Make it out of dyel mode

>make it out of dyel mode
>gains stop coming
>120lb OHP
>170lb Bench
>220lb Squat
>220lb SLDL
>185lb Front squat
>6'2 175lbs

What's a good intermediate routine? My lifts have stalled considerably.


You're not eating enough papa

Eat more.

Also what is your definition of "gains stopping". Gains are not linear. You will slow down. How long have you been lifting for? How long since you last saw gains?

If you are genuinely stuck, then eat more or maybe try eating smarter (more protein less junk) and increase frequency if you can't increase weight.

Dudes.. I was eating enough, and getting around .83 to 1g of protein per pound of body weight I went from 171-183 in 4 Months. I saw about a 10 pound increase over my upper body lifts over 4 months and about 15-20 to my lower body lifts.

I also really got my form down and controlled it better, overcoming some issues on all my big lifts. I stopped taking pre workout and creatine(felt weaker after taking it, lost maybe 5-10 pounds of strength on everything.) apparently I gained 4 or 5 pounds of muscle in that time frame. I do see a small difference but as a late beginner/ early intermediate I was expecting more.

If anything I saw huge back gains, about 20 pound increase on my pendlay row and my pull ups got way stronger.

Could that be why also?

when should i expect my strength gains stall fit?
approaching 10 months lifting and added 20kg to my squat and deadlift over the last 6 weeks. currently bulking and im not stopping until i get diminishing returns.

You are not out of dyel mode. I am 5'8" manlet weighing in at 145 lbs and outperform you on ever lift, and I am still dyel

go away theadlet, this is mine


listen here kiddo. my reach is 6'3. lifting heavy isnt hard when youre a manlet

I'm also in my mid thirties so I should have shittier recovery than you.

pls i just want to know when the endorphins of a pr will stop distracting me from my feelings of disgust in my physique

>170lb Bench
>6'2 175lbs
>make it out of dyel mode

old man strength

also how the fuck are you 145 pounds in your mid thirties? i would beat the living fuck out of you IRL

Asian, man.

You might be able to, but I'm pretty scrappy.

sorry i was just kidding btw that was kind of mean im not a fighter.

It's okay. I had faith in the humanity deep down in your heart, so I did not take your comment personally.

>220lb squat
you really suck

Thank you senpai. Anzuru yori umu ga yasushi.

I'm 6'5, started lifting at 165lbs and was 215 within 5 months with a body weight bench for reps. What the fuck are you doing?

rattle rattle

You are welcome, and that is an odd thing to say about your mother

idk man. i think im just naturally weak or something. srsly.... im eating a lot. my program is decent, i started at 75lbs if that makes a difference

I think there is a lot of miscommunication going on here. Are you drunk, op?


i think im starting to realize that i have shit genetics for strength/muscle

>10 pounds per month
So you gained 10 pounds of muscle and 40 pounds of fat in 5 months?

You're not out of dyel mode with those stats, sorry.

yeah you do

your training and diet was probably shit too but you clearly aren't a gifted lifter

> 170lbs bench

> out of dyel mode

Deload last set try punch out as many reps as you can and build back up, also eat more

>I'd beat the fuck out of you irl, m'lady
>*tips fedora*

Stop doing strength program you retard, if you are disgusted by your physique then do something about it.

I know Veeky Forums likes to make anything seem inadequate but this guy is completely right, if you don't bench 85kg for reps, preferrably 90kg you're still dyel in terms of bench

>beginning stats: 134lbs, 5'10, 20yo, couldn't lift the bar skelly
>SS 6 months
>GG1's push/pull 5 months
>current stats: 162lbs, bench 145lbs, squat 175lbs, ohp 95lbs, deadlift 265lbs
Is this pathetic? Why gains so slow? I track my diet and sleep religiously and they're both excellent. Am I just naturally very low test?