Something pops when flexing abs

It's been a while since I have this but these time it became annoying and it's happening way more often that before.
Whenever I flex my abs and especially when I'm laying in bed, something pop right under my ribcage or somewhere in this area. I have no idea what it is.
Doesn't cause any pain but it's pretty annoying and I'm scared it might evolve into something else.
Anyone experienced this before?


I had that too and went to a doctor, he said it's probably nothing.
I kept on exercising and after some time it vanished.

See a doctor if you're unsure, it costs nothing but your time and you can be sure afterwards.


Did a certain kind of exercices made it vanish?
You mean normal in the sense that everyone experience this?

Have this to. Feels a little uncomfortable when It pops. Been pretty much like that for a year now.

But what is it tough? That's what I want to know so I can search for some cure or massage or naything that'll make it disappear.

I get the same feeling in my front delt, sort of a twanging whenever I OHP anything above 120

its superaids

I still have this and I always suspected to was hernia starting or something. I still have no idea but it has not gotten worse and nothing has popped out so I guess it's normal.

How do I unlock a core like that? That's my goal

Is it basically bodyweight dyel stuff or can I do it with squats and whatnot?

i'm a certified webmd doc, sounds like dick cancer

rip in piss

it would probably be easier to do with body weight stuff. You'd have to do vacuums or some shit to keep your abs from distending even a little if you were doing heavy squats or related stuff.

Happens the exactly the same to me, but never got too worried to be honest.
I just thought i was born with a weird rib cage desu...

Makes sense, thanks bro
I'll start working on improving my plank time

the static hold you're looking for is called "hollow hold". Also I'd recommend an ab wheel because they cheap and if used correctly will do more for evening your abs. But if they're already out of balance in respect of top to bottom
for upper abs: crunch
for lower abs: hollow hold with legs just hovering off the ground
I would still use an ab wheel because it just feels better on the back.

I have always have that. Probably something about inner abdominal insertions.

by doing every single sit up known to man and different leg raises every training session

It might be your floating rib. Mine pops sometimes because my left ribs are a little shorter than the right and as I flex it shifts everything around

similar situation. Went to see a doc about some haywire blood vessels, mentioned that it feels like the corner of my rib is sliding over/under something sometimes, and he said it's probably just that part of my ribs not being completely hardened and moving around a little bit while it's still flexible.

I think it's just that I have a sort of leaning on one side sitting posture and so the muscles have developed weirdly on that side.

Same thing also. Doctor also said it was nothing.