Why did he wear the mask?
Baldwin IV of Jerusalem
If he took it off he would die
Because he had leprosy. He was probably grossly deformed.
He was a big guy
we are anonymous we are legion
This guy was pretty fucking cool. Crowned as a king at 13 AND later alongside Templar Knights fought Muslims.
for them
He was a fan of Friday the 13th.
that doesn't even make sense, stop butchering this fucking meme
Congratulations you've been anointed king, now what's the next step of your master plan?
>tfw it was Edward Norton
>tfw Jaime Lannister is the uncle's son at the start
>tfw ser Jorrah is King Richard the Lionheart
>tfw Saladin is based
>tfw the Knight Hospitaler is based
Doran is also Imad ad-Din, and the apprentice is the guy who Ned beheads (Will, I think).
If only they had cast someone other than Orlando Bloom this movie (director's cut) would be 10/10.
Baldwin did in fact have Leprosy, but there is no historical record of him actually ever wearing a mask. Hollywoodized history.
I don't think it was Orlando Bloom. I mean he didn't help but I think it was the character itself rather than the actor.
moses also wears a mask after meeting god
for you*
>meme police
Craster is also the Uncle.
no one cared who he was untill he put on the mask
Shit I knew there was one more I missed.
He didn't wear a fucking mask you dumb cocksucker. Nowhere in any medieval chronicle is there a mentioning of any mask.
This movie sucked, this meme was never good, go kill yourselves for wanting so desperately to be in the "in-crowd."
Defeating Saladin's army... with no survivors.
Could you maybe use your brain and instead interpret OP's post as a question to why Hollywood gave him a mask yet simultaneously wording the question to look like a meme?
ummm sweetie...he would suffer social death when people realized how deformed their god-given ruler was
Well you know what nigga, the man shouldve he probb looked like a fresh mummy by the time he died
if the Saracens removed it,would he die?
Plot device: leaving something out in the open that is very well represented but hidden at the same time. Make them eager to find out what's actually under there but don't make it the whole theme. Kind of like chistmas. We all long to open our presents but enjoy the festivities as well. The use of the mask gave Baldwin a sort of natural neutral fell. As viewers often pic up bad from good by facial expressions or characteristics. Baldwin was represented as a lawful neutral sided character. He followed his faith but recognized the importance of peace and sided with mostly non violent acts against Saladin that might have provoked an early war.
All that plus
>casting a guy who had recently played a psychotic cultest leader, a neo nazi, a chinless villain and a bleach haired pretty boy... lol nah give him a mask and change is voice a bit.
To hide his ugly French face
he didnt
What is jerusalem worth?
The Hospitallier is Jeremy Irons
about tree fiddy
Why are Anglos so schizophrenic when it comes to the French?
They hate them, but at the same time they can't help but admire their medieval characters (William I, Richard Lionheart, Baldwin of Jerusalem, the Templars, Henry V...etc) and try to claim them as theirs
>being a hothead
Even their motto is French.