither of those are questions user...
But concentration camps weren't death/extermination camps, but had high mortality rates regardless, same with transit camps
Oh, so you're just a retard who doesn't understand the context of words. GG
Maybe in America, in my country we were taught that not all were gassed and that the eastern front had more holocaust victims, including slavs/minorities and not just the Jews
So what you're saying is that retarded american schooling and pop culture is responsible for holocaust denial.
I can understand actually, it must be extremely frustrating trying to correct these people and then being shouted down that you're a nazi if you deny that 6 millions died in the gas chambers.
No it isn't. I certainly wasn't taught that at school. Hell, while I think that citing to wiki is a terrible idea in the normal course of events, but wikipedia reflects popular understandings like nothing else. Funnily enough, you won't see SIX MILLION GASSED AND CREMATED AT AUSCHWITZ. In fact, the only time I see it is out of stormfags.
As an American, who went to public schools, and consumed large parts of pop culture, somehow I managed to come away with the conclusion that the Holocaust was 6 million Jews and about 5 million others, spread out over most of Europe, with gassing only being one of the methods used to kill people.
Ah yes, the concept of ''critical thinking'' and ''researching shit outside of school'' very advanced indeed
(I'm not making fun of you, I'm laughing at the other retards incapable of this)
No, I'm not even talking about that. My school's lectures about the Holocaust mentioned the ghettos and the starvation rations even before their liquidation. They mentioned the Einsatzgruppen killings, and other acts of just lining people up and shooting them. They talked about the slave labor programs. Maybe I went to an exceptional school, but given the high levels of drug use and sales of such, I somehow doubt that.
Is English not your first language? "Were Jews made in to lamps?" or "were concentration camps also death camps?" are questions. What you posted are statements.
>It isn't.
gerund or present participle: questioning
ask questions of (someone), especially in an official context.
"four men were being questioned about the killings"
synonyms: interrogate, cross-examine, cross-question, quiz, catechize; More
feel or express doubt about; raise objections to.
"members had questioned the cost of the scheme"
synonyms: query, call into question, challenge, dispute, cast aspersions on, doubt, suspect, have suspicions about, have reservations about
"she questioned his motives"
You will note that none of those are anything like "claim did not happen".
>Oy vey, six gorillion of us chosen people were brutally slaughtered and made into lampshades by the Nazis! Give us reparations now you evil Aryan!
>Wow, six million? You must have a lot of proof. Can I see it?
>Uh, oy, look at that! All of the death camps got conveniently blown up by the Nazis just before they were found! And all the bodies were burnt too! What a terrible but purely coincidental tragedy!
>Don't worry, I'm sure you have autopsy or forensic reports proving what you said
>Uuuuh, that's, uh, we don't need any of that to prove it happened, we have testimonies to back it up!
>Only witness reports? Alright, let's hear them.
>Oy gevalt! The Nazis brutally butchered us with giant electric pools, cages staffed with bears and eagles, giant showers that pumped gas from the showerheads, and inhuman masturbation machines! They slaughtered eleven million of us and turned us into lampshades and soap bars!
>...That doesn't seem quite right.
>Well, I'm sure some of those testimonies must be true. Look, they were featured in an academic book!
>"Proof all Aryans are Monsters: How Fifteen million Jews were sent to their Deaths"? By David Rothbard Goldbaumstein?
As a person who hates jews i dont have any problem saying it happened or how it is a despicable thing
>this is what stormtards really thinks
Oh nonono ahahah
.t Schlomo Shekelburgerstein von Kikenkutkock.
>it's a "stormniggers ignore the hundreds of eye witness statements that all roughly match each other, including statements from Nazi guards and Allied soldiers, in favour of the half dozen outlandish claims only they pay any attention to" episode
Please provide one (1) autopsy report proving any soldiers actually died in the so called "First World War".
No one has even said that no Jews died. What holocaust "deniers" believe is that the number is significantly lower the 6 million and their is quite a bit of evidence to back this up. I am personally agnostic on the number but remember 6 million is not a agreed upon number, (((historian))) openly said that they don't know the number up until the 70s-80s (even though no new evidence came out).
>If enough people agree it happened, it happened!
Calm down O'Brien
Does anyone else wish they completed the Holocaust? Also I agree that deniers are the worst.
You're absolutely right. No one is going to get arrested for asking what is the holocaust? I don't think stormfront will ever recover from this epic clapback.
Is this your first day studying history or something?
Why is not knowing the total number of dead until years later at all surprising? Especially when huge numbers of people had moved around multiple times before being killed and the Cold War actively prevented access to archives and information.
The biggest question is why you guys have this thread every day ever since Veeky Forums was founded.
Do you guys ever talk about anything else besides the same 5 topics over and over again?
>Subhuman Communist Jews starved 10,000,000 White, Aryan Christians to death in one year during the Holodomor
>Niggers with nothing but machetes murder 1,000,000 in 3 months in Rwanda, this is proof of their savage and bestial nature
>It's impossible for the Nazis to kill 6,000,000 in 7 years, it's just too many in that amount of time!!!
This is what stormfaggots actually believe.
People were open about the uncertainty about the number up until the 70s and now despite no new evidence coming out you can be thrown in jail for questioning the number. Even if you believe in the 6,000,000 you have to admit that's quite odd.
>This is what stormfaggots actually believe.
20-30 years after the war ended is presumably enough time to formally declare that anyone who is still missing was probably dead.
Stormfaggots don't believe the Jewish led Soviet union deliberately starved millions of pure, unblemished Aryans in the Ukraine?
just read this and much will become clear
I would say it's because of the browbeating, the guilt that is ultimately destroying Germany and has become ingrained in the culture, the education starting from kindergarten about it, government asskissing, billions in gibs, the ridiculous tall tales spun by some survivors like "the nazis stuck 25 centimeters of wood up my ass!", and the extreme censorship from websites and governments if it's discussed. So you need to take this piss out of this by going after the event certain types of people cling to in times of trouble
because wild exaggerations youre not allowed to criticize for the purpose of achieving political means are generally seen as heinous.
>The mainstream narrative, which is that 6 million Jews were gassed with Zyklon b and cremated
Only stormtards ever say this
>can be thrown in jail for questioning the number.
no you can't
unless you say
I find it strange there was never any mention of "death camps" or anything related to something of that nature in the Nuremberg trials.
Something as incriminating as systematic extermination of certain groups of people would be ignored and unmentioned in a court of international law is ... odd to say the least.
>The Germans spent the entire war pissing resources away.
The Germans didn't have resources to piss away when they were supposedly setting up James Bond esque death traps.
>Funny how these shortages only affected certain camps
Yes, they apparently affected only the camps inspected by the Soviet Union, which are the only camps that produce the ridicolous kill counts. It's almost as if the Soviets blatantly lied as always as the US went along with the lie for anti-fascism's sake.
If the holocaust was a hoax it would prove that their is a international globalist conspiracy to destroy nation states and reduce earth's population to 1billion and unite humanity under one La Creatura government ruled via Committee of 300.
Though I am pretty sure it did happen.