Why didn't they enslave Asians instead?
Why didn't they enslave Asians instead?
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too far away
what I wouldn't give for a THICC asian mommy GF [spoiler] to dress me up like a girl and peg me [/spoiler]
Too weak to push plow.
East Asia is far and they already had functioning states.
Who? Europeans? They tried to but got told to fuck off or destroyed in battle.
learn to spoiler newfag
American/Caribbean slavery was born from laziness. Africans were a lot closer than Asia.
He did it correctly, it's just that spoilers don't work on Veeky Forums
European nations as they were at the time wasn't going to defeat China in a war. They would have to take slaves from like the Philippinnes and other places, and Spain was already using the flips as forced labor in their own islands.
Thinks models are representative of your average Asian
1) They weren't selling.
2) Portuniggers tried, they got wrecked for it in China and were driven out of Japan.
>and were driven out of Japan.
Yeah but that was more over trying to spread Christianity than slavery
Well no, they'd be terrible laborers if they were. They certainly represented the concubines though.
>They would have to take slaves from like the Philippinnes and other places, and Spain was already using the flips as forced labor in their own islands.
Corvee =/= Slavery.
The situation in the Philippines was different than in Latin America. Spics didn't dare make slaves of the local Filipinos since there's way too few SPaniards to enforce such a thing and in addition Spanish Rule in the Philippines was a mutual benefit regime in which Spain gets to rule the place but the erstwhile chieftains and kings of the tribes there get to be colonial nobility and retain pretty much all of the privileges and ranks they had before colonialism, for the price of calling a distant monarch "king" and converting. Slavery of their subjects would've seriously undermine Spanish regime in the islands.
Hell, there were slaves in the Philippines alright, but they're Latin American Blacks, and were totally useless considering there's enough labor among the local peasantry.
I said forced labor and not slaves for a reason
Imagine, a timeline where instead of blacks, 13% of the population is qt haafus.
That's basically central Asia.
But that was done through genocide of the native populace
For the same reason people don't breed dogs instead of cattle.
Every race has their own strengths and weaknesses. The strength of the Black is that he can pick cotton all day under the hot Southern sun without burning to death or dying from exhaustion. They were simply a better investment.
Who's asking? Who is ((they))?
Asians are good for concubines, Blacks for labor, Whites for slave soldiers or concubines and natives were too few to make use of them due to disease epidemics.
If the cash crop in the was rice then you'd be damn sure we would've had asian slaves
in the US*
>growing rice in the Americas instead of south and east asia
The South used to grow a lot of rice.
The prices for good quality rice nigras who understood how to dig rice paddies and everything were something like 60 grand a head in modern USD.
I'm remembering the thread about African slaves in Portugal who had their own Japanese slaves.
Too bad American rice today is full of Mercury. Fucking industrial revolution.
The Portuguese enslavement of Japanese was one of these reasons they cracked down so hard on Christianity
by rice niggers do you mean niggers who knew how to grow rice or actual asians
Spain and Portugal did. A few Japanese slaves were sent to Mexico.
The slave trade was on reason why Tokugawa ended up exiling westerners and banning Christianity.
Also, Asia wasn't as weak as Africa, taking a bunch of Asian slaves was going to piss off any of the states in the area. Where as most of Africa was tribal at best, they had a rich history of selling slaves to foreign powers. It was the Europeans who had to force the Africans to stop the slave trade.
Also by the time the slave trade was at its peak most of Asia was closed off from the West. China, Vietnam, Korea, and Japan shut their doors. Remember the life of a slave was pretty short, especially in Brazil you needed a constant supply.
Actual asians
Yeah the Portuguese owned Japanese slaves, and even bred them with African ones.
>Japanese slave women were even sold as concubines to black African crewmembers, along with their European counterparts serving on Portuguese ships trading in Japan, mentioned by Luis Cerqueira, a Portuguese Jesuit, in a 1598 document
What a time to be alive
>After the Portuguese first made contact with Japan in 1543, a large scale slave trade developed in which Portuguese purchased Japanese as slaves in Japan and sold them to various locations overseas, including Portugal itself, throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.[6][7] Many documents mention the large slave trade along with protests against the enslavement of Japanese. Japanese slaves are believed to be the first of their nation to end up in Europe, and the Portuguese purchased large numbers of Japanese slave girls to bring to Portugal for sexual purposes, as noted by the Church in 1555. King Sebastian feared that it was having a negative effect on Catholic proselytization since the slave trade in Japanese was growing to massive proportions, so he commanded that it be banned in 1571
>Japanese slaves were brought by the Portuguese to Macau, where some of them not only ended up being enslaved to Portuguese, but as slaves to other slaves, with the Portuguese owning Malay and African slaves, who in turn owned Japanese slaves of their own
Will evil Africans ever pay reparations to Nippon?
>-United Kingdom
>Chinks are so embarrassed of their k/d ratio that they don't even record it
Wtf is this?
It's an alien you fucking moron
Michael Jackson's autopsy
This was hundreds of years later when technology made up for the lack of manpower. I thought we were talking about the 1500s-1600s here
What gave you that impression?
They feared the Chinese/Japanese overlords
The arabs tried during Tang dynasty. Their entire slave trading population(~couple dozen thousands in a city) got decimated by Han warriors of justice. The europeans tried a little with Japan but Japan said fuck you to trades. Europe had no way to take slaves from China at the time of slave trade peaks. When China did crumble, slavery was a dead subject.
Both China and Japan capitulated to European Imperialism signing unbalanced treaties
Who is "they"?
>They certainly represented the concubines though.
Not really. Concubines didn't have plastic surgery or airbrushing to make them look good
That was implied.
too high iq
Because slavery was a lot more popular then than in the 19th century
Everyone says that but I've been to mainland china and the rural folks are dumb as shit
I feel a need
tfw you will never be a sailor like your grandfather´s grandfathers
In my case just my grandfather, he was a sonar operator for a sub in Korea.
>qing """"""""""china """"""""""
Why the condom then?
So I could break through it with the sheer force of my ejaculation
Asians weren't for sale.
That's rural folks everywhere user
Nice save.
based portugal
Best masters, amirite?
China was too advanced to be a slave race.
Ellos siempre estuvieron al mismo nivel que el Imperio mongol, Imperio árabe (etc).
South or north?
I theorize that a lot of people with drive can more naturally obtain a high IQ, and are also more likely to travel to another country (legally) to work.
A lot of them must be 'Rootless cosmopolitans'.
Neither, US Navy.
My point is that people always talk about asians having high IQ, but have these people fucking met the non-city Chinese? There's a reason they thought Mao's ideas were good.
rural v rural
city v city
town v town
IQ wise, East Asian sphere is too high compered to whites. East Asians are to Whites what Whites are to Blacks. In terms of IQ.
>too high
Why frame it like it's a negative?
Put simply, having a high IQ does not meant you can't be a gullible, stupid person.