Nocaf general

sup nocaf

today its been a month of no coffe or tea

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I've been going for ~19 years.

When are we starting the no-fun meme?
Go a month without having fun or enjoying anything. This will test boost through boredom and increased sleep


what is fun?

A good rule of thumb is if its fun, it is probably bad for you

>no tea
but why

I think just broaden this to "if you enjoy it, it's probably bad for you".


Fuck you, I enjoyed reading your post.

3 months on no coffee
i drink green tea 1-3 times a day to relax

You dun goofed boy-o

I went without cafffeine from 15yo to 36yo (last year). all it did was improve my sleep. not having the caffeine to fix my social anxiety completely destroyed my relationships. I became a lonely, isolated, angry person without coffee. so now I take it early with l-theanine.

I've switched coffee for tea (English breakfast in the morning, green the rest of the day) but I couldn't giving up caffeine completely just made me uber lethargic when ever I missed any sleep.

More like, what adults think is fun after being brainwashed for years to become boring when sober. Remember when we were kids having fun all day yet we didn't need coffee, alcohol, drugs or some other vice to fall into.

That's fucking retarded.

Am I the only one who could take or leave tea or coffee? Like I don't even notice it's effects.

Seriously wtf, is this a thing for people?

>"I'm a monster without out my cup of oolong tea, darling."


For me, it's more that I just enjoy drinking it so much because of the flavour, which is why it is so hard to quit.

I might try this sometime. I've been a regular coffee drinker for the last 10 years. I think I would be fine without it. It's just a habit.

Fuck you made me relapse.